(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The powers that be have long manipulated our primary needs and desires for the purposes of controlling the population. Love, pair-bonding, and romance are arguably one of the most manipulated aspects of modern-day culture. Neo-feminism is one part of a greater effort to destroy the human family. The following article is an opinion piece about the effects of this social engineering from a male point of view.
Related All Young Women and Men Should Read This: The Casual Sex Funnel
As always, discernment is required.
– Justin
by Mike Walsh, July 26th, 2019
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A natural woman speaks from her heart: “I do find it sad that not more women are encouraged to embrace marriage and family. I have many single women friends, now in their mid and late 30s, who now feel the clock ticking but have resigned themselves to being alone for the rest of their lives.”
Soon afterwards, I chanced upon Rod Dreher’s online article in which he discusses a column by Anna Hitchings, an Australian writer lamenting the lack of available men who were “churchgoing, single and worldly wise,” with that last term meaning socially adjusted.
Anna Hitchings writes that men “seemingly do not understand what it is to be a man anymore.” She then applauds figures like Jordan Peterson, who “actively promote qualities that are sorely lacking in our society, such as personal responsibility, honesty, and integrity.”
In his column, he goes on to say, “It’s no wonder why women complain the men aren’t asking them out, we men are not interested in having to argue our worth and leadership in a relationship”.
Few today would deny that male-female relationships among young adults are fraught with suspicion, discord, false hopes, and shattered expectations. I know a dozen women like Anna Hitchings who echo her sentiments, namely, that they and their friends have trouble finding men who are honest, responsible, and know how to engage socially. But as Steve points out, men also face challenges in finding the right woman.
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Since the 1960s, our society has undergone a sea change regarding marriage and family. Schools find time for sex education but not for teaching the values of partnership, commitment, and obligation. Nor does our culture endeavour to restore marriage and family, institutions once considered the building blocks of a healthy society. Today our technology, the sexual revolution, and in some quarters, the hostility toward men and marriage, have severely damaged the prospects of family life.
Let’s look at just one of these changes. The women’s movement of the 1960s and 1970s stressed equality of opportunity in education and the workplace. Young women were encouraged to go to college, win a degree, take their place in the workplace, and break the glass ceiling; all well and good.
Unfortunately, this quest for equality has taken a different turn. Our popular culture, movies, television, children’s books, institutionally humiliates men while elevating women, an indoctrination began in pre-school. One small example: pick up almost any of the Berenstain Bear books, aimed at kids three to seven years of age, and you’ll find Mama Bear portrayed as flawless and wise, Papa Bear as a half-witted layabout.
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This anti-male propaganda occurs in movies, theatre productions in television shows where Dad is a guy too dumb to change a light bulb, in the media, in textbooks attacking the patriarchy, and in classrooms from kindergarten through graduate school. More recently, some teachers and commentators go so far as to preach toxic masculinity, as if manhood was a piece of poisonous waste. We are raising our girls to be aggressive and independent; we are raising our boys to be… well, more like girls.
Annie Holmquist looks at what Paglia, a feminist writer and provocateur, thinks of feminism: “Girls who are indoctrinated to see men not as equals but as oppressors and rapists are condemned to remain in a permanently juvenile condition for life. They have surrendered their own personal agency to a poisonous creed that claims to empower women but has ended by infantilizing them.”
By buying into this propaganda, some women now regard females as superior to males. They engage in the tribalism endemic in our time. Like the male chauvinists of yore, they crack jokes in public about the stupidity of men, make sexist comments, or disparage males, all with no push-back. Meanwhile, men risk being accused of harassment simply for complimenting a woman on her appearance. Given such an anti-male culture, what sort of men are women expecting?
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Young adults, male and female, who are searching for love, commitment, and marriage, who want a home and children, deserve our sympathy. They are the unwitting victims of a culture whose values have gone drastically awry. And until we recognize we are on the wrong road, these same young people must expect a bumpy ride.NOTE: Jeff Minick is a free-lance writer and teacher living in Front Royal, Virginia.
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Michael Walsh was awarded ‘Writer of the Year 2011’. With 60 books bearing his name, thousands of new stories and columns, Michael is arguably Britain and Europe’s most prolific author of multi-topic books none of which have been ghost-written.
MICHAEL WALSH is a journalist, broadcaster and the author of RISE OF THE SUN WEEL, EUROPE ARISE, TROTSKY’S WHITE NEGROES, MEGACAUST, DEATH OF A CITY, WITNESS TO HISTORY, THE BUSINESS BOOSTER and THE FIFTH COLUMN VOLUME I and II, FOR THOSE WHO CANNOT SPEAK, IMMORTAL BELOVED, THE ALL LIES INVASION, INSPIRE A NATION Volume I, INSPIRE A NATION Volume II and other book titles. These illustrated best-selling books are essential for the libraries of informed readers.
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
Love is one of the most powerful forces in the universe. It has been said, God is love. We, as the children of love, seek it out in our lives in many different ways. Love is one of the primal emotions, with fear being the other. While the word love has been diluted over the years, life is filled with many different types of love that we would do well to identify. The preceding article discusses this powerful emotion and fundamental spiritual reality. Understanding how your life and motivations are guided by love is critically important for the development of balanced consciousness, capable of meeting the needs of the heart while at the same time, leaving a wake of benevolence. If the human race rediscovered the power of love and fellowship, the world could be transformed in short order. The strongest type of love is spiritual kinship, the love that emerges through the recognition of yourself as a child of the Creator, making all other living things your spiritual brothers and sisters. An individual that seeks spiritual maturity must learn how to balance and harmonizes their love urges. In doing so, they restore order to the chaos of their lives while at the same time preparing themselves for the Great Work of improving this world through fellowship, fraternity, and the goodness of an enlightened spirit-led soul.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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