Greetings Fellow Infotainment Junkies and Rabbit Hole Spelunkers,
I’ve got a quick post for y’all today! (That’s “y’all” pronounced with a thick southern drawl, thank you very much!)
We’re going to talk about several of my two favorite subjects, Q Anon and Secret Technology!
Related Q Anon — Is Trump Operating on Multiple Timelines? Is THIS the True Meaning of 4D Chess?
We’re also going to talk about one of my least favorite subjects, the Mainstream Media.
We will spend very little time on either. After all, we all have busy lives, don’t we?
Let’s cut to the chase.
Have you heard of the strange seismic activity that took place on 11/11/18?
11/11/18 17 second earthquake waves? Shot heard around the world? Old guard? Hmmm. #QAnon #QArmy #WWG1WGA #PatriotsUnited
— intheMatrixxx (@intheMatrixxx) December 2, 2018
If not then let me fill you in: there was a bizarre earthquake that shook the whole planet that day. The odd part of it was that no one felt it.
We only know about it due to seismograph recordings made all over the world. National Geographic even wrote an article about it:
On the morning of November 11, just before 9:30 UT, a mysterious rumble rolled around the world.
The seismic waves began roughly 15 miles off the shores of Mayotte, a French island sandwiched between Africa and the northern tip of Madagascar. The waves buzzed across Africa, ringing sensors in Zambia, Kenya, and Ethiopia. They traversed vast oceans, humming across Chile, New Zealand, Canada, and even Hawaii nearly 11,000 miles away.
These waves didn’t just zip by; they rang for more than 20 minutes. And yet, it seems, no human felt them. (source)
I want to point your attention to something about these silent earthquakes.
Namely, are they natural, or are produced by some kind of secret geoengineering technology?
Buy Book Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth
Even National Geographic’s article can’t explain what happened. But the MSM always has an explanation!
For example, we know that Osama ordered the attack on the two towers because the mainstream media said so!
Also, despite the fact that the pilots were incinerated by a fire powerful enough to melt steel beams, luckily their passports were left intact so we know who they were!
How utterly convenient…
Whatever the case may be, one thing is undeniable, and that is that silent earthquakes are quite an anomaly. Personally, I don’t believe they can be explained through any means other than technological manipulation or the conscious activity of Gaia herself. Possibly both, in some sense?
Keep flexing those brain muscles people! Let’s not discount ideas and possibilities before committing ourselves to due process…
In any event, something VERY interesting appears to be at play here. Namely, the earthquake “blasts” occurred in exactly 17-second intervals.
And Q, as many knows, is the 17th letter of the alphabet…
Yes, approximately 70 blasts were recorded, at 17-second intervals. What are the odds??? Seems man-made if you ask me.
Again, from National Geographic:
Adding to the weirdness, Mayotte’s mystery waves are what scientists call monochromatic. Most earthquakes send out waves with a slew of different frequencies, but Mayotte’s signal was a clean zigzag dominated by one type of wave that took a steady 17 seconds to repeat.
“It’s like you have colored glasses and [are] just seeing red or something,” says Anthony Lomax, an independent seismology consultant. (source)
Now, I don’t know how many readers out there have read Sherlock Holmes, but there’s an investigative technique used by Mr. Holmes that seems to be almost entirely forgotten amongst us modern homo sapiens — and that is the process of deducing the facts of a situation by noting what is absent from said situation.
Buy Book The Sherlock Holmes Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
Sometimes we can learn a lot, not by observing what IS present, but by asking ourselves why something that SHOULD be there is missing… Like, for example, why has the deep state not assassinated Trump? Stay with me folks, because I think you’ll like where I’m going with this.
If Trump is such a destructive force to the cabal, then surely they can easily take him out? Jokes about stupid MSM coverage of 9/11 aside, let’s get real for a moment and admit that the Deep State CLEARLY used directed energy weapons to atomize the twin towers, and this CLEARLY means they have had such technology in their possession for a number of years.
Related 9/11, Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) and HAARP
Let’s deduce even further: it is also clear that by spraying the skies with aluminum, the deep state has rendered literally every molecule on the planet susceptible to certain types of directed energy. Ever put aluminum in the microwave? Well, imagine what you could do with remote microwave technology in a world awash in nano aluminum.
I know most of you are following me on this… I’m not saying anything far fetched here. I’m just adding two and two together.
So now — putting our Holmes goggles on — what SHOULD be happening, but isn’t?
Simple. With the weapons at the deep state’s disposal, they SHOULD have been able to take out Trump by now (as well as MANY other patriots). Hell, they SHOULD have been able to unleash a wave of untold destruction upon the world as they lose their grip on power. Why haven’t we seen more carnage, and more use of directed energy weapons to take out key figures dismantling the deep states system of enslavement?
Could it be because somehow white hats, the ‘alliance’, or other positive groups of numerous descriptions have somehow managed to take back much of this technology? Maybe. I couldn’t tell you exactly how such an event would take place but all the available data says that we SHOULD have been destroyed by now.
So why haven’t we?
My 2 cents says it’s because much of the weapons have been commandeered by the good guys.
Related Did Trump Really Stop Chemtrails?
And if this is the case, then the silent earthquakes, pulsing every 17 seconds, could well be a signal from the good guys, confirming the validity of — and their connection with — Q.
What do you think, Watson?
I’d love to hear from you if you have any ideas about any of the above. ([email protected])
Until next time, I’m signing off!
– Conscious Optimist
The preceding is a Stillness in the Storm original creation. Please share freely.
About The Author
I am nothing more than an example of someone who decided to make an honest effort to become accountable to the Truth, and to see what I could do to help improve my life and the conditions of the world beyond myself. One fateful day, roughly a decade ago, I realized that I knew absolutely nothing about the world or myself and decided that this was unacceptable. I began amassing a pile of books on every subject I considered important to the world and to myself. I have been reading, experimenting, and contemplating ever since, having categorically rejected the premise that it is “good enough” for other people to be “smart on my behalf.” Today I possess somewhat extensive knowledge on subjects as diverse as Law, Music, Hypnosis, Ecology, the Occult, Theology, and Politics, and do the best I can to synthesize this knowledge into articles and presentations for the benefit of all knowledge-seekers, self-helpers, and world-healers who may, from time to time, stumble upon my work.
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This article appeared first on Stillness in the Storm.
This article (Q Anon and the Silent Earthquake) originally appeared on and is free and open source. You have permission to share or republish this article in full so long as attribution to the author and
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
Q Anon is one of many curators of information that is helping raise awareness about the manifold conspiracies and corruption of this world. Despite the controversy surrounding this individual, or group of individuals, the information provided is effective in alerting the public to a great many truths. Additionally, the method in which Q Anon provides information leaves it up to the individual to discern and evaluate, providing an excellent opportunity for people to develop their critical thinking, discernment, and philosophic skill sets.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammatical mistake? Send an email to [email protected], with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. Do you think this article needs an update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at [email protected]. Thank you for reading.
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Urim says
“ With the weapons at the deep state’s disposal, they SHOULD have been able to take out Trump by now (as well as MANY other patriots). Hell, they SHOULD have been able to unleash a wave of untold destruction upon the world as they lose their grip on power. Why haven’t we seen more carnage, and more use of directed energy weapons to take out key figures dismantling the deep states system of enslavement?”
….or maybe this isn’t how science works?
….or maybe because the “deep state” is a made up enemy by Trump to hide his own criminal activities?
Justin Deschamps says
Fair questions. What say you? Anything substantive to add?
“or maybe this isn’t how science works?”
Just like the recent California wild fires, melting aluminum car wheels right next to dry bushes that are still green. Burning in straight lines, taking one house in between 2 others untouched. Ya, “(MSM) science” doesn’t work that way either, just FYI. If all was as we were told it was, none of those things are remotely possible. Just sayin’.
Also the strange monochromatic waves exposed mountains under the surface that are bigger than surface mountains, luckily brand new discoveries ARE how “science works”, and along with deep core mineral samples showing more water under the surface than on it, and the Lagrange points being 1000miles away from where we calculate for a solid Earth, we now have ample scientific evidence of huge empty spaces under the surface we never “officially” knew about before. I say officially because many ancient cultures around the planet already knew about inner-Earth, its just us “modern” men that re-discovered the lost knowledge.
Nothing out of the ordinary to see here folks, move along you looky-lues, move along now. Just another boring geological discovery here, nothing to get excited about. Nothing is happening, move along. (Psst, something IS happening…)
Urim says
I guess I should have been more specific…
“Let’s deduce even further: it is also clear that by spraying the skies with aluminum, the deep state has rendered literally every molecule on the planet susceptible to certain types of directed energy. Ever put aluminum in the microwave? Well, imagine what you could do with remote microwave technology in a world awash in nano aluminum.
I know most of you are following me on this… I’m not saying anything far fetched here. I’m just adding two and two together.“
To act like this isn’t far fetched is completely wild. This isn’t just adding 2 + 2. This is assuming a ton of other equations that you think exist but the world has never seen. Maybe the “deep state” is hiding these equations, in your view, but this is not 2+2.
(Hi mom)