This could be part of the progressive program of NWO pushed by the Cabal, or it could be part of the take down of the cabal we have been hearing about (again) from so many. Several insiders have put forth the notion that a major financial unrest will occur possibly as early as this year, which will help provide the contrasting experience needed to make a new choice for humanity as a whole.
From a psychological perspective this makes a lot of sense. Emotional Trauma is something the Cabal employes against the people, keeping us locked in static modes of thought, making us easily controllable. Life has become so entrapping that we often force ourselves to go through the daily bustle and hustle, which has a tendency to become normal. Essentially humanity has been stuck in a form of stockholm syndrome for thousands of years. We are also trained to fear the unknown at a deep level, and creates a stagnancy of growth.
Emotional trauma in addition to no time in our daily lives, and lack of critical thinking skills creates a perfect storm of domination and control; “we are so hopelessly dependent on the system that we will fight to protect it.“
The implosion of the control system will help many detox from its deleterious effects. Like a long time alcoholic or drug addict, we must taste its bitterness so we can feel driven and willing to make a new choice.
A new US Department of Defense (DoD) research program admits that the Pentagon has long been concerned about widespread social break down. Even more striking of an admission is the fact that they have been funding universities to create models of the dynamics, risks and tipping points that would all be part of large-scale civil unrest in the United States.
The DoD program was funded under the overarching authority of a number of US military agencies.
This program, costing millions of dollars, has been designed for the purposes of immediate and long-term “warfighter-relevant insights” development. The Pentagon explains that the purpose is for senior officials and decision makers in “the defense policy community” to form a contingency plan in the event of wide scale social unrest.
The recently revealed documents add that the purpose is further to inform policy implemented by “combatant commands.”
This all started back in 2008 when the global banking crisis formed the impetus for the DoD “Minerva Research Initiative“.
The DoD then decided to partner with universities in order “to improve DoD’s basic understanding of the social, cultural, behavioral, and political forces that shape regions of the world of strategic importance to the US.”
One of the products of this was a Cornell University-led study which was managed by the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research. It aimed to develop a model “of the dynamics of social movement mobilization and contagions.”
The DoD’s Minerva Initiative funded a project last year as well, in order to determine “Who Does Not Become a Terrorist, and Why?”
“In every context we find many individuals who share the demographic, family, cultural, and/or socioeconomic background of those who decided to engage in terrorism, and yet refrained themselves from taking up armed militancy, even though they were sympathetic to the end goals of armed groups. The field of terrorism studies has not, until recently, attempted to look at this control group. This project is not about terrorists, but about supporters of political violence.”
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