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James McDonald says
This video is misleading on some point. It seems to go on with the ner ending anti-russian narrative which is sponsored by the deep state since PUTIN IS AGAINST THE DEEP STATE. That’s why they (the globalists and the deep state) want him down. So when showing Putin as a criminal you enter the game of the Deep State… And it is not clear Trump doesn’t want HIS OWN WORLD ORDER with his friends, the Zionist Israel…
WWG1WGA #TRUMP2020 says
Bible says those who bless Israel are blessed.
Those who curse Israel will be cursed.
Like it or hate it, Israel is God’s chosen nation.
Genesis 12:1-3 (KJV)
Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
Jeffrey Paramo says
Call Sign Belgrade to deplorable I was friends with Joe M he was the very first Patriot to go down on Twitter
Cecille Chan says
Great video to use to red pill the sleeping ones.
Mrs Cleaver says
I did not this they showed Putin as anything in this video. BUT, I could barely keep watching it in the beginning, with that awful shrieking singing and music in the background. Really, I could barely hear the narrator! That should be toned way down. Please!
Lisette says
Too bad. This video is no more available. May be found on other websites?
Justin Deschamps says
Thanks for letting us know. We uploaded another version!
Bob says
Why do people still quote the Bible … when all who know the power of the CABAL… know full well, that the book has been corrupted by them and says only what they have allowed it to say? Really? Show me where it says that the Bible is protected by our creator and is not allowed to be corrupted. Stupid humans still being mislead by the Cabal!
Jeffrey Paramo says
Twitter Purge JOE M
Jeffrey Paramo says
Belgrade to deplorable
When Joe was producing videos I was forwarding all his information on Twitter and that’s how you get suspended.
Barney says
Those of us who have read the entire King James Bible aloud, faith by hearing, and have studied the bible one significant word or phrase at a time, writing down every single verse containing said word or phrase know the truth of what was, is and what is about to come. By studying in such a way, precept upon precept (commandment) and line upon line (connecting the OT with the NT) I have learned the truth of the Word of God which is, in fact, Jesus Christ (John 1:1, 14 and Revelation 19:13).
In fact, in a scientists journal I read a few years ago, I found this article: “Why Scientists are Focused on Plant, Animal Genome”. I will quote one chapter from the article: “You can think of a genome as an instruction book for building a living thing. Its language is a four-letter alphabet, which stand for the four compounds that make up the innards of the DNA molecule. The order of those compounds along the molecule is the code; it creates “words”.” In the bible, there are 2 testaments and 4 gospels. 3 Gospels are alike but 1 is different. Man’s DNA has 2 strands and 4 base pairs. 3 base pairs are alike but 1 is different. Coincidence? Absolutely not.
There are keys to understand the Word of God. 1 Corinthians 15:46 First is natural – Last is spiritual (after the resurrection of Jesus Christ). Natural Children of Israel, Natural Jews, in the Natural Land of Israel. Spiritual Children of Israel, Spiritual Jews, Spiritual Land of Israel, the Outcasts, the inheritance of Jesus Christ and chosen ones are, in fact, the Born Again Christians.
Natural Babylon, Shinar, Iraq. Spiritual Babylon is ALL nations. Jerusalem is the Daughter of Babylon and holds the golden cup of fornication and has been using the USA (via CIA, State Deparment) to pour out the cup of fornication to all other nations. It was the Flesh, Edomite-ashkeNAZI Jews who created Hollywood, music industry, modeling industry, Central Banks/Federal Reserve/IRS which they own and control, Big Pharma, Big Healthcare, Big major corporations and all other big anything which is worldwide and it has been through those things in which they have caused all nations to become Spiritual Babylon. One nation looks like another and the cultures of the world are being systematically destroyed. It has been their intent to cause the people of nations to migrate to other nations so they will mingle their seed (DNA) with the natural culture of said nation thereby creating a one world culture. Why do all nations want to be like the USA? It is all intentional. Having said all of that, we now witness Trump, team and military doing away with those wicked, children of disobedience which is thereby doing away with the ‘old guard’ to bring about the ‘new guard’ (their term). What better way to deceive the people of the world by stating that this is the second coming of Christ when Christ has not even been back the first time! The first coming of Jesus Christ is the Day of Christ, when Jesus comes for the body of the church at the 7th trumpet. The second coming of Christ is on the Day of the Lord during great tribulation when the Great Trumpet sounds as Jesus sends His angels to gather the remnant.
If they believe not Moses (first five chapters of the bible) and the prophets then they certainly will not believe me. Nonetheless, each morning I pray in weeping for the lost souls of the world that the Lord forgive and have mercy.