(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Emma Gold (Roger) from Full Disclosure Now (FDN) is putting out the call to use our collective consciousness and intentions to realize full disclosure. See the following video and related suggestions below.
The below points are valid for 2016 and all subsequent days until full disclosure comes to pass.
Our participation is needed.
Your consciousness is a valuable part of the movement.
Spend time everyday—if you feel called—to step towards full disclosure.
Seek the truth, prepare for change, and open your heart and mind to all that is.
Together, we can shine our light in all the dark places.
By changing ourselves to receive the truth the gateway to full disclosure is opened.
We are ready to know the truth.
Much love.
Published on Apr 13, 2016
November 11th 2016 11/11 You are encouraged to take part in a mass demonstration of humanity’s co-creative power to bring forth full disclosure.
1. Set your cell phone for a notification/alarm to alert you each day at 11:11am and 11:11pm daily. Watch what happens when you are in public and other alarms go off.
This movement starts HERE and NOW with YOU!
2. Each day at 11:11 am/pm take a moment to think about what positive changes could come from full disclosure. You can also simply say the phrase “Full Disclosure Now” out loud or to yourself and go about your day/evening. This step is important so please do it to the best of your ability.
3. Start a FDN group in your community, country, or
home. Become a community organizer for 11/11/16.
(you can do this through www.fulldisclosurenow.com)
4. Nov 11th 2016
11:11am organize peacefully and in silence for an 11 minute candlelight vigil. We encourage you to do this publically, in your homes, alone in your car, wherever you are.
11:11pm where you are at his time take a moment to walk outside look to the sky and say out loud or to yourself “I am ready to know the truth”.
This movement starts HERE and NOW with YOU!
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at [email protected]. Thank you for reading.
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