I have been enjoying having conversations with many people about accessing their value, pros and cons, some state that it gives money to feed the dying beast ptw… and so it should not be done….
Here is something else to think about if you resinate with the thoughts…
We are creator beings. We are now aware of what is going on how things work etc. The ptw will get a 10% discount fee, but we get access to a representation of our value to add to our Energetics and Knowing of how things work now and we go forth and PLAY in all sorts of amazing ways… in my opinion that is a Game Changer.
the argument that the bankers will take control of our money and make money on it seems to be shorting the whole picture when what amazing things we can do with our representation of value is not added into the picture.
for those of us who still have money (I don’t have this problem “they” are already taking it now and making money off of it, and not “feeding” it, waiting for it to run dry, feels like the slow torturous route.
what do you imagine would happen if just a few people went in and got access to a representation of their value, we will use the example of 8 hundred mil as what they each went in and accessed.
then depending on what made their heart sing they …. bought large tracks of land in the amazon to keep pure, they bought whole sections of islands, like say in the Pacific North West, they bought bridges with tolls on them or paid all the tolls for all traffic and had announcements go to the travelers to let them know how their bridge toll was paid for… a wildlife rescue organization had a new large piece of land and all buildings and equipment gifted to them to re-home the organization from its out-moded cramp current facilities… these are just 3 or so examples.
There is Power in these. From an enegetic level, from a playing level and from a 3D PR level, not of who bought something but how their Value was converted to a representation to do it.
Ok now magnify that by everyone in this room doing similar things that make their heart sing with their representation of value.
Now you have the word spreading, you have joy, creativity, fun, possiblities spreading….
YES, the ptw got 10 % discount fee and yes they may have made some money off of your FRNs while you slept…
BUT the tsunami of HIGH vibration energy and the word of mouth discussion would totally out way any of that.
This… accessing of our value and what fees the ptw make get from it is not done in a vacum
we are either creator Beings or we are not, we either have power in the energetics of this Now moment and what we do together or we do not
we either create our reality or we do not
just my perception and feeling on this (heart)
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