Bill echos many of the conceptual elements we have upturned in our journey into Oneness. Here in Aouchtam Morocco, we, Julian and I, came here in attempts to create a Sustainable Conscious Community, where the individual is fully responsible and aware of their co-creative relationship with the world outside of themselves; the co-creative arena. This dream, has yet to become a reality in my estimation, but we are moving towards a path of further unification.
Living Consciously and Intentionally with others for me means being willing, above all else, to change yourself and be open to the truth about your presence with others. Not group think, an individual controlning the minds of many, but individuals consciously choosing to act in harmony; open to healing thyself and thy neighbor.
As Bill aptly names:
“A sovereign who is not a responsible to others is the very definition of a tyrant.” – American Kabuki
Similar quotes which further underscore this point in are:
“Knowledge is power,” and;
“With great power comes great responsibility”
Therefore, the ability to be Conscious or Aware of one’s self creates the potential for great power within ourselves (for chaos or harmony), and the choice to ignore this awareness of one’s self, especially because it counter’s our accepted view of self (the image of who we think we are), is a choice to create chaos in one’s own life and the world. Ignorance (a conscious choice to ignore) will prolong growth towards greater harmony within and without. For example, if you think of yourself as serving humanity by torturing people in Guantanamo Bay because it is ‘serving your country’ then your choice to not reconcile this massive contradiction perpetuates the chaotic behavior you are creating. You continue to torture people causing them and yourself harm.
When we invite the light into ourselves, it will inevitably reveal cracks and incongruities which can, if we are willing, be transcended.
by American Kabuki
I began this current journey December 26, 2012. Its been an amazing experience from a historical, a spiritual and a personal view point. We’ve faced many challenges and many obstacles and bore them knowing that the information we had was correct and that it resonated with a very wide audience. How diverse that audience is did not sink until recently.
We have published information that was kept secret about the banking systems, what value was, where that value resided and who ran the systems. The energetic nature of banking and the off-world connections that ran it.
We’ve provided solutions that would enable the banking systems to re-purpose themselves using their own familiar business documents. But they have chosen to continue on as they always have. Control is powerful addiction. They have chosen to not be honorable in how they deal with humanity. That is their choice… at least so far. They continue to clip coins via inflation and various other monetary games and mirror fundings to eek out yet one more day of control. But the math of it all is not on their side.
There is a Russian Engineer here that explained to me what happened when the Soviet Union fell apart economically. The currency inflated so rapidly employees were paid daily and they had to rush out to buy things before they rose in price. It was a continual race against time, for inflation is always the way the banking system steals from the future, its built into their model of banking. As the money got so bad, US dollars became the defacto currency in the former USSR. If people didn’t have money but they had potatoes and someone else had electrical parts, they exchanged goods, in a true value exchange between individuals quite apart from the banking system. The value was still there, and they overcame the road blocks to exchanging that value which was the failure of the government and banking systems. What then arose is appearance of the “procurers” who had family or other connections to western Europe and other countries. These people would smuggle in good that were badly needed, which were sold in the open air markets or what they call here in Morocco the “souk”. In the USA we call them flea markets or farmers markets. Also about that time it became legal for Russians to own small tracts of land which they could build a small dacha and a vegetable garden. The shortages engendered by central planning of markets and central banking vanished in a couple of years and the markets were filled with goods and with food that was never there under the old centrally controlled and planned economy. I expect such a scenario is brewing for the United States. I do not believe in RVs, GCRs or any of that nonsense is going to save the day because it does not address the fundamental question of what is value and where it comes from. Under those schemes it still lays hidden and non-transparent.
I have always known there is a real person behind that virtual presence as American Kabuki. You speak from the heart, my friend, and I appreciate that. I was not aware that you were also in Morocco. May things get better for everyone there. I have been watching SITS for a while now, and the QEG project in particular. Presently, there isn't much I can do to help, but visualize positive outcomes for everything, both there, and here in my own life. Thanks for what you do.