(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following is a mainstream media piece discussing William Douglas, a Q Anon follower who was arrested by the FBI this week for cyberstalking and making death threats on social media. Douglas has a YouTube channel where he discusses Flat Earth, Q Anon, Pizzagate and various other Deep State conspiracies. Douglas was enraged by what he described as a censorship campaign on the part of YouTube.
MSM and Propaganda
The propaganda media are experts at causing division within the people. They’re experts at spinning a story for the purpose of manipulating the beliefs and views of the people. One of the ways they do this is by contextualizing a story within an unbelievable narrative, using words and descriptions that they know will cause most people to raise an eyebrow and dismiss any merit or validity of the person so described. In this case, Douglas is described as a Pizzagate promoting Flat Earther conspiracy theorist, a far-right extremist. In other words, they want you to believe he is crazy and anything he talks about is ridiculous, and therefore, you’d be a fool and an idiot not to believe the same thing.
This method of mass mind control targets your desire for social acceptance and your need to avoid social ostracization. Douglas is essentially paraded in front of a crowd as an “undesirable,” the “unclean,” who must be cast out of the group. Surely, you don’t want to be like him, so you better not believe what he does. This is the essential makeup of the manipulation effort, and it works with astounding efficiency.
Lack of Research Before, Means You’ll Be Swayed by Propaganda
Now it might not seem obvious to those aware of Pedogate how this characterization skews the other elements of the Douglas story.
Consider that to the uninitiated, the sleeping masses, Pizzagate is a wild and insane conspiracy theory about satanic ritual child abuse allegations directed towards the beloved and revered Clintons and John Podesta, amongst others. “Surely, if this guy believes in Pizzagate, he has to be an insane nut job?!” Of course, being labeled a Flat Earther adds to this manufactured reactionary response—”only crazy people believe the earth is flat.”
Downplay Substance While Dramatizing Image
The media outlet in the below piece presented these characterizations right up front, within the first paragraph. As such, all the other elements of the story will be interpreted through this initial lense.
For instance, Douglas’ YouTube channel appears to have been censored or experiencing shadow banning, something most readers here will recognize as a very real thing. But again, from the average joe’s perspective, YouTube censorship is either another wild conspiracy theory or, even worse, a perfectly acceptable thing to do to keep people safe from hate speech and fake news. Thus, once one considers an individual to be an insane conspiracy theorist, as Douglas is characterized below, the unawakened person will likely dismiss censorship as real while at the same time justifying the acts of censorship under the guise of protecting people from “crazies” like this.
In this way, the Deep State propagandists not only downplay real corruption in media companies like YouTube (because they only mention it hazily in the article) they also evince approval from the masses who want to be protected from conspiracy theorists.
And these are just some of the subtle mind manipulation effects that these types of hit pieces cause. It’s directed psychological warfare on you and the people.
Dialectic Manipulation
It’s called dialectic manipulation. You only have to get one side of a debate to buy into the narrative and then both groups usually war against each other. In this case, the truth-seekers, having taken the time to actually study these theories, knows with greater clarity that they have merit, and as such, they have to “war against” the ignorant masses who reject these truths at the behest of their Deep State masters.
But we don’t have to buy into the manipulation. While one side can, how the other side chooses to respond means everything, as I’ll discuss later.
Why Bother? — Because the Truth Has to be Smeared or It Sets Minds Free
The question is, why bother? If Q Anons really are completely insane conspiracy theorists, and there’s no merit or validity to what is discussed, why the obvious effort to smear Anons and downplay the real elements of the Douglas story?
I contend that it’s because the truth is actually the most important aspect to these stories, namely that there really is rampant Deep State corruption, YouTube really is shadowbanning and censoring content creators, and Q Anon really does appear to be some operation related to raising awareness, amongst other things. Since there is merit to these truths, the media has to attack them and make them seem unbelievable, of which, the following article is an excellent example. I suggest you study it carefully as I have to distill wisdom insofar as who these campaigns work.
Disinformation, to a discerning mind, is key information and tactical knowledge.
Discernment, not Blind Belief
That said, don’t make the mistake of blindly believing someone just because they’ve been censored. In my opinion, Flat Earth theory is not valid and is likely a psyop to draw in conspiracy researchers so they can be smeared in the media. And as you’ll see below, it works.
Related What is QANON? Movement Headed For Full Disclosure
I would argue that any claim has to be judged on its merits, no matter the credibility of the source.
Some of the things Douglas discussed have validity, others don’t. Furthermore, while it appears like Douglas is the latest sacrificial lamb on the altar of propaganda and reality manipulation of the people, his alleged calls for violence aren’t helpful to the community and we should rebuke him accordingly.
The awakening community would benefit from policing itself to some degree. Or more to the point, we’d benefit from greater organization and networking so we can develop real practical methods for avoiding dialectic manipulation tactics.
Unity as a Solution
If you research these topics and think there is a compelling case to be made for things like Pedogate, an attack on one of us attacks us all. While I normally don’t like to espouse group identification—so as to avoid the trappings of identity politics—a case can be made for the fact those who seek the truth are part of a group, a potential community albeit a loosely defined and organized one.
And I’m sure most of you will agree that telling people about your beliefs and theories is risky. As such, we should strive to work together so we can address the stereotypical responses of the unawakened masses, who are conditioned to respond with rejection by the propaganda media. Perhaps we need our own media campaign to counter ones like the below article.
All Our Reputations are at Risk
Why is sharing your truth risky? Because of the damage caused to collective consciousness by a hit piece like this.
Think about it. If the mainstream media spends millions every year to paint truth-seekers as insane people, and then there are actually disturbed truth-seekers out there that conduct themselves in a less than ethical and honorable fashion, wouldn’t that mean labeling yourself a truth-seeker is equivalent to being friends with someone like Douglas, a nut job? That’s how most people will think.
Thus, it is in all our best interest as truth-seekers to make some kind of effort to unify and dialog so as to form explicit alliances and associations where we can issue public statements to deal with these campaigns. Imagine a truth-seekers congress or association, the National Association of Truth-Seekers, wherein individuals join and discuss how they want to seek the truth and more importantly, how they want to deal with any public relations. It might seem rather political or even “old paradigm” but it’s a strategic action in a wartime situation.
The collective consciousness of earth has been under assault for decades, and I would say, as conscious people who seek the truth, it is our duty to unite and combat this assault. If not, the fallacious mind manipulations of the powers that be will continue to surreptitiously influence the unawakened, and our efforts to manifest freedom and prosperity will be hindered.
The fact of the matter is your life will be negatively affected by telling everyone you know that you’re a truth-seeker and you think there’s some validity to things like Pedogate, the Deep State, and corruption in general. Obviously the more outlandish the subject, the more damaging to your reputation.
While this might not seem all that important to you (“I don’t care what people think about me!”) your reputation is extremely important for your quality of life. You can’t get a job if you have a bad reputation. You’ll lose friends if you have a bad reputation.
Community Driven Action
Given this, wouldn’t it be helpful if we had a unified way to combat the manipulation campaigns pushed by the propaganda media against the alternative media and those who follow it? Imagine if you could respond to someone calling you crazy with a press release from a national organization of truth seekers who painstakingly rebut every fallacious argument of the MSM?
Buy Book HATE: Why We Should Resist It with Free Speech, Not Censorship (Inalienable Rights)
I think this could be something that turns the tide.
The Deep State knows that the people are the true sources of power in this world. And they’ve spent hundreds of years developing divide and conquer programs to ensure we the people stay divided. Make no mistake, the following article is a clear-cut example of this.
The challenge at this stage is how we, who are aware of these greater truths, deal with this attack. I would argue that fueling the fires of division by attacking the “sheeple” isn’t helpful. As Morpheus says in The Matrix film:
“The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you’re inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.” (emphasis added)
I would argue we need to defend ourselves with truth but using minimum necessary force.
One way to do this is to attack the falseness of stories coming out of the media without attacking the people who promote them or making fun of those who believe them. In situations where we’re having water cooler conversations or talking with friends and family when they call you crazy or dismiss your valid presentation of the facts as a conspiracy theory, forgive them. Don’t call them stupid sheeple. I suggest that thinking of yourself as a loving wise parent and them as a petulant child is helpful because this frame helps you remain compassionate—even if it is a bit arrogant.
Defend the Truth
In time, the truth will win out, so long as those who keep it defend it with principles of non-combativeness.
I’m not someone who believes that the truth defends itself, not in social circles. The truth needs to be embodied, it has to be acted on and lived out, or it never sees the light of day.
Take some time to understand how these manipulation tactics work so that one day we can unite to deal with them together as a people seeking freedom and justice for all.
– Justin
Read more articles by Justin Deschamps.
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by Kelly Weill, September 27th, 2018
A YouTuber who racked up hundreds of thousands of views pushing extreme conspiracy theories like QAnon, Pizzagate, and Flat Eartherism was arrested last week for allegedly threatening to massacre YouTube employees.
William Douglas, 35, was charged with cyberstalking and making threats after he was cuffed last Thursday by the FBI. The feds traced a series of death threats he made via social media back to his rural Oregon home, according to a criminal complaint. The threats came from a series of social media profiles where he ranted about fringe-right conspiracy theories and claimed YouTube was censoring him. In a still-live tweet from August, Douglas promoted a video promoting Nasim Aghdam, a YouTuber who opened fire on the company’s headquarters in April over the belief that her videos weren’t getting enough views.
In hundreds of videos, totalling hundreds of thousands of views, Douglas ranted about the New World Order, reptilians, government mind control, and Flat Earth theory. Recent videos also focused on right-wing conspiracies including QAnon, a ridiculous theory that falsely claims President Donald Trump is not actually under investigation, but that he is in fact investigating virtually every prominent Democrat and Hollywood figure for Satanic child sex-trafficking.
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He even named his WiFi network after a related conspiracy theory.
The blog Contemptor previously noted that shortly into one of his QAnon videos, a message popped onto Douglas’s screen: “Connected to Wi-Fi network #investigatepizzagate”. That suggests Douglas named his home Wi-Fi network after the conspiracy theory that falsely claims Clinton allies are conducting child sex trafficking in the basement of a Washington, D.C. pizza restaurant.
But despite racking up more than 400,000 views on his videos in fewer than two years, Douglas claimed YouTube was censoring him.
“YouTube Is Censoring This Video Sound Analysis,” claims one of his video titles, about a Chicago murder that has become central to bizarre conspiracies about organ theft. The clip has more than 27,000 views. “I AM LIVE PLEASE COME WATCH IM CENSORED AS FUQ,” claims another recent livestream title. The video is still available on his YouTube page.
Right-wing personalities have rallied around fears of “censorship” by social media companies as Silicon Valley wrestles with how to moderate abuse and misinformation on their platforms. Some of those fears are unfounded. Recent studies have revealed that conservatives actually have a larger Facebook platform than liberals, and that the company shows no political bias against conservatives.
Other figures on the fringe right, like Infowars founder Alex Jones, have cried censorship when tech companies deleted their channels. Jones, among others, was banned for violating the companies’ terms against hate speech or incitement to violence.
Still, those censorship worries have metastasized to a broader group of conspiracy vloggers. In early April, YouTuber Nasim Aghdam stormed the company’s California headquarters with a gun, convinced the company was blocking views to her videos and throttling her ad revenue. (Other YouTubers had lodged similar complaints about a new YouTube advertising policy, indicating that the issue was widespread and not an attack on Aghdam, specifically.)
Aghdam opened fire on YouTube employees, wounding three, before killing herself. Her videos, particularly surreal clips of her dancing in leotards, became a meme on the right.
On August 11, Douglas tweeted a video mashup of Agdham dancing. The following week, he started threatening the company.
“Return my channel you low life as Sholes before someone else comes and shoots more of your employees you fucks,” he tweeted August 23, according to a criminal complaint.
“FuCK you @youtube im few hours away and if you are just going to ignore me try ignoring my gun you fucks … no more warning expect massive casualties … I would kill the 100 YouTube employees if given the change”.
Buy Book Internet Censorship: Protecting Citizens or Trampling Freedom?
In a now-deleted September 8 tweet, included in the complaint, Douglas wrote “Hey why do you guys keep ignoring me would it be better if I leave you with no other options like your leaving me what your doing us ridiculous I’m beyond pissed at you @youtube so I wonder how I should deal with this frustration?”
In a video from the same day, he threatened to “visit” YouTube’s California headquarters. Elsewhere, he accused YouTube of being a government-run organization and said he would establish a donut restaurant called “Revolutionary Donut” in California. (Donuts are a recurring element of the Pizzagate conspiracy, particularly in Douglas’s home state of Oregon, where Pizzagate peddlers have falsely accused a popular donut shop of being a child sex-trafficking hub.)
On September 17, he allegedly threatened YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki. “Susan I’m coming for you today,” he wrote, according to the complaint. “#pray.”
FBI agents soon traced his IP address to his Oregon home, and arrested him without incident outside a convenience store. The store is likely the same store that has featured in one of Douglas’s past videos, when he filmed the aftermath of a shooting and made local news.
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Send an email to [email protected], with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. Do you think this article needs an update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at [email protected]. Thank you for reading.
September 29th, 2018: Minor grammar corrections were made to this article.
Carlos W. says
I’ve had a channel on Youdube for about 10 years now. Most of my videos are certainly shadow banned/censored.
But, SO WHAT! If I want to ‘go by the narrative, I go to Youdube.’ And
if I don’t, I go to Real.video.
Some day Youdube is going the way of C.N.N. What they don’t understand is, “I LOVE YOU”….
Mark says
YouTube is a private company not government run, which means that you are agreeing to there terms to use there services. If you do not like them censoring you do not use the company, The use of a private company is certainly not a right. As for the conspiracy theory part of the story you can believe blue aliens are controlling the moon, or the earth is flat or what ever else you want to believe. It is when you start harassing, or threatening violence, or infringing on other peoples rights because of your beliefs that it becomes a problem. Believe whatever you want from Jesus is the savior, to Democrats are all deep state pedophiles, just keep in mind when you take your beliefs and use that belief system to persecute others it is not going to end well.