We are the ones we’ve been waiting for…and we’re DONE waiting
To follow the energetic trail that calls us forth, empowering awakened hearts and minds across the country. To unite our human family by creating a safe, open space for people to connect, commune and share as One People in peace, love, absolute transparency and above all, limitless in our potential.

The 5D Media Crew set the intent to create a space of ‘absent limits’, that means accomplishing in 6 weeks what would have taken 6 months in the old paradigm. We have manifested thus far:
- The crew contributed their own resources to secure the first of 3 required Motorhomes
- The first O.P.A.L meet up and tour launch has been organised for the weekend of 25-27th October in LA. Details on the Itinerary page.
- 2 appearances have been secured at the Ascension Rising Conference in Sedona. Brian and Bob will be running a workshop on Saturday. Brian, Lisa and Bob will be speaking in the main room at the conference on Sunday to promote The OPAL Tour and unite with like minds.
- Network and connect the multitude of individuals and groups around the Country who are currently working in insolation on technologies and concepts to take us into a new paradigm of living.
- Interviews with local individuals, projects and organizations who are making a difference
- Foster community
- Exchange our value by DOing (Gifts, Talents, Self Expression, Personal Sharing, Creating a space for collective sharing, Revealing your Inner Value)
- Daily broadcasting of all Shows on the 5D Media Network
- Filming major gatherings on route.
- Connect face to face and heart to heart
Opal is a stone of inspiration, imagination, creativity, self worth, confidence, and supports you in reaching your full potential.
Energetically, the Opal, supports the process of change and restores harmony, which perfectly encapsulates the O.P.A.L. Tour!
Buckminster Fuller said “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” This tour represents our collective effort to build a new model. One that is in the best of interest of all The People…… no longer the privileged few.
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