This isn’t the first time Russia has threatened a release of evidence to negate the official story put out by the US Government. This time though I believe the soil is just right for these seeds of truth to take ground, hopefully being the first of many that will spur corrective actions to take place in our systems of government. This of course will have to bring into question many other government programs and their ultimate intentions – it’s no wonder the people in power don’t want to talk about it.
“The sh*t has hit the fan!” exclaimed one highly knowledgeable VT source.
Today, the weaponized big lies of the Zio-American Empire – like the empire itself – are over-extended and vulnerable. The stage is being set for a David’s slingshot of truth to bring down a Goliath of lies. To understand how 9/11 has backfired, let’s review the past few decades of history.
But the New Pearl Harbor backfired, for several reasons.
First, the “direct external threat,” alleged Arab and Muslim extremism, was bogus. The Arab and Muslim world, with its vast energy reserves and economic growth potential, should have been a US ally, not an enemy. And the religious element in Arab-Muslim civilization was especially conducive to friendship with the US, since the US and the Islamic nations are the last monotheistic cultures on earth. It would have been in the US strategic interest to be a strong ally of the Muslim world against European secularism, Russian and Chinese post-communism, and Hindu extremism. The deal should go something like this: America protects the genuine independence, including the religious values, dignity and autonomy, of its fellow monotheists; and in return gets a say (thoughnot total control) in oil pricing and policy.
So 9/11, the neoconservative New Pearl Harbor, has hollowed out America, not strengthened it. The false-flag attack on New York and Washington has left the US morally and financially bankrupted, without a functioning Constitution, fragmented in every conceivable way, lacking domestic and international legitimacy, and no longer in a position to be even a first among equals, much less a self-styled sole superpower.
Few people ask WHY the burning cars around WTC on 9/11 were never filmed. Well they might have looked like a fireworks display.
Firework # 1
Firework # 2
great data!
I agree that only exotic weaponry can account for the ""Ground Zero"" damage, but consider the DEW (Judy Woods) claims unwarranted and gratuitously complex and vague, probably intentionally so (ie, noise), to not only stoke the enigma and stifle resolution but also to make any other discussion in any similar direction seem like the rantings of "yet another one" who seems intent on blurring the lines between reality and "science fiction".
DEW proponents seem to believe that it is no more of a problem to direct than to produce the enormous amount of energy necessary to mostly annihilate a large skyscraper in less than half a minute. I disagree, based upon general technological principles and also multiple reasons to believe that the destructive energy was released at ""Ground Zero"" by fissionless fusion devices, also known as tactical nuclear weapons, that had been placed inside the buildings — a technologically simpler explanation which better fits the evidence.
I would also note that the DEW proponents remain inconsistently and thus strangely mute regarding the best visual evidence in support of the use of DEWs at ""Ground Zero"": the incredibly brief bright burst of light which preceded/accompanied the intersection of an aircraft the government claims to have been Flight 11 with the North tower wall (1). For those DEW proponents to go out of their way to connect invisible dots while willfully blinding themselves to visible ones calls into question whether their behavior is truly motivated by an honest desire for full disclosure of all the lies of 9/11. I think not.
Great points, but i think there are a few logical errors. Firstly, just because Judy does not provide an easy to swallow theory, does not mean she is a disinfo agent. Secondly, a Tactical Nuclear device is a 'simpler explanation' but is it the right one… just because a theory fits doesn't make it true. The big issue with Tactical nuke is lack of heat. and even the best tactical nukes create massive amounts of radiation and heat, which are not present at ground zero; granted there could be undisclosed nukes which are capable of this, but simply based on the evidence, i find it highly improbable.
Judy offers the data, without a the bias of a theory attempting to explain it. this modality of investigation does not sit well with those who cannot analyze a thing on their own, and as such it has become unpopular with those that have little to no rational processing (not pointing fingers at you, just a general observation).
As for DEW proponents, as you say, willfully denying evidence, i have not seen that before, nor am I claiming as much. Personally I am just seeking to understand what happened, and putting ALL the data on the table for that purpose. If there is data which calls something into question, i want to know about it.
What I can say for sure, is that no one theory as to the cause seems to consider all the facts… that I HAVE personally reviewed. I can hardly claim to be omniscient on this score, hence my desire to keep an open mind about any and all things that surface.
No heat? What about the ponds of still molten steel in underground that survived despite the vast amount of water the NYFD hosed onto the whole site? Sure the Nano-Thermite folks have clearly demonstrated that it can be easily deployed to slice through very thick steel, and that the Thermate or Thermax commercial formulas containing elemental sulfur (and NOT sulfur compounds) lower the melting point of steel which would account for the strange washing away of beam thickness and even to the point of creating holes.
My humble opinion is that a nasty mix of devices were used and that all the researches are probably onto some portion of the truth (except those NIST liers).
Dr. Alan N. Sabrosky's suspicion that most all the flag rank folks in Washing know the Mossad did 9/11, is well worth exploring further, and anything that ties back to a Cambridge school's lab across the street from a business that didn't actually lose its founder on 9/11, also deserves attention.
A South African like T&R commission with the power to grant immunity to and provide lifetime safety for those who KNOW what happened and completely spill everything they know could be a key step in restoring our beloved USA to sanity and honor and respect by a global community that now sneers at us for being Israel's well trained thug ready to destroy America and spend our blood and treasure to do Israel's bidding.