(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The restoration of the true rule of law, in my opinion, is the single most important aspect of what we as a people are facing. This is not only true for the issues we face today but has also been true for every epoch wherein humanity suffers under tyranny, as I will briefly explain shortly. In what might be the most uplifting aspect of the current events, Tucker Carlson’s show about equal justice under the law (which is the true rule of law) set the record for the largest audience in cable news history. This is a huge and sweeping indication that indeed a Great Awakening is upon us, and finally, we might be able to secure lasting peace and prosperity for our world, which has suffered cycles of encroaching darkness and freedom for all of known human history.
The rule of law might sound like some obscure political slogan or talking point but it isn’t.
In fact, the rule of law is nothing less than the key to abundance, prosperity, and personal liberty—without harming others in the process.
The Creator is the lawgiver. The laws of the universe are upheld by the unchanging will of the divine. This same source of existence also gave us inalienable rights, which the founding fathers of the United States recognized as the foundation of a truly free society. In this sense, rights are the objective, measurable, and real tools that give you and all others the freedom to pursue happiness and the most fulfilling and ideal life possible.
“But we’ve had this idea in the world for centuries, and yet we have suffered and sustained a loss of freedoms, despite these realities!”
Yes, this is true. The problem with a society founded on individual inalienable rights is that individuals have to be “their brother’s keeper.” And when that isn’t the case, tyrants take advantage of an inactive and unaware population, spreading corruption like a plague across the land.
We the people have to take personal responsibility for protecting our own rights, while at the same time, willingly respecting the rights of all others who possess the same inalienable rights. To do this, we need a wise, knowledgable, and caring population that values freedom enough to do the work to maintain it, for the benefit of all.
This dream of a “golden age” society created by the founders of the United States, which is also shared by many other nations, and arguably all sane and rational people, hasn’t become a permanent reality.
If this idea of founding a nation on inalienable rights is so amazing and great, why hasn’t it made our world into a utopia?
The complete answer is a rich and detailed story of the spiritual struggle of humanity.
In short, the answer is that for this truth to have the golden-age making the power it can, it has to be recognized and infused into the spirit of a culture.
Think of it like breathing air. You need to understand that breathing is fundamental to your life, and constantly embody that understanding in your behavior.
Understanding the rule of law, like breathing, has to be so interwoven into a person’s reality, they embody it as much as reasonably possible. And like breathing, once done fully and properly, it becomes an automatic feature of life.
For any nation, the challenge is this:
- How do you maintain a society where most people have no idea what the rule of law is and what their rights are?
- How to personally assert your rights to defend against criminals and deceivers?
- And how do you respect another’s rights when a situation causes you to be tempted to violate another’s rights?
This writing isn’t going to be a point for point presentation of what I think the solution to this age-old problem is.
I’m merely attempting to begin the discussion and raise awareness by citing a very, as I said, inspiring fact. People are very interested in equal justice and the sentiment of restoring the true rule of law.
Because, the divine creator, I would argue, knew that for free will to be truly respected, we as a people need to realize the value of the rule of law by experiencing its absence.
The deep state or forces of darkness, who have long raged against the rule of law via slavery, tyranny, and other forms of corruption, are manifestations of collective nescience and/or ignorance.
So long as we seek peace and prosperity (utopia) without recognizing that we must help make that dream a reality, we will continue to have deceivers come into our midst to sell us on their bogus and false version of a perfect society.
Given what was just outlined, you know you’re dealing with a deceiver because they promise utopia by suggesting we need not participate in making it a reality, only give our power to others to will do the work for us. They might not say it precisely this way, but the overall effect is the same: satisfy yourself with distractions while we “do the work for you.” Ultimately, unless you know how to safeguard your rights or uphold the rule of law, then eventually tyrants will step in to have their way.
This is the problem we have been contending with over the ages. Various forces in politics and societies across the world have placated the people by promising them benefits for the price of signing away their rights and freedoms. What has happened, as is always what happens, tyrants and deceivers have stepped in to steal even more from these blind followers.
But perhaps, we won’t continue to make this mistake again.
Alongside the forces of darkness, the forces of light have been working to teach us the error of our ways while preparing the way for the return of true freedom.
The riots, violence, and lawlessness, of today, and past times, has been magnified in such a way that the core problem is finally beginning to be seen. The preverbal elephant in the living room is no longer as invisible as it was before.
As such, while these disturbing trends are nothing to be dismissed, in the grand scheme of things, they are providing we the people with the perspective and contrast we need to rise to the occasion.
In closing, the general solution is simple. We must gain knowledge and wisdom of how to safeguard our God-given inalienable rights. And that wisdom is the true rule of law, which is equal justice for all.
I would argue, the phrase “turn the other cheek” does not mean being passive in the face of injustice. It means we must respect what is sacred (our rights in this case) while not becoming tyrants ourselves. We “forgive others for their trespasses” while stopping them from harming others and ourselves.
Ultimately, in my analysis, those who seek to gain undue advantages and power are themselves suffering from a kind of spiritual mental illness. And, by enforcing our rights we draw a boundary while at the same time extending a hand to come back to the side of truth and justice.
– Justin
by Joe Hoft, July 1st, 2020
FOX News cable television set a new record this past quarter. The Tucker Carlson Show set the record for the largest cable news show audience during a single quarter in cable news history. He did this by calling for equal justice under the law and for free speech.
These are two issues the Democrats cannot claim and Republicans appear oblivious to.
Mike Cernovich tweeted last night the Tucker Carlson had the greatest quarter in cable news history this past quarter.
Fox News Q2 2020 Ratings: Tucker Carlson Averaged 4.33 Million Viewers at 8 p.m., the Largest Audience in Cable News History https://t.co/QOAR3pV2sM
— Cernovich (@Cernovich) June 30, 2020
Tucker’s formula was simple – talk about and push for actions that promote equal justice under the law and free speech. These are the major concerns of Americans. President Trump did a great job making the economy stronger and the country is safer due to his actions in the Middle East.
Since the Obama years, it’s been clear to Americans that there are two systems of justice in the US. There is the system that most Americans go by and then there is the Democrat establishment system. Tucker has been clear in pointing this out almost nightly. Roger Stone goes to prison based on a made up crime in a kangaroo court ran by the nation’s most corrupt Democrat judge, Amy Berman Jackson.
Tucker pointed this out on his show in February:
Tucker also knows what Republicans don’t seem to even care about – that in America we need free speech. This means that when social media targets, blocks, terminates and deletes conservative accounts, they are preventing free speech. The Mainstream Media (MSM) pushes lies and promotes corrupt politicians.
Tucker knows this and he reported on this a month ago:
Last night Tucker shared the following:
The host called on Republican voters to “demand three things from their candidates. And if they don’t provide them, don’t vote for them.
“First is vigorous defense of total equality under the law. We are equal because we are citizens. Every American has precisely the same rights as every other American. Period. That is the promise of America,” Carlson said. “It’s why millions of people move here for a long time … It was obvious, but it no longer is obvious. And there are many who are working in the opposite direction. Republicans must counterbalance this. They must work as hard as they can to make America fair again.”
Next Carlson discussed freedom of speech:
Carlson next called on Republicans to “defend our freedom of speech.”
“We are not a free society without that,” Carlson said. “This is not simply a debate about the First Amendment and its limits. It’s bigger than that and more important. If you can’t articulate something, if you’re not allowed, you can’t think. And that’s precisely why authoritarians try to control language. They’re trying to control your mind. Republicans should lead the fight against this without shame. Americans have the absolute right to tell the truth. This is not negotiable.
Finally, Carlson discussed the Republican Party:
Carlson’s final point was “we must never forget that in the end, the Republican Party exists to serve the interests of normal people.”
“Can Republican officeholders change their party?” Carlson asked. “Yes, they can. We just have to make them.”
Below is Tucker’s comments from last night from FOX News:
One reader commented to us the following:
Not only did Tucker have one of the best takes on this of anyone on MSM earlier in June ( https://www.foxnews.com/media/tucker-carlson-lockdowns-used-to-subvert-democracy and https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-we-were-lied-to-about-coronavirus-and-the-mass-lockdowns-heres-the-proof ), on tonight’s episode he fully admitted that he was wrong earlier on when he bought into the fear porn (I don’t have a clip, but it was right at the very end, when he was handing over the show to Hannity for his show) — how often do you see someone do that? He is indeed a national treasure.
Tucker isn’t always right but at least he admits it when he is wrong. Something never seen on cable news.
In a time of BLM riots, unconstitutional Democrat actions, violence against conservatives and an anti-American attitude and fiery hate of President Trump in the press, Tucker Carlson is a voice of reason.
Congratulations to Tucker Carlson – well done!
About The Author
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The rule of law is a phrase that refers to the divine Creator’s will with respect to humanity and the cosmic ideals of existence. The Creator gave each creature inalienable rights and gave to the universe at large the concept of the rule of law, which is the method by which each creature’s rights are protected and held sacred. When an individual recognizes this ultimate spiritual value and works to master it in their own lives, they stand as an exemplar for others to do the same. When a culture enshrines these values and educates their children in them, that society is destined to produce a golden age civilization. Such a utopia will live on forever, for all intents and purposes, so long as each citizen willingly takes on the responsibility of breathing life into this divine and cosmic truth and ideal. But when a culture begins to devalue rights and responsibilities in favor of a perfect world without civil participation, that society is eventually doomed to be overrun by tyrants and usupers—”evil ones” who take advantage of the people’s collective ignorance. Eventually, deceivers and tyrants transform the culture to suit their despotic and twisted agenda of power over others. The world we live in today is one marked by a people ignorant of this cosmic truth and scared ideal by those deceivers who seek to claim power for themselves at the cost of others. But the spirit of freedom always rises again. And if the people are willing, they can renew this spirit with each generation, ensuring that the temptations of power and the laziness of a people who want prosperity without taking responsibility, do not cause another age of darkness. The preceding information speaks to these ultimate questions and values hopefully impressing upon those who read it that to enjoy a perfect society of freedom and prosperity, all must find within themselves the courage to care about safeguarding it, for themselves and the posterity of all.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammatical mistake? Send an email to corrections@stillnessinthestorm.com, with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. Do you think this article needs an update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at sitsshow@gmail.com. Thank you for reading.
Awesome coverage. I would like to add a definitive note to your comment on “breathing” which is “gratitude” for every breath you take. It’s a gift given at birth and taken from you when you pass on. So, it’s everyone’s responsibility to honour the gift while you still have it.
When MR. Carlson made the point of “we the people” must help the elected persons know the needs of the people in no uncertain terms, FYI, we pursued that theme under the banner of “Citizen Participation in City Planning” which became Federal Law in Canada in late 1974. I know because I was a member of the crew that did the ground work for that legislation as presented by the MP, Judy LaMarsh. Outcome: it was never implemented and I suspect you can presume why.
Please keep with your efforts to compliment the positive and the darkness will withdraw.
Great addition. Thanks for sharing!