(Conscious Hologram) Lloyd Pye used to say “Everything you know is wrong” and presents evidence about what is really going on with human evolution that mainstream science won’t discuss. He presents evidence that the human genome was tampered with and he says the best story that explains why modern humans look like the way they do is presented in Zacharia Sitchin’s books.
Related The Evolution of Man—Mainstream History’s timeline VS The Anunnaki timeline
by Conscious Hologram December 11th, 2017
How modern humans got here is a big mystery and can be explained with the Anunnaki theory according to many researchers.
The best piece of evidence is not ancient archeology of ancient Sumeria or the translations of the cuneiform text but in the human genome itself. If we were modified then the hard evidence has to be in the DNA, end of story, period.
And here’s the deal, we have that evidence, the 2nd human chromosome is fused making the human genome the only primate with 46 Chromosomes (23 pairs) and not 48 like all the other primates (apes and monkeys).
This is not just odd, but Darwinian impossible, how can a random mutation that is so radical become dominant? That is very unlikely, with most mutations the offspring will be less fit and die off.
So to have Chromosome 2 to be a successful mutation is strange. A fused single strand of Chimp 2a and 2b is highly unlikely and this combined with all the other extreme variations from our nearest Ape relatives it becomes highly improbable.

Modern humans are unexplainable by normal science. There is simply no missing links between our nearest relatives that show a steady progression of adaptive features.
Where are the skull changes, the teeth changes, the bone thickness changes, or the huge brain increase changes? No where and they won’t ever find them because they don’t exist. Think about it, recent hominids should be abundant in the fossil record.

Neanderthals coming and going with no good predecessors is also really weird. So how can we account for Neanderthal DNA in our DNA? We adopt the Anunnaki theory, we solve the mystery by examining what the Sumerians said with the evidence.
What if the Neanderthals were one of the first self replicating robust slaves engineered by the Anunnaki? What if some of them escaped their Mespotamia overlords and went north where we find their remains today?

It is hard to dismiss the Sumerian account because of the evidence. First, the Holy Bible is the most believed holy book on the planet and is considered to be the words of god, billions believe the authenticity of the account.
The story of earth and the rise of humanity as the dominant specie is partially told in the Holy Bible as a watered down and religiously perverted account.
The gods who came down from the heavens became “fallen angels” and “demons” leaving the believer in a paralyzed fear of unknown other worldy agents.
The Holy Bible is a terrible religious propaganda account of human origin, it makes people irritated and prone to do evil because the text confuses the mind with irrational tales of a needy creator god.
The omniscient creator God making bad angels and casting them to this world is demented to say the least.

The Sumerian story of the Anunnaki is the same information – but earlier and more detailed. It is also rational.
No demons, no bad angels cast to earth, but a credible logical story or another race coming here on a military mission. They did fall to earth like angels as they are shown in reliefs with wings.
But they did so voluntarily as astronauts on a mission to earth for gold. They did make the first man Adama in their image – the Sumerian text describes in detail their genetic engineering attempts to create hominid worker slaves by mixing of DNA.
The discovery of older and more detailed Sumerian myth paints an entirely new picture of the creation account, it paints a very clear detailed picture of what happened, not the superstitious fear version of the Jewish holy book.
There needs to be a differentiation, the Anunnaki creators of the human specie are not the same as the original Creator Prime. The Anunnaki were not gods but a competing race in our solar system.

Then we have the DNA evidence, humans are the only primate with 46 chromosomes and the only primate without fur. Lloyd Pie came up with 12 huge differences between us and the apes. The most bothersome one is all the genetic diseases that only humans have.
If Darwinian progress is the path of our origin we wouldn’t have 4,000 unique genetic disorders because they would have been selectively eliminated. Our condition is not the product of Darwinian fitness.
How can the prevalence of human diseases be explained? If we were genetically engineered to be slaves, who were wiped out by the owners periodically, they didn’t care about their mistakes. The story of humans artificially created by Enlil and Enki the Anunnaki overlords as slaves explains much.
It explains humans diseases and human starvation and environment degradation. Humans are not natural, they don’t fit here, they are self destructive with drug use, body abuse, environment abuse.
Humans are the abandoned abominations of the Anuna Lords who came and went back to their damnable planet Nibiru.

So if Neanderthals were the first Anunnaki slave abomination how did we come about? Well, the Sumerian text tells us exactly what happened, the “gods” lusted after our women and mated with them making a new hybrid, one that is less robust and has more Anunnaki DNA.
The human being is very much in the likeness of the Anunnaki gods but inferior smaller models. We look like Anunnaki but we also have native earth hominid DNA. We are hybrids of the gods.
Remember that all primates have 48 chromosomes and we 46 (23 pairs). This means the Anunnaki must have 46 chromosomes which is why they modified earth primate DNA to have one pair less.
They changed our DNA to match their DNA and then later they mated with us and created new hybrids. They even created a Royal line, a hybrid with extra genes to be overlords just like them. We call this slave master race abomination “Jews”.
Have you noticed how the chosen ones are obsessed with their mother’s blood?

We also have to explain our water origin. Have you heard of the Aquatic Ape Theory?
“It is much harder to explain why we differ from the gorilla and the chimpanzee much more markedly than they differ from one another. Something must have happened to cause one section of the ancestral ape population to proceed along an entirely different evolutionary path.
“The most widely held theory, still taught in schools and universities, is that we are descended from apes which moved out of the forests onto the grasslands of the open savannah. The distinctly human features are thus supposed to be adaptations to a savannah environment.
“In that case, we would expect to find at least some of these adaptations to be paralleled in other savannah mammals. But there is not a single instance of this, not even among species like baboons and vervets, which are descended from forest- dwelling ancestors.”

The Aquatic Ape is a compelling hypothesis but there is a better explanation for the naked ape. We look just like the naked Anunnaki Gods.
They created us in their image by mixing their DNA with ours. One god, our father god (according to the Sumerian myth), Enki was a water god. Thus we have a dead ringer for the origin of water born human traits, the Anunnaki genome:
“The Anuna awakened Enki from his subterranean, underwater habitat. He was in what could be described today as a state of suspended animation. Enki and his wife, Ninmah, created humans to be the slaves of the Anuna.”
Click here for a larger chart:

“The texts chronical the Anuna’s genetic experimentations as they engineered the first humans. The texts write about six attempts and how the first five were failures for various reasons ranging from deformities to androgynous life forms.
“Finally, the sixth was successful and insemination was used to produce the first humans from this humanoid creation. Ninmah was the original scientist trying to engineer humans. After her multiple failures she became frustrated and asked Enki to take over the development.
“Each of these genetic failures was kept alive and cared for in the manner it required. This shows the benevolent nature of these advanced beings. Writings later reference the “black headed ones” whom the Anuna ruled.
“This is obviously a reference to early black skinned people who were likely the first mass-procreated creations of the Anuna. The reference to their color implies the Anuna were not black (otherwise, why call out the color?).”

“If one believes Zecharia Sitchin, then they are the beings from a “planet” that has an clockwise rotation around our sun every 3600 years.
When my colleague, Jack O’Brien, asked about their heritage and race one Anunnaki Warrior female responded that:
She said that her race was from the Orion Nebula, and was not a pure race but included Anunnaki, which in turn was a Reptilian race interbred with another.
I reminded her that the Orion Nebula was the remains of a star gone Nova, resulting in an expanding cloud of gas around the star.
She said that they had anticipated this happening and had evacuated their planet long before this occurred.
In The Cosmic Code Sitchin writes:
“There was a time, the Sumerians told, when civilized Man was not yet on Earth, when animals were only wild and undomesticated and crops were not yet cultivated. At that long ago time there arrived on Earth a group of fifty Anunnaki.
“Lead by a leader whose name was E.A. (meaning “Whose home is water”) they journeyed from their home planet NIBIRU (“planet of crossing”) and, reaching Earth, splashed down in the waters of the Persian Gulf… The time: 445,000 years ago.” (p.42)
In the first place they came to obtain gold which they require for survival on their planet which is losing its atmosphere.
A complex mining operation was begun in southeast Africa which later required human hybrid slaves.

Because their planet goes far out into space, these beings are in darkness and misery much of the time; when they approach the sun again they delight in visiting our planet Earth with the feminine essence of the Goddess so vibrant and living upon her.
There is evidence of these visits throughout ancient history, particularly in the Sumerian culture.
When the Anunnaki and their God, Anu, visit our planet they interfere with its natural rhythms and nature.
Since they are of a different origin, which is more advanced and they live for thousands of our years; they have manipulated us by genetic experiments and consider us like guinea pigs, or as slaves for their gold mines.
It is said thousands of our years past, they took the gentle and docile Hominid species we know as Homo Erectus and bred a human hybrid from their own DNA. This explains the famous “missing link.”
Humanity was formed from Anunnaki DNA and Homo Erectus DNA with many horrific mistakes…”

With the Sumerian myth story of our origin we can also explain the human condition. No researcher has yet to correlate the unthinkable human condition with the ancient alien theory. Can we not explain the human condition because of the godly intervention?
Are we not artificial creations and not a product of natural selections? Is not drug abuse rampant and are not some government who are in the know about our true origin, controlling the drug trade?
We are the damned and abandoned specie of the gods. We are not happy campers on this planet. We are unnatural selections of a terrible space faring race who came here and experimented on us as if we were Guinea Pigs.
The sad fact is that we are the left behind abominations of the Anunnaki bastards that created us and then left us to rot. Many of us are like abandoned little puppy dogs hoping for their master to return some day. How many Christians are awaiting rescue when Jesus returns?

On planet earth the abandoned miserable hominids are fighting it out because of their heritage. War, disease, and suffering are the norm on this hell planet. This beautiful water planet has been greatly decreased in beauty because of the Anunnaki abominations called human beings.
We don’t fit here, we are not adapted here, many of us don’t want to be here and so we go to war or use drugs. What we should do about our situation is beyond me, I just find the situation very sad.
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“Proof that the Human Species Has Been Genetically Engineered…”
All lifeforms were Genetically Engineered. That we know, but the question still remains who genetically engineered all animal and plant life in the Universe, particularly on Earth. Most believed at one time that it was “GOD” but we don’t actually know who God was nor from where he came from to Earth… All lifeforms are made up of combinations of DNA…Animals, Modern Humans and plants.