(Ulysses S. Tennyson) Even More-Radical-Than-A-MarxistPope Francis issued an Easter message to a virtual meeting from April 5-11 between The Great Reset’s World Economic Forum and IMF to embrace “global governance…universal vaccines” and a “green” revolution against “ecological debt” that promotes leftist buzzwords like “inclusivity.”
Related Pope Calls for ‘New World Order’ After Coronavirus Pandemic
by Ulysses S. Tennyson, April 11th, 2021
From the very beginning of the note, it is clear that the message is a derogatory depiction of Western nations, as though Western society is to blame for most or all of the inequities and problems of the world:
“The notion of recovery cannot be content to a return to an unequal and unsustainable model of economic and social life, where a tiny minority of the world’s population owns half of its wealth.
For all our deeply-held convictions that all men and women are created equal, many of our brothers and sisters in the human family, especially those at the margins of society, are effectively excluded from the financial world.”
Citing the pandemic, the pope insisted that “new and creative forms of social, political and economic participation must be devised, sensitive to the voice of the poor and committed to including them in the building of our common future (cf. Fratelli Tutti, 169).” He then buttered them
He also called for “a global plan that can create new or regenerate existing institutions, particularly those of global governance,” and governments “giving poorer and less developed nations an effective share in decision-making and facilitating access to the international market. A spirit of global solidarity also demands at the least a significant reduction in the debt burden of the poorest nations.”
Does this plan sound at all like a New World Order defined by a Great Reset? Will that really solve any of the world’s problems, or just make them much worse?
If this sounds a lot like the progressive colloquialism of “spreading the wealth around,” it is no accident. That is exactly what he seems to be proposing: creating financial and political mechanisms to steal from more prosperous nations’ people in order to give it to politicians around the world. Then, people would presumably have to trust those politicians to funnel that stolen tax money to poorer nations that are probably run by worse politicians than those in The West.
The Pope then created a new term that Marxists would love, “ecological debt” which he says “exists especially between the global north and south. We are, in fact, in debt to nature itself”
But, don’t worry. Globalist bankers, according to the pope, are the leading experts in ecology and biology who are the best equipped to deal with these vast environmental concerns. Right?
Why else would he say the “financial industry, which is distinguished by its great creativity, will prove capable of developing agile mechanisms for calculating this ecological debt, so that developed countries can pay it, not only by significantly limiting their consumption of non-renewable energy or by assisting poorer countries to enact policies and programmes of sustainable development, but also by covering the costs of the innovation required for that purpose (cf. Laudato Si’, 51-52).”
He then wholly denounced the free market, stating that “markets – particularly the financial ones – do not govern themselves,” and then somehow linked this with another invented term that he calls “justly financed vaccine solidarity.” He used the term to insist that “international organizations to work together in providing vaccines for all, especially for the most vulnerable and needy (cf. Urbi et Orbi Message, Christmas Day 2020).”
He ended his message with globalist leftist buzzwords “more inclusive” and “sustainable future,” the “marginalized,” before finally mentioning anything about God in only the final perfunctory sentence, as if an afterthought
“In offering my prayerful best wishes for the fruitfulness of the meetings, I invoke upon all taking part God’s blessings of wisdom and understanding, good counsel, strength and peace.”
No mention of Jesus Christ is made in the note.
It should be no surprise, after reading this, that “Francis has sent addresses to WEF already four times during his eight years as pope and has permitted a Vatican roundtable at WEF’s annual Swiss conference site, Davos.”
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– Justin
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