(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Communism for Kids is a children’s book designed to introduce Marxist philosophies to newer generations. At present, the masses clamor for more government handouts and a bolstering of the nanny-state—which to the uneducated person appears to be a good solution for economic hardship and inequality. But redistribution of wealth schemes do not create abundance—only hard work, knowledge and effort can do that. Marxist Communism is arguably yet another version of NWO control, one that seeks to make citizens completely dependent upon a strong authoritarian state that promises abundance for free.
And to those raised in a world of seeming material splendor, where technology provides endless instant gratification, state-enforced wealth redistribution seems like a good idea.
If you can get a young person to believe that they need not work for things in life, they will become resentful of those who have created wealth through their labor, eventually they will want to take the honestly earned wealth of others by force. And with the deliberate dumbing down of newer generations, the allure of communism seems like a great thing.
But the same philosophy was used in communist Russia and China during the early part of the 20th century, and it was this toxic pathological mindset of resenting those with skills and talents that saw over 160 million people die in untold hardship and suffering. Those who were espoused by the promise of free goods and services (the free-money cult) were indoctrinated into a belief that those with wealth and abundance are “oppressors” and “we are the oppressed.” This is precisely the rhetoric of the growing radical left, who have imbibed post-modernist philosophy, contending that all of their problems rest squarely on the shoulders of an rich and powerful “white bogeyman.”
Make no mistake, academia in the main, especially in prominent universities, has become a mouthpiece for globalist NWO rhetoric—a toxic philosophy designed to pit newer generations against conservatives who have worked hard for their status. As such, parents would do well to take care what propaganda is being pushed onto their children, ensuring that such information is discussed at home to negate any brainwashing that may distort the minds of young people.
Press, a publisher affiliated with the world renown Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, recently published a children’s book titled “Communism for Kids.” Its content is every bit as asinine as the title suggests. According to the book’s description:
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Source – The Daily Sheeple
by Daniel Lang, April 13th, 2017
“…This little book proposes a different kind of communism, one that is true to its ideals and free from authoritarianism. Offering relief for many who have been numbed by Marxist exegesis and given headaches by the earnest pompousness of socialist politics, it presents political theory in the simple terms of a children’s story, accompanied by illustrations of lovable little revolutionaries experiencing their political awakening.”
Considering that the far-left consists of a bunch of unimaginative joykills, it’s not surprising that the book isn’t very good, as the many one star reviews on Amazon can attest. One reviewer stated, “Essentially the book is summarized thusly: The world is terrible because a bunch of entrepreneurs invented things like television, cars and nice homes. Because of scarcity, not everyone can have those things. Therefore, those things are evil and pursuing them is capitalist brainwashing.” Another reviewer wrote “Will sell like hotcakes in Venezuela. They need toilet paper.”
Though the description claims that this book is “perfect for all ages,” it’s not even a very good children’s book. It’s apparently riddled with academic jargon and references to political movements that no child would understand.
What’s most surprising, is not that a book with this subject matter would be published, but that it was published by MIT press. MIT produces some of the most brilliant graduates in the world, who go on to make countless contributions to the global marketplace through inventions, research, and startups. It’s an engine of entrepreneurship. It’s estimated that if all the companies that were started by MIT graduates were one country, it would be the 17th largest economy in the world. I guess no school is safe from the blathering madness of leftist academics.
About The Author
Daniel Lang is a researcher and staff writer for The Daily Sheeple – Wake The Flock Up!
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