Have you ever sat in awe wondering, “how does Orange Man do it? How does he stay 5 steps ahead of his enemies? Why does he seem untouchable?”
You’ve heard of the term “4D Chess” by now, and you may or may not agree that Trump is playing masterfully on the board of space and time… but have you ever thought that maybe the phrase “4D Chess” ought to be taken literally???
As Q has said, “Future Proves Past”…
I must admit, I always thought that Q simply meant that the news cycle would prove his early posts as being true — that events in the future would prove the validity of Q drops made in the past. But upon closer inspection, it seems that there’s a lot more here than meets my “left-brain-imbalanced” eye…
Looks like it’s time to engage BOTH neural hemispheres and do some more digging…
Before I go on I would like to state up front that the following speculation is taken largely from the pioneering efforts of an author who calls himself Neon Revolt (Specifically, this post). I can’t recommend his writings highly enough, and hope only to summarize what he and others have found.
Frankly, Neon Revolt and many other Q researchers are WAY smarter than I am. But nonetheless, I have unique insights of my own, and must throw in my 2 cents too. After all, Q has tasked us with doing research and sharing with others as best we can, and with fighting the good fight every day — and so, in deference to Q, I will add my clumsy authorship to the fray…
I will keep this brief, because I’m not here to out shine or overcrowd the noisy internet per se — rather, my goal here is to simplify what I believe I understand, and encourage each and every one of you to participate in the Great Awakening to the best of your ability…
And speaking of “simple things”, lets talk about Time Travel!
For a quick breakdown of the Trump family and the subject of time travel, the following video offers some very interesting clues… (Please watch otherwise the rest of the article won’t make sense… it’s only 6 minutes long!)
What do you think? Are the Trump family a family of time travelers? (Conscious Optimist answers with a resounding MAYBE.)
Now, I wager that consciousness can, at times, pick up on future possibilities and events, and describe them accurately in great detail. So the fact that books were written in the 1800s that seem to predict current events doesn’t necessarily mean that the Trump family has been time traveling. There are other potential explanations. (Don’t worry, I’m not “debunking” the time travel concept here, I’m just exploring possibilities.)
Of course, the reason why I believe there could be a psychic element at work here is due to many personal experiences with synchronicity. At the end of the day, no one who has read enough of genuine psychic accounts can deny that there’s something going on with consciousness and non-local observation/entanglement… Check out Russell Targ’s TED talk about remote viewing to learn more about that… For our purposes, lets just say that we have good reason to believe that individuals from time to time will accurately (and sometimes in great detail) describe future or non-local events, absent the aid of time travel per se.
BUT… we must still ask ourselves a number of question, many of which could certainly point to time travel:
1) Why does Trump seem to always be 5 steps ahead of his enemies?
2) Why does he seem “untouchable”?
3) And is it just a coincidence that Trump was inaugurated 7 months and 7 days after his 70th birthday? (Yes it’s true. Check my math. What are the odds??)
I could ask many more but lets keep going…
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Now, I couldn’t say one way or the other how time travel works, or if it’s being utilized by Trump (if it indeed is being utilized right “now”… whatever “now” means!). But what I CAN say is that Q has hinted that the Trump team can see the present day from the vantage point of the future. How might Trump do this? Answer: Project Looking Glass technology.
Now, there are several whistleblowers who have come forward to disclose “Project Looking Glass”. Even among whistleblowers of reliable or dubious credibility, there is a remarkable consistency in what they say about project Looking Glass. We don’t have to get into specifics here — all that’s important for you to know is that Looking Glass an undisclosed form of technology that allows users to view multiple timelines…
For more information about project Looking Glass — the who, what, where, why, and how — here are some sources to follow up on for your reading and viewing pleasure.
Project Looking Glass – The Q Anon & Deep State Temporal War
Moving along… has Q mentioned anything about Project Looking Glass over the course of his thousands of posts. You bet!
On November 11th of 2019, Q wrote:
“Project Looking Glass?
Going Forward in Order to Look Back
I don’t know about you, but this looks to me like as direct an admission that we’ll ever get that the Q team and Trump administration are indeed viewing multiple timelines via Looking Glass technology. I don’t think more needs to be said on this point.
I leave you all with the following to ponder: can an outsider — even if a billionaire — take on the deep state, like Trump has done, without the aid of some form of technology that gives him greater predictive capacity than them?
I personally believe that Trump is leveraging some extraordinary gifts, both spiritual and technological, in order to fight the deep state. You cannot take on the entire mainstream media and political establishment unless you possess an arsenal that can match or outdo theirs. Looking Glass technology is almost certainly a piece of the puzzle here.
And you know what this means?
It means Trump is playing LITERAL 4D CHESS against the enemies of mankind!!
That’s all for now. Signing off!
– Conscious Optimist
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About The Author
I am nothing more than an example of someone who decided to make an honest effort to become accountable to the Truth, and to see what I could do to help improve my life and the conditions of the world beyond myself. One fateful day, roughly a decade ago, I realized that I knew absolutely nothing about the world or myself and decided that this was unacceptable. I began amassing a pile of books on every subject I considered important to the world and to myself. I have been reading, experimenting, and contemplating ever since, having categorically rejected the premise that it is “good enough” for other people to be “smart on my behalf.” Today I possess somewhat extensive knowledge on subjects as diverse as Law, Music, Hypnosis, Ecology, the Occult, Theology, and Politics, and do the best I can to synthesize this knowledge into articles and presentations for the benefit of all knowledge-seekers, self-helpers, and world-healers who may, from time to time, stumble upon my work.
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This article appeared first on Stillness in the Storm.
This article (NEW Q: Trump Makes Bold Declaration, Hints at Fundamental Changes Taking Place, Corroborates Q) originally appeared on StillnessintheStorm.com and is free and open source. You have permission to share or republish this article in full so long as attribution to the author and stillnessinthestorm.com
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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First of all it is President Trump, not Orange Man and rose he is fighting are not his enemies they are the enemies of We the People. The globalists agenda has been targeting us for over 100 years. Ever heard of Cecil Rhodes, Rockefellers and others. They have taken over every aspect of our lives. They have funded and played both sides in wars. Established the CIA, including the drugs running, pharmaceutical interests, the banking cartel, the list goes on. They want to enslave us, not just America, but all of Humanity. The end game is Communism, Socialism is just the pathway. Donald Trump is acting against and trying to reverse their agenda. No wonder they hate him! I don’t care how he does it, time travel , 5D chess or annointed by God as some claim. It is time to end the Crimes against Humanity!
Hi Linda, Conscious Optimist here – author of the article.
As Q said, “expand your thinking”. I raised the topic of timeline viewing/time travel/project looking glass/etc because Q raised these things first. I assume it’s relevant if Q brought it up. Do you know better than Q what I should be writing about?
Also, why not write your own blog about Cecil Rhodes, the Rockefellers, etc.? If you think I should be writing about these things then maybe you could take a crack at it? Though I must admit I dislike your tone, it nonetheless seems like you have a lot of good information yourself and have your heart in the right place.
I encourage you to start a blog of your own — we need more voices in this movement. It would be a much better use of your time to share your research with the world, rather than criticizing other people for not covering the topics you want them to cover.
You seem like you’ve got some important knowledge to impart. Start writing!
Consicous Optimist
Adding to my long winded comment……. @ Conscience Optimist you posted on this thread the day after xmas which is also a coincidence? 😉 I seriously enjoy these kinds of discussions! ✌
Another thing that I noticed also Is the eagles flying over Eric trump and the on Nov the 8,the election day there was a blood moon. A red moon . What is Trump’s color red. All the signs are there … All the signs from a higher power that Trump Is the choose. One to lead this country.
Another point every one is saying they think Q is JFK Jr. But I think Q is Barron. He has the I Q for it. He has the computer knowledge to hack anything , and the main thing he has the soccer ball.
Thank you for this insightful post. Wherein you say that no one felt the waves of energy, I disagree. There are many whom feel the energies as they accelerate the events transpiring on Earth. Whereas, most notably, the hard facts that can be traced by Anons are at the forefront of the minds of those seeking truth, there are those whom understand, on multi-dimensional levels, the mysteries that have been withheld from humanity. We see, feel, know, and experience the energetic anomalies as the Earth’s vibrational frequency is realigned with origin. The ‘time’ has come for those who are aligned on an energetic front to unite with those whom are aligned on a physical, only-the-facts front. Open hearts and minds are required to mesh the two, creating a wave of understanding that illuminates the masses.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I agree there are many layers all offer in this pursuit for greater harmony we find ourselves in today. Just to be clear, Conscious Optimus didn’t say no one was feeling these energies. He said it was reported that no one felt a substantial earthquake. Which is the point behind the analysis. Cheers.
Hello! I’m very new here but not new to the logic I have read thus far!
Furthermore, I don’t believe in coincidence! Mostly due to an abundance of co-winky-dinks that have happened throughout my 60+yrs here on planet earth. It makes me feel more in sync rather than it’s just happenstance.
Anyhoo, when I read this thread I knew I had to put my 2 cents in for whatever reason my urge to contribute this tid-bit of random memories could be for. Possibly someone else needs a nudge in the right direction
or for clarity, or just helping someone feel like they’re not alone? Idk!
Could be all 3!
Now, first of all, I have no idea why I must share this. I only hope my poor grammar doesn’t lessen the purpose for whomever! The following is what triggered me to share this: “I agree there are many layers all offer in this pursuit for greater harmony we find ourselves in today. Just to be clear, Conscious Optimus didn’t say no one was feeling these energies. He said it was reported that no one felt a substantial earthquake.” I know this can be taken several ways as far as feeling the earthquake besides physically or mentally, spiritually, etc… It was in the early 90’s about 7ish or less a.m. on a Saturday. We always slept in on the weekends till about 9-10a.m. so when I suddenly opened my eyes wide and looked at the ceiling fan I jumped out of bed with this all encompassing feeling of “earthquake!!” Yet nothing was shaking or rattling at all but I couldn’t shake the urge to run out the front door and see what’s causing this feeling. Still, no earthquake or windows shaking. I ran to the middle of the street, (not a busy street). I’ve never ran out there before, but I had to! I turned around a couple times. Mind you, I’m in my robe turning in circles (middle of the street) trying to figure out why I was feeling like an earthquake! Still no shaking. After I stopped turning in vain searching for this elusive “thing” my neighbor friend across the street had actually met me in the middle of that street and here we are looking like something big has happened and at the same time (I’m not lying!) we both said “it feels like………….like”……….”an earthquake!”I said excitedly but still, nothing out of the ordinary except 2 neighbors looking like crazy people standing in the street. Lol! It wasn’t until the paper was hurled at my door the next day , Sunday,
that I was able to put the pieces together. You should look this up. There was an earthquake! Nowhere near San Diego, CA, where we are, no! It was a big one that also caused a massive tidal wave in India or Taiwan or earthquake in Taiwan and massive tidal wave in India? , I do believe (I’m old, can’t recall the country/or I did, lol) I do recall the number 60,000 in deaths or so was the first estimate. All I really remember is it was front page news and it gave me that awful feeling of dread just like it did when it woke me & my neighbor up. If we hadn’t confirmed our feelings & thoughts that eerie day I highly doubt anyone would have believed either one of us alone!
I will always remember how heartbreaking that awful news was!
And now I look back and say…..
“How awesome is that to have a close neighbor to validate each other on this experience!”
Nothing about this earthquake was unusual except for the fact we both felt it in a way we had never experienced before! It wasn’t physical/ audible yet it was. From then on it seems my coincidences seemed to be more often and I welcome each and every one! Especially since I was severely stifled when I was just in grade school where I told my parents what the inside of a house I had never been to looked like……upstairs! All I can recall is they said something to the effect of “oh go out in the yard and play outside, you do not!” I snuck upstairs and I was 100% correct!
They simply didn’t want to hear it.
President Trump could be a time traveler. I won’t deny that possibility. There are other possibilities explaining his success. I suspect President Trump was chosen to do a specific job. He wasn’t elected. Presidents are not elected in the US. They are selected and then they fight it out with the other selections to become president. Raw power decides who will be president. President Trump’s team had more power than Clinton’s team. The system is so corrupt in the USA that only power decides the next president and always has. Look, everyone knows JFK won the election in part by using the thousands of dead people in a Chicago cemetery vote for him from the grave. No one complained, not even Nixon because he did the same thing. Corruption is old normal in the USA. It’s just being exposed now by President Trump and his team.
It appears the militaries of the US, China and Russia are acting together. There is some treaty between them. How could this happen? Two ways are due to some expected catastrophic event (and is this the real reason for all the underground bases across the world?) or due to ET intervention. Assuming that the cabal is not just endemic to the earth but our galaxy as some claim then it makes sense that the ETs would know how to defeat them here as well since they’ve defeated them across our galaxy or so I hear. If that’s the case the ET involvement would explain President Trump’s success. All the planning was done before President Trump was selected. He’s a cog in the wheel of state doing a good job like a number of others but he’s not god and probably not a time traveler nor chosen by god either but perhaps by ETs.
POTUS definitely has a head’s up, and being one who has always been fascinated by sci-fi, the metaphysical, spirituality and all things “different”, this entire scenario before us today is incredibly interesting. I have been down so many rabbit holes, including vaccines (which I haven’t taken for about 15 years), 5G technology, and more. I was on the remove GMO’s movement, and I’m on this one. Once awake, you can not go back. We are living in the change of an enormous era that will be one in which the Light will prevail.
Holy Bat Shit Crazy Batman
Still more believable that Biden winning the 2020 election.
How is 2021 going for you, Justin?
Great thanks. Everything moving toward freedom and exposing of the Cabal. You?
Can anyone tell me when the world blackout is going to happen ! And when will we have the opportunity to be healed by the real med beds ?
Checkout Jetson white- look up Trump Time Travel Miracle video will leave you speachless