(Jade Small) The only person surprised that the photos went viral and made the news was the photographer herself.
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by Jade Small, April 11th, 2020
The term “Fire Rainbow” is a perfect example of a misnomer. But while the name is totally inaccurate and the phenomena has absolutely nothing to do with fire or rainbows, it does seem a much more appropriate term for an optical phenomena actually called circumhorizontal arcs.
What makes fire rainbows particularly special is the fact that they need very specific conditions to occur.
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First, the sun must be higher than 58 degrees in the sky. Second, they require cirrus clouds—those wispy, thin clouds that are formed at higher altitudes where the air temperature is low enough to form the clouds from hexagonal (six sided) ice crystals. And third, these conditions need to be perfectly aligned for the ice crystals to act as a prism to create refractions and reflections from the sunlight, resulting in a horizontal “rainbow” display of color.
In spite of the exacting requirements, this iridescent halo effect is not as rare as one might think. Their frequency depends on the required conditions being in the right location in a particular latitude in the northern hemisphere during summer, notably in the months of June and July in the USA. They often appear on the horizon and beautiful examples have been captured above the clouds through aircraft windows.
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On their website, International Cloud Atlas explains:
The circumhorizontal arc occurs only when the elevation of the light source is more than 58°. When the Sun reaches an elevation of about 68°, the circumhorizontal arc reaches its maximum intensity. In countries north or south of latitude 55°, the circumhorizontal arc cannot be seen because the Sun is always lower than 58° there. So, this is one of the few haloes that is not visible everywhere on Earth.
In March of this year, photographer Cessna Kutz captured a magnificent fire rainbow over Lake Sammamish, King County, Washington State.
Cessna shared her stunning photos on her Instagram and wrote of the experience, saying:
“Witnessed a pretty cool phenomenon out on lake Sammamish today. A horizontal rainbow! To me, it was a little reminder to hold onto hope and love instead of fear and panic in these unknown times. Stay safe out there, friends.”
The only person surprised that the photos went viral and made the news was Cessna herself, who said:
“I honestly had no idea these photos would make the news. I was just wanting to share a beautiful moment I got to witness. I’m super passionate about photography so I’m grateful that God has used my photos to touch people, not only throughout the nation but throughout the world. It’s boosted my photography business as well as make an impact on people so it feels pretty amazing.”
Thanks to social media, posts like Cessna’s bring a ray of light into the lives of millions of people during this unprecedented time of lock downs and shelter in place orders.
This too shall pass, so be patient and please stay in place and stay safe!
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
Truth, beauty, and goodness, are regarded in some schools of thought as three supreme values. If one appreciates the fullness of truth, they’ll develop the capacity to see beauty in all things, thereby capable of acting for the good in one’s life. Psychologically, we need to appreciate beauty to ensure a positive life outlook. The mind is designed to reflect reality within, which is then evaluated as good or bad. The animal mind assumes things are “bad” so that it can ensure your survival. The human, spiritualizing mind, has the capacity to see the truth, recognize beauty and appraise all of this as good, thereby creating a node of positivity in your memory. The overall disposition you feel toward life, your mood, and worldview, are informed by the tapestry of evaluations in all life’s situations. Thus, to appreciate beauty improves your world view, it makes you feel better about life in general. It helps you overcome depression, maintain inspiration, and stave off boredom. Combined with the desire to grow and evolve, to become wise, honorable, and an agent for good, the hardships of life become opportunities to bring goodness into the world, though you’re creative deeds. In the act of heeding this supreme calling, you become an agent for good, living a fulfilling life for yourself, while making the world a better place through your increasingly joy-infused acts of compassion, kindness, righteous defense, and truthfully guided ways. The following information reveals some of this power of beauty, discussing the effects of appreciating it or showing you beauty in nature or created by others.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammatical mistake? Send an email to corrections@stillnessinthestorm.com, with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. Do you think this article needs an update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at sitsshow@gmail.com. Thank you for reading.
Beautiful comment Justin. Just beautiful. How lucky I am to navigate this world with your lifework in my sphere
Oh Yes all very NATURAL, another wonder of Heavy metals in our air thanks to Climate manipulation with HAARP and CHEMTRAILS..