(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Do you want to be judged by your worst moments? Should we reject, ridicule, and rage against an organization that is mostly good, but has a few bad apples? The following video inspired me because it shows what are ostensibly good cops standing up for the sacred duty of protecting and serving the people.
In today’s climate, raging against the police is popular. It’s cool to use any police officer you can find, say various woke-mob ideologues, and use them as a scapegoat for your pent up rage, angst, and discontent, right?
This is not the philosophy of an enlightened movement. It’s the mentality of a damaged abused person, who, in their rightfully disturbed state, has become an abuser themselves. I know because I study psychology and this idea of the abused eventually becoming an abuser is well accepted. What breaks the cycle? Forgiveness, compassion, and reconciliation, not rage, riots, and vengeance.
I’ve seen my fair share of police injustice. I’ve witnessed it first hand when I was attending occupy demonstrations in Florida in 2011. I’ve also been the victim of police harassment when I was in my early twenties. But in no way shape or form do any of these injustices justify dispensing my upset, pain, and suffering on another police officer, simply because they wear the uniform. Vengence only leads to more hardship.
Out of the dozens upon dozens of times I’ve interacted law enforcement, the vast, vast, vast majority of encounters have been respectful, and nonthreatening. Some will say. “Oh but Justin, you’re white. That’s just your privilege talking.”
Well, actually, I’m not white. I’m half Dominican and half Irish. But that doesn’t really matter, does it?
I know for a fact that there are people with racial prejudices and bigotry in our world. But it’s logically wrong and untruthful to assume all police are racists and/or criminals because of a few bad apples.
I’ve spoken with police officers. I’ve been pulled over and been in the car with other people who have been pulled over, dozens of times.
Do you know what happens when you treat a police officer like a human being? Wherein you respect the intention behind the fact they are serving the people due to what is likely a valid desire to provide for their communities?
The police officer, 90% of the time, lets their guard down and treats you with respect, courtesy and often withholds the full measure of what the law dictates.
Conversely, I’ve seen what happens when someone treats a police officer like an object, with contempt, hate, and prejudicial judgment, assuming they are a bad cop—which is prejudice by the way.
And what happens is exactly what would happen if most people were treated this way, they often become defensive and less willing to help.
As it turns out, if you treat someone—anyone—with prejudice, bigotry, and hatred, it changes how they treat you back. Is this really such a big mystery?
The media, Black Lives Matter ideologues, and other hatemongers would have you believe that treating people (policemen in this case) like objects (racist pigs!), prejudging them, is right and good, because, well, they deserve it.
But an eye for an eye justice is wrong. It just creates more hatred, more violence, and more suffering.
Have you ever tried to referee, be a moderator, or keep things civil during a group gathering? Have you ever been a school teacher, a parent of multiple children, or a coach of a sports team? Is it easy to keep everyone happy? Do you sometimes have to make decisions that cause emotional distress, even though they were the right and fair thing to do? Have you ever accidentally made a bad decision?
Take a moment to empathize with the police, especially during this time of civil unrest. As it turns out, police are people too. They have hearts. They have minds. They have souls. They feel deeply when they are hurt or disrespect. They aren’t mindless drones who pull out their hearts when they dawn the uniform.
I’m not saying that there isn’t a bad cop problem. I know there is. But it’s unfair, unjust, and disrespectful to blame everyone in the police for the wrongdoing of a handful of people.
When I saw the following video, I was moved to tears. It reminded me that, as I’ve heard from police, most join for good and venerable reasons.
Some people are so drawn to the service of their fellow humans that they join organizations like the police. In any society, especially one that has yet to achieve golden age enlightenment, there’s a pressing need to defend the rights of all people. Why? Because 1) most people don’t know how to defend their rights, and 2) there are confused and immoral people out there that have no problem violating your rights to get what they want.
This creates a situation where some criminals exist and only some people can defend their rights from said criminals. As such, a spiritual opportunity presents itself: a guardian of justice.
Book Pactum De Singularis Christus (Covenant of One Christ)
We know free will is one of the highest spiritual laws of existence. We know that to manage free will, the Creator endowed us with inalienable rights. We know that to be truly free, our rights must be held sacred and we must defend them. And that the measure of a society’s success is directly tied to how well all people’s rights are protected and enshrined as sacred. This might be one of the most, if not the most, sacred and vital aspects of a civilization.
Given this, when a man or a woman decides to take on the solemn and sacred duty to protect and serve, it might be one of the most spiritually sacred tasks in the whole of the universe. The children of the creator, who has yet to gain wisdom in self-defense, need to be protected. And like civil parents, some people choose to do that duty.
Now consider the times we live in. Consider that to become a police officer or enter law enforcement likely means dealing with internal corruption, a public that has been increasingly socially engineered to hate you, and that you will be put into extremely difficult situations where the very people you took the solemn oath to defend might see you as a villain. And, despite this false impression, you’ll have to protect and serve them anyway.
Again, I’m not saying that there aren’t bad cops out there. I’m not saying that law enforcement institutions have major issues to correct. But I am saying that, at a human level, at a soul level, the choice to protect and serve is not something to be dismissed.
This kind of work is thankless and invisible. Invisible in that, if a law enforcement body does its job well, you won’t see anything but a smoothly working society where everyone’s rights are protected. But it isn’t invisible in the sense that every day you can walk outside your house and you don’t fear being attacked by brigands means you are enjoying the fruit of a lawful society—albeit less than perfect.
Perhaps, if we the people did more to respect the idea of protecting and serving, which, by the way, being a sovereign means defending your rights as well as the rights of all others, then perhaps we’d be one step closer to that golden age society of peace and prosperity we all dream of.
– Justin
Related RAW TRUTH: If Black Lives Matter, Defund Planned Parenthood, Not The Police
by Cristina Laila, June 9th, 2020
New York police boss Mike O’Meara went off on the media Tuesday.
The Democrat-media complex has put a target on the backs of all police officers.
The media praises violent left-wing rioters, looters and arsonists while vilifying police officers who are putting their lives on the line every day.
Thanks to the media, Antifa terrorists and BLM thugs have become emboldened and are attacking police officers without fear of reprisal.
Several NYPD officers have been run over, beaten, shot at and stabbed in the last couple weeks during the George Floyd riots.
And now the Democrats are working to defund and disband police departments across the nation.
Police boss Mike O’Meara has had enough!
“Stop treating us like animals and thugs and start treating us with some respect … Our legislators abandoned us. The press is vilifying us. It’s disgusting,” said Mark O’Meara.
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The news is important to all people because it is where we come to know new things about the world, which leads to the development of more life goals that lead to life wisdom. The news also serves as a social connection tool, as we tend to relate to those who know about and believe the things we do. With the power of an open truth-seeking mind in hand, the individual can grow wise and the collective can prosper.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammatical mistake? Send an email to [email protected], with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. Do you think this article needs an update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at [email protected]. Thank you for reading.
Joe Sixpack says
Most cops get a thrill out of detaining you and giving you a hard time. Name just one time a cop saved you. I’ll bet you can’t. It is a myth. These are public servants gone amok. They drive over the speed limit habitually because they fell “cop privilege” in their veins. They drive oppressively in their cop cars. They will ride your bumper. They would give you a ticket if you drove like them. Try filing a complaint against one and see first hand how you get blown off. And if they don’t like you they will frame you or find a reason to make your life hell. They forget that they are public servants and are very thin skinned to criticism. Try criticising one and see if they don’t threaten you with arrest. good cops are a MYTH of your imagination. Most are drunk with their power. It is high time the reigns were pulled tight and the militarized police force cut to where they can do no harm. They have plagued us regular hard working people too long! It is our fault for letting it get this bad.
Justin Deschamps says
I know several Cops that have saved people. Don’t assume your personal experience or the anecdotes of others is proof all cops are bad. That, my friend, is the myth. Do you really think that every single one of the over 800,000 police in the US are all corrupt sociopaths? What’s your evidence to support that claim? Are you being intellectually honest?
Yes, as we said, there is corruption. But that’s not the point of the article. Good cops exist. They are people. They do want to protect and serve, which you enjoy every day.
Instead of raging at some boogeyman where all police are bad, we should be working together to investigate the sources of corruption, be they individual or institutional, and work to change them so good cops can route out the bad ones and reform whatever institutions need to be reformed.