by Justin Deschamps,
Is the coronavirus a cover for mass arrests of the Deep State?
Many who follow QAnon and the longstanding theory that an alliance exists to take down the cabal think that this is exactly what is happening.
In the following video uploaded on the 25th, hundreds of tanks are seen on train cars headed for an undisclosed location in Los Angels.
ABC7 reported that:
The report also said:
Eyewitness News reached out to the military and learned that it is not tied to the coronavirus.
So what is it tied to? Is it a military exercise of some kind?
Finally, the report said:
The armored vehicles were part of a battalion that returned from the Middle East.
They arrived in Port Hueneme and are now being sent back to Texas.
Can this report be trusted?
Well… if there was a takedown happening, then the above-mentioned explanation would be provided to keep operational security intact. We can’t discount the simple explanation they offered but it doesn’t disprove the mass arrest theory either.
Of course, many who don’t subscribe to this theory say the tanks are just part of the emergency response.
But this seems a bit extreme.
Why would massive tanks be required to quell riots or other distributions of the people when the general population isn’t armed with heavy weapons and armor?
Perhaps it would be just a show of force—I can’t discount that explanation.
But then again, perhaps these tanks will be used to assist in the mass arrest scenario.
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Think about it.
If the alliance was going to start the takedown, the Deep State would not go quietly. From what insiders share, the Cabal plan on holding out till the last man, or woman.
If this is true, then they will likely create chaos and mayhem as much as possible, and as such, a stronger military force would be needed.
On this question of if there is preparation for a mass arrest scenario, the answer is most likely. If you have evidence to the contrary, let us know in the comments.
There’s actually more evidence to consider.
On March 3rd, Manlio Dinucci reported that 20,000 troops will arrive in Europe—but without protective gear.
This was covered by Electroverse:
None of these troops have been issued with Bio/Hazchem suits or masks, which seems a little reckless of the American Government if COVID-19 is really the threat that we are being told that it is…
“The 30,000 U.S. soldiers, who “will spread through the European region,” are in fact exempted from the preventive COVID-19 regulations that apply to civilians. The assurance given by the U.S. Army in Europe that “we are monitoring the Coronavirus [COVID-19]” and that “our forces are in good health” is enough.
Why would troops deployed to Europe, which is a hotbed of Cabal activity, not be issued masks and protective gear?
Doesn’t this seem a bit shortsighted?
Unless the coronavirus is not what we think it is.
To add to this theory, some believe the coronavirus is actually just the flu, given a hyped-up label to cause global distress and an economic shutdown—for the purpose of providing cover.
Now to be clear, the evidence on the table at the moment can be interpreted in many ways. Here are two to consider.
One is the mass arrest scenario we’ve been talking about.
Two is an NWO take over of the planet.
The global shutdown and economic impact aren’t debatable. Theses things are happening.
But who is using them for what remains unclear.
My opinion is that—without citing the body of evidence to support this—the Deep State is being taken down and the rule of law is being restored.
Here’s some more food for thought.
This man claims to have had a candid conversation with a woman who works for JP Morgan Chase. She told him that the coronavirus was a cover for a massive reform of the global economic system. She was apparently told that mass arrests of the Deep State are taking place.
Let us know what you think. And if you have any information about this, please share in the comments or via email and we’ll post an update.
– Justin
The preceding is a Stillness in the Storm original creation. Please share freely.
About The Author
Justin Deschamps has been a truth seeker all his life, studying physics, psychology, law, philosophy, and spirituality, and working to weave these seemingly separate bodies of information into a holistic tapestry of ever expanding knowledge. Justin is a student of all and a teacher to some, sharing what he has discovered with those who are ready and willing to take responsibility for making the world a better place. The goal of his work is to help himself and others become better truth-seekers, and in doing so, form a community of holistically minded individuals capable of creating world healing projects for the benefit of all life—what has been called The Great Work. Check out his project Stillness in the Storm to find some of his work. Follow on Twitter @sitsshow, Facebook Stillness in the Storm, and
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Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The preceding information is an update from one of the many alternative media persons driven to help humanity by providing important information. Updates of this sort, as cursory as they are, help individuals feel connected to the greater works taking place at this time as well as providing a personal glimpse into the mind of a content creator. It also serves to humanize such individuals and reveal to the public that alternative media is largely populated by people that work long hours providing information usually for free or for little financial compensation.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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Quote: Prelude to Mass Arrests of the Deep State? Hundreds of Tanks Arrive in Los Angels ??
WTF !! You don’t need tanks ?? You need a certain number of squads armed with AR15, wearing Ski Masks & be very good sharpshooters ??
The official explanation makes sense when you see the tanks are painted in desert tan colors. Nothing to see here, fo reals
2 years ago, I witnessed 2 trainloads of M-1 tanks being offloaded at Yermo Marine Depot. (near Barstow, CA). They were returned from Iraq.
These equipment movement are not related to the viral terrorism or riot control. Most highways & streets can not handle the weight of these heavy tractors.
Arrests? Yes.
Many midnight quiet arrests In LA past 2 weeks.
I live on a quiet deadend street in west LA. A few night ago, a federal vehicle chased a car down and made the arrest In front of my house. No sirens, no bells & whistles. No noisy choppers overhead. They wrapped it up I and towed the vehicle away n less than 1/2 hour.
They should have completed the operation by now.
My 4 years of research has come to fruition. These evil bastards aren’t as clever as they thought they were. Their plans of culling the human race were beyond evil and they deserve whats coming to them. You tell this to the sleepers and they either call you ‘brainwashed’ or a ‘conspiracy theorist’ I quite happily adopt these labels as a human that is informed and not misinformed.
Its sad to see people still walking around the streets in masks. If only people would research.
I don’t honestly think people know where to start and it is indeed a very lonely journey.
The truth will come out in the end and as Trump says “it will be biblical’ and most probably harrowing for some people as they will receive one huge download rather than bite sized chunks over 4,5 or 10 years.
Those arent for the Deep State.
The military has been practicing taking cities against well armed very motivated “insurgents” for the last 20 plus years. Now the American public gets to find out one part of the reason we have been down there.
Afganistan wasnt the waste of time everyone thinks it was. We just werent told the real objective.
The united States is the most heavily armed citizenry on the planet.
Those tanks are to keep the military safe.
They have one weakness though. Their tracks with a well place explosive you can blow the track off of a tank….
Soon the 800 plus empty FEMA camps will be filled to capacity…