Update: We were received the following from a reader that helped clarify that the overcoats used by soldiers during Biden’s inauguration match those seen in Trump’s in 2017. As such we have corrected the headline of this article and assert that the notion that the lack of medals in Biden’s inauguration is likely not an indication of anything substantial.
Note: We here at Stillness in the Storm will always report what we know at the time (about all sorts of topics and stories) and post updates and retractions when necessary.
– Justin
Update: There were two people who said the reason why there were no medals on the soldiers was that they were in overcoats. That makes sense. However, it doesn’t seem to be consistent with prior inaugurations in that in the past they didn’t wear overcoats. How do you explain this? Or are there in fact past examples of overcoats being used? What do you think?
(Will Justice) The internet is buzzing with claims that Biden is a fake POTUS. Translation: the inauguration wasn’t real. These photos are one of the latest clues to emerge.
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by Will Justice, January 25th, 2021
If you haven’t seen this yet then you might be in for a shock.
The Biden had a lot of strangeness.
The weather report said it was cloudy that day, and yet the sun was blazing when Biden was being “sworn in.”
He received a foreign dignitary gun salute instead of the standard used for a president.
And now there’s this.
Look at these photos. What do you see?
I’m no expert, but the black ones from Biden’s inauguration look like something you could pick up from a Halloween costume store. Why no medals?
Do the black uniforms look anything like the formal and well decorated blue ones from George W. Bush’s ceremony?
Does this prove without a shadow of a doubt that Biden wasn’t actually sworn in, as a lot of people are starting to think?
Not yet, but it’s one clue that needs to be investigated by an expert in these things—which I am not.
These images are making the rounds in anon groups, where many believe Trump is still actually the president.
When researching for this article, I wasn’t able to find anything from an official about why there’s a difference.
What say you? Do you know anything to help explain this?
– Will Justice
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About The Author
Will Justice is an independent researcher, writer, and truth activist dedicated to sharing his groundbreaking findings with the world. Over the course of several decades, he discovered the causes of worldly corruption, human suffering, and spiritual decline, which gave him the eyes to see the solutions hidden from view. He is passionate about unity, authenticity, and healing the world by forming effective grassroots initiatives.
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This article appeared first on Stillness in the Storm.
This article (Photos Suggest, Fake Inauguration of Joe Biden… Is Trump Still POTUS?) originally appeared on StillnessintheStorm.com and is free and open source. You have permission to share or republish this article in full so long as attribution to the author and stillnessinthestorm.com
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The news is important to all people because it is where we come to know new things about the world, which leads to the development of more life goals that lead to life wisdom. The news also serves as a social connection tool, as we tend to relate to those who know about and believe the things we do. With the power of an open truth-seeking mind in hand, the individual can grow wise and the collective can prosper.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammatical mistake? Send an email to [email protected], with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. Do you think this article needs an update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at [email protected]. Thank you for reading.
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My first thought on seeing the picture was a high school JROTC. Gut instinct. Also, they are wearing overcoats/peacoats (The two squids, the dudes with the white hats.) Medals might be underneath? It was cold there. Calling this one a miss unfortunately. Uniforms hidden by coats. So this line of reasoning is tenuous at best.
I never seen or owned an overcoat for Marine Dress Blue uniform. I wouldn’t think any of them would be wearing an overcoat … wasn’t that cold.
PS – the difference I can see is NO RANK INSIGNIA! The Army detail from Trump’s inauguration ALL have rank insignia on their overcoats. The other picture, I don’t see ANY rank insignia displayed on anyone???
The “Black ones” are Navy dress Blues.
All I know is that the equivalent of the globalists of the day in 1871 managed to convert the foundational federal constitutional republic of the U.S.A. into a corporation, that they have managed to their financial and political benefit to our day; but that it reportedly went bankrupt and was dissolved in 2020, and Pres. Tump was instrumental in re-establishing the original U.S. Republic on July 4th of 2020; that some sort of sting operation is going on, whereby presumably a lot of very bad people are avoiding the heaviest of military court sentencing by helping to complete the sting. I/this could be wrong. Please keep an eye on this situation. (There are a number of these strange anomalies surfacing. Thanks for this one..)
One is winter and one is summer. While the Biden swearing in was fake, this picture is not the best proof… unless the Winter Military garb is not the same either.
I tried sending this comment to your corrections address but it didn’t get through. I just wanted to point out a grammatical error in this article: Under the picture of the strangely uniformed military at the inauguration you said, “Wy no metals?” This, of course, should be “medals”.
Having said that: I agree with the gist of the article. Something very fishy going on. I think it’s because the – proper – U.S. military don’t recognize Biden as their Commander in Chief, from all of the voter and electoral fraud that went on in the election, and Trump may well still be the President. Time will tell. Let’s hope that it is sooner rather than later. The country can’t take much more of what has already started under the Biden illegal occupation of the White House.
Thanks Stan. Error corrected.
Also…. if you watched the inauguration …. I noticed some ladies wore different color shoes …. on the same day??????? hmmmmm
Yepp!! Blue and tan. Then in front of the white it was tan I believe! I wish I can upload my screenshots!
I saw that, too, but don’t think as much of it. A lady can easily change her shoes during the day. High heels are miserable. Maybe she broke a heel, maybe she got a blister. This one didn’t bug me.
.I noticed that some of the ladies……. wore 2 different style and color of shoes……. on the SAME DAY????? ….. Who changes their shoes in the middle of an inauguration….or on the SAME DAY for that matter ???? Hmmmmmm
In regards to the update:
In this inauguration video of Trump, the solider wore overcoats. I’m not sure why though.
Thank you we’ve amended the article via this information.
I need to give a disclaimer before, I think Biden is a Shitbird, and I love nothing more than to shit on his parade, but your are grasping at straw here. You need to compare apples to apples, not apples to pop tarts Will.
The picture with Shrub are all Air Force Guys(The ones in uniform), except the dude walking with Shrub, he is an infantry officer from the Army I believe, with the scrambled eggs on his hat, I think he is of the rank of major or higher. On the far left, you see some squids (Navy) And since no one is wearing a coat, it leaves me to believe that it is warm outside. Hence not an inauguration photo. If it is labeled as such, I think it is mislabeled. NO ONE is wearing a coat, so again, it must be comfortable to do so, not winter in Washington, or it was a very warm winter in 2000 or whatever date that turd came to be the President.
Again, back to the overcoat thing. You have at least four branches of the services represented, it is Jarheads, Squids, Zoomies, and Mudbellies, and maybe Puddle Pirates in the very back (Coasties) Hence, four or five different uniforms. It looks to be a column of troops preforming a facing maneuver (turning). The two guys in the front are Marines, you can see the red piping of their dress uniforms right above the collar, and the hats are more or less a dead giveaway. The next two in the white dixie cups hats and the pea coats (Both dead giveaways) are Navy (I wore this uniform myself for many years in the sub fleet). Next two dudes are Air Force. After that it looks to be a Coast Guard Hat, and after that, an Army hat. The dude in the very back looks to be an officer, with the gold band on his hat, but again, my eyesight sucks from so many years of looking through a periscope, and it could be silver, with him being a Sergeant in charge of the detail. THey didn’t wear this uniform when I was in the Reserves/National Guard back in the 90’s. (I went Infantry in the Reserves right after high school, then went active duty subs)
Love your work Will, you give a lot of people hope (myself included), but as this goes, you are barking up the wrong tree on this one.
As we said, we posted what we knew, we coverd the claims that others were talking about (not that it was out theory) and we updated when we had more information.
We should be able to cover theories and rumor, and present them as such, without causing issues, no? Can we discuss these things and dare I say, admit we were wrong, without the audience getting upset because we weren’t 100% correct from the start?
I know there’s an implication that a news service should be 100% fact based only and anything outside of totally proven shouldn’t get covered, but that leaves a lot off the table for discussion.
Here at stillness, we report on a wide range of information, we frame or disclose what it is and how verified it is, so you can clearly differentiate between rumor and fact. And the truth is, 99.99% of media outlets don’t do this. The brandish rumors as facts under the guise of “sources” that aren’t named. And they get things wrong all the time, they just hide it so you have the impression they make no mistakes aren’t covering rumor.
I ask that you consider the bigger picture. Which is that Stillness covers the full range of information, and we ask our readers to work with us when we need help (as we did) here. And we ask our readers not to demand from us the impossible: that only 100% proven facts are discussed. We speculate and engage in the dialog with you as an audience, and we think that has a lot of value (as a matter of fact our readers tell us all the time they love that about our site.
Think about this and let me know you’re thoughts ([email protected]). Truly. We’re doing what most sites avoid like the plague, which is behing honest about what we can and cannot prove and ask that you reimagine what the news and commentary should look like.
IF you could combine these two posts
You gotta scroll down, but both of these shots are from the 2001 and 2005 inauguration of Shrub, and it looks cold in both of them. (Unless you are the lady in the first picture, who seems to enjoy it… ) In the second picture with Shrub giving devil horns he appears to be wearing an overcoat.
Given this, I do not think the picture of Shrub and the Troops is from a winter month. That is my guess.
Indeed. The inauguration was in two parts – so, part live and part pre-recorded hologram/CGI mixed in, but a few continuity errors as mentioned above. Someone in an unnamed European country received the inauguration tape 10 hours prior to the purported time of the inauguration! That’s what I’ve picked up, anyway. We have to just sit calmly and watch now. Peaceful non-compliance also okay. President Trump also appears to have left the Whitehouse with a very precious commodity that the new crew do not have – the love and loyalty of the people of America (largely) and also much love from around the world. The negative factions are not able to counter this. Energy is everything. I have great faith in the fortitude of the American people – you’ve got this. In fact, you’re not alone, so we’ve got this.
I’ve never been in the military but anyone with a pea for a brain would know that during a ceremony such as this, a presidential inauguration, full dress uniforms would be required with medals and rank!
A slightly different topic but same idea. I’d love to hear the author’s take on the missing girls video. During the swearing in, Biden’s granddaughters stood behind him along with others. When the camera changed direction, the granddaughters were gone and the background audience changed. I have checked this from every possible angle even mapping out the camera directions on paper. That one is a real head scratcher.