(Will Justice) Have you been told your belief in Trump, patriotism, and Q is a “psyop”? Have you heard about Operation Trust and that Q is just another version of a communist honeytrap? Then you’ll want to read this because, despite their similarities, there’s a big difference that a lot of people are missing.
by Will Justice, January 21st, 2021
Ever since the patriotic movement took off against the deep state progressive communist agenda, there have been haters and black pillers out there. They push the belief that if you think Trump and the military are working together to put a stop to the deep state—to drain the swamp—then you’re a gullible idiot.
But in most cases, these people don’t really understand what Q and the patriotic movement is truly about. They resemble the people during the revolutionary war who argued that Britain was too strong to fight against. Thankfully, true patriots like you didn’t buy into it. There is always a valid reason to reject despair in the face of a challenging situation. We must have good arguments and logic on our side to see the the truth of hope in every situation.
This article is meant to give you, the patriot who still believes in the movement to stop to the deep state, the hope and conceptual weapons you need to debunk and fight against those who want to push black pills of hopelessness.
The Communist Honey Trap OPERATION TRUST is NOT the Same as Q or Trump Patriotism
Trump patriotism is the sense of upset one feels for the degradation of American and constitutional values, and the belief that—via Trump and other populist movements (like Q); We the People have the power to stop the woke progressive-communist takeover. It’s the belief that you and your power as a truth-fueled-patriot can, and should, be a force for positive change. Much like being a vocal opponent against COVID-19 lockdowns that are clearly part of the Great Reset (Agenda 2030). Most of the readers of Stillness in the Storm I would classify as true patriots—Trump patriots. Filled with the same revolutionary spirit that the founders felt, and used to create the greatest nation on earth.
There are a few outlets and influencers that claim Q was a psy-op pushed by the deep state to get the names of patriots on a list to round-up and prosecute them. They also say that the idea of “trusting the plan” was designed to pacify true patriots who are sick of cabal corruption.
To support this belief, the history of Operation Trust has resurfaced:
Anatoliy Golitsyn was a Soviet KGB defector and author on the long-term deception policy of the KGB communist leadership.
In 1984, Golitsyn published the book New Lies For Old, where he warned about a long-term deception strategy of seeming retreat from hard-line Communism designed to lull the West into a false sense of security. The book also included a section that is relevant to today.
“Operation Trust” was a Bolshevik Counter-Intelligence honeypot trap to identify anti-communist patriots by having them wait for a secret military plan that didn’t exist.
The communist operation from 1921 to 1926 aimed at neutralizing the anti-communist opposition by creating the false impression that a powerful group of military leaders had organized to stop the communists’ takeover. Then the Bolsheviks then later arrested and persecuted those involved.
Sound familiar? The people who reject the idea of a positive military force working with Trump and reawakened patriots—like you and me—suggest that “QAnon” is the same Soviet-style operation.
But there’s good reason to believe that this isn’t the case.
Note: I’m going to arm you with some facts and arguments for stopping this kind of hopeless cowardice. It’s my personal belief that most of the people who push this are misguided. They haven’t taken the time to understand the huge volume of material behind Q to see that Trump is working with the military to stop the deep state. Additionally, I think there are sockpuppets and deep state shills that work their way into groups where patriots gather. They do this to sow seeds of hopelessness to de-moralize and hinder the patriotic resurgence in America and worldwide.
I want to layout an argument about why it would be illogical to believe that Operation Trust is the same as Q and Trump Patriotism. To believe this:
- You’d have to believe that Trump was in on the operation, or at least a useful idiot who was supporting the agenda unwittingly.
- You’d have to discount the fact that all the Q material, which revealed aspects of the deep state agenda, was all part of the deep state effort.
- You’d have to accept that the Russia Hoax was part of the plan too, that the deep state knew that it wouldn’t work, and knew they would get caught, but did it anyway.
- You’d have to accept that the election fraud that was anticipated by Q and helped wake up millions of Americans was also part of the plan.
- You’d have to accept that all the advances made during the Trump administration, like Executive Orders that confiscated assets of human traffickers, the building of the US Mexico wall that greatly hampered human trafficking and drug trafficking, and all the preparations made over the past four years that point to a large military operation that is about to unfold to take down the deep state was all part of the nefarious plan.
- You’d have to accept that the 75 million (at least) Americans that agree the election was rigged and Trump truly won are the targets. That the deep state wanted to arrest and prosecute almost half of the American population.
- You’d also have to accept that all of the floundering the deep state did was part of the operation—and that they picked a total hack like Biden as their frontman on purpose.
Yes, there is a resemblance between the Q operation and Operation Trust. These include rumors of positive military operations to take down the communist elements within the a government. But, there’s a difference between rumors and observable actions or real damage being done to the deep state agenda.
Think about the terrible optics Biden’s dementia gave to the whole Democrat Party. Do you think that’s what they wanted? Especially considering the Democrats are the ones pushing for “democratic socialism?” Perhaps, but most likely not, if we’re going to apply Occam’s razor to this situation, this does not seem like the most likely explanation.
I don’t claim to have all the answers. But, if you ask me, this all points to the fact that Trump and the rebirth of patriotism, partially supported by Q, is not just another version of Operation Trust.
What about Democrats that want to make lists of Trump supporters? Keep in mind that the deep state has been gathering information on patriots for years, especially since the internet age. Google and other big tech giants already work to make these lists. Thus, if the goal of a honeytrap is to make lists of people that can be targeted, this was already happening. Q didn’t need to come on the scene to make this possible for the deep state. So if Q is just a way to make lists for the deep state, why didn’t they just use the information they already had? It doesn’t make any sense.
Here’s another thing to consider.
Communist Russia’s legal and constitutional framework is nothing like the US. There are tons of legal statutes and military law specifically designed to deal with the infiltration of the government by communists. In short, the legal and lawful foundation of the Trump and Q military operation is completely different than the Bolshevik Russia situation of 100 years ago.
What is now becoming clear to many anons is that the original “dates”—such as markers 11.3 and 11.4 — are not dates at all, but are in fact references to US military law. Indeed, sections 11.3 and 11.4 of the DoD Laws of War manual deal directly with military occupational powers, which can now come into play as a consequence of the Biden camp completing the election fraud crime—which they did when he was inaugurated. What’s more every elected official and military soldier, officer, and general has to take an oath to defend and protect the United States and the Constitution.
Also, in terms of arguments, there are claims supported by conjecture (meaning it sounds good but only has a few points to back it up) and there are arguments that are substantive—meaning lots of facts, evidence, and proof to back it up.
Q and the military option to restore the American Republic isn’t just some glorified rumor with no teeth. It’s one of the most logical and supported ideas out there, and it matches the core values of America, which are Christian in origin and makeup. These are the same values that are at the foundation of law within almost every nation on earth, most especially the United States. That foundation is the belief that there is a God, that God gave everyone inalienable rights and that the power of any government is derived from the consent of the governed.
With all this being said, and much more that wasn’t (to try and keep this article somewhat short) the patriotic movement and Q is far and above different than a communist honeytrap. Keep in mind, most of the people who push the “Q is a deep state psy-op” belief hasn’t spent more than a few hours to research and understand the Q drops. The people who have poured through the material, which is complex and coded in its presentation—have a far more detailed basis to argue why Q and Trump’s patriotism is real.
By contrast, the dissenters of Q are resting on straw man arguments—a dimwitted understanding of a very complex topic. It’s comparable to someone who’s never researched computer programming trying to tell a professional coder that their code isn’t going to work—they just aren’t qualified via substantive knowledge to make that claim.
“Trust the Plan” is Designed to Pacify the People and Patriots
I’m sure you’ve heard this before. It’s another trope you hear from people who don’t really understand Q or what the plan is.
Firstly, no one knows the plan.
A Q detractor, with an afternoon’s worth of free time and an internet connection, can’t read a handful of Q drops and figure out what the plan is because it’s far too complicated for that.
Like most military operations, an OPlan, as it is called, takes years and dozens if not hundreds of brilliant minds to produce (look at this list here to get a sense of them.)
Q researchers who’ve done nothing but study Q posts since it began in 2017 don’t know what the plan is—and they’ll tell you as much.
Do you really think an armchair skeptic who’s barely able to talk about a few Q posts can sum up the whole thing enough to completely debunk it? That’s like claiming anyone with a few spare hours can understand and debunk a plan as complex as the Allied operation to retake Europe from the Nazi’s during World War II.
Now ask yourself can this same armchair skeptic really understand it enough to say it pacified people?
Q and the idea of “trusting the plan” has not pacified patriots. Here’s why.
Patriots haven’t been pacified—they’ve been activated. Pacification would be taking the genuine discontent that Americans feel and making them inactive and uneducated—that if they just do nothing, the cavalry will save them—that if they just keep quiet and don’t do anything, the cavalry will take care of it all for them. Does that sound like what Q followers do? No. Actually, a digital soldier is someone who, being possessed of key knowledge, works to attack the deep state agenda by being active and coordinating with other digital soldiers as General Flynn talked about.
Remember, Q doesn’t tell people what to believe, Q encourages people to think critically—think for themselves—and offers breadcrumbs (clues and hints) in the form of Socratic questions that lead people to do their own research and expand their knowledge base. That’s not pacification.
For any successful counterforce (against an enemy) to have an effect, organization and mobilization are required. People have to care, be activated, and begin working together to form support networks and communications channels with the purpose of undermining the communist narrative. The communist agenda requires compliance and obedience (think: 1984). Did you know that political correctness was widely used by the Bolshevik communists? Do you see many Q Trumpers sitting back and going along to get along with the deep state agenda?
Here’s how much Q and the patriotic movement has been a thorn in the side of the deep state progressives.
The problem of Q and the anti-deep state narrative pushed by true patriots is such a powerful force that widescale censorship was required to deal with it.
In the past, “conspiracy theorists” could be dealt with by the mainstream media writing articles that painted them as lunatics. They could get the job done with a few articles, and largely left people to speak openly about real conspiracies, knowing most people wouldn’t take it seriously. But that didn’t happen with Trump and Q. As a matter of fact, Trump went from being a fairly well-accepted member of the wealthy elite—pre-2016—to the most vehemently attacked political candidate and President in history.
But, Q and the pro-Trump patriotic spirit is unquestionably counter-narrative and hinders the “be obedient to the party” communist agenda of the mainstream, making it too powerful and too much of a problem. The entire might of the mainstream media apparatus had to be mobilized against it.
Thousands upon thousands of articles, interviews, and even some movies were created to fight Trump and Q patriotism. The transnational power of big-tech and social media giants had to all work together to suppress the activating power of the patriotic counter-narrative from Q and Trump.
In short, the efforts of everyday Americans inspired by Trump and the Q material stirred the pot too much, damaging the deep state agenda. They had to use color revolution style tactics and mass purges of social media accounts in an effort to stop it, but it didn’t work. They had to censor POTUS, by suspending Trump’s Twitter account, but instead of it pacifying patriots, it caused droves of people to get off big tech social media to such an extent $51 billion in market value was lost. People instead flocked to alternative social media services like Gab and Parler.
Then, Amazon, in an unprecedented move, banned Parler from their servers because it was quickly becoming a rallying point for patriots to support each other in countering the deep state agenda.
Does that sound like an ineffectual pacification movement? Does it seem like the deep state feels totally at peace with their success in Biden and the Great Reset?
In closing, let’s also consider that the Biden inauguration was the most “protected” in history. That Biden and his staff suspected National Guard troops were plotting against him. Does that sound like they feel like they’ve pacified the patriotic spirit?
Given all this, the plan and Q are not what most people think. Despite the fact that a lot of patriots are disheartened that Biden was inaugurated, there’s good reason to think that the inauguration itself might be part of the plan.
When it comes to black-pillers keep in mind that, if one looks to history, every time tyrants are about to be overthrown by freedom fighting patriots, there are cowards and double agents there demoralizing the revolutionaries. But unlike in the past, the revolution won’t be open warfare.
All wars begin with a battle of ideas. Digital soldiers are using words, facts, and critical thinking to expose the lies and agenda of the deep state communists. And it’s working.
“But did we really do anything from sitting on our couch and hiding behind a screen?”
This is another argument you’ve probably heard. That digital warriors are like keyboard warriors, they don’t really do anything but comment on social media and post on forums.
Can sharing your ideas really do anything? Yes, it can. Far more than your deep state masters would want you to believe. Why do you think they work so hard to control the narrative and censor free speech?
It’s understandable to think speech is useless in winning a battle because when we think of patriotism, we think of people fighting on a battlefield. What might not seem apparent is that well before any battles were fought with weapons ideas were shared between people.
Winning hearts and minds is critical to any successful battle—especially when patriots are fighting against tyrants and authoritarian governments.
History shows that tyrants stay in power largely because people are demoralized and believe that the situation is hopeless. Socialism in particular is successful because bad ideas, false ideologies, and toxic propaganda make people believe that tyranny is freedom.
War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.
― George Orwell, 1984
This means that the real battle isn’t with arms, swords, guns and heavy machinery, but ideas.
This is why Q and other patriots, including Trump and the founding fathers, constantly discussed and debated positions. They battled with concepts and arguments, to reveal, through dialect and rhetoric, what is truly in alignment with freedom and justice and what is not.
Digital soldiers and free thinkers are an essential part of restoring freedom to the US and beyond. Why? Because freedom and a government that truly supports it isn’t a random preference. It’s not like saying a blue outfit is better than a red one. Its essential to living the way God intended for us.
This is why it is said the United States is the greatest country on earth. It’s the only society in recent history that recognizes that the truth that a government is derived from the consent of the governed—which means that each person has rights that they use to create a government specifically for the purpose of protecting those rights and freedoms.
It’s a government that recognizes the truth that power with the rule of law (which applies to all equally) is a key pillar of real justice and the only real way to make everyone thrive and prosper. Other countries have embodied this vision, but for the most part, the United States has modeled it the best—even enshrining the right to arm oneself to defend against tyranny as a fundamental tenet of the social contract.
Think about how color revolutions work. Think about how the Nazi’s came to power. Think about how this happened in any society reaching back to the dawn of civilization. You’ll realize that each one had to make people believe in it for it to work. Again, this happens with the sharing of ideas. Propaganda itself is the method by which a people are persuaded to believe in something—which is used by nations and societies since time immemorial.
In law, this is the concept that a nation is “fictional” and that what makes a country what it is are not flags and borders but ideas. A flag is itself a symbol that represents ideas. And if the battle of ideas isn’t the foundation of any fight for freedom, it will fail, utterly.
All of the founding fathers were great thinkers and debaters. In the age of enlightenment, the age of our founding fathers, the spirit of freedom took root. People believed in objective truth, objective morality, and that making a great and free nation was, not only real, but within reach.
Lastly, any attempt to free a people from tyranny has to address the confidence mechanic. That essentially means the confidence a citizens has in its own government to protect their needs and values.
The confidence of people in their electoral process is something you’ve probably heard about. It’s the idea that the voting system by which you can participate in gives you a way to have your voice be heard. If a people lack confidence in their government or the election process then they fight and rebel against it.
How do you produce confidence? You guessed it, in the realm of ideas, in discourse, discussion, debate, and real people talking to each other.
If the military swept in and arrested the deep state actors as soon as Trump took office in 2016, most people would reject whatever government was installed—even if it was far better than the corruption that was in place before.
A careful campaign of re-instilling the American spirit needed to take place. People need to realize that using their voice to share ideas and claim values that are truly good for all were vital. Q helped do that by asking people to think, research, and gather together to support and strategize with each other. But it wasn’t just Q. Many who understood the truth about freedom and why a righteous government was needed also shared these ideas. And We The People talked about it to such a powerful extent that the most sweeping election fraud machine in history was needed to stop us.
Now, do you see how powerful sharing ideas is? Now, do you realize that “sitting on your couch” and sharing an idea on social media might be one of the most powerful forces for freedom there is?
Now to be sure, I’m not saying this is the only thing that needs to happen. That posting a quote on social media or sharing a link somehow does all the work for us. But it is an essential component that can not be overlooked. And yet, the detractors would have you believe that sharing ideas means nothing.
People have to be sold on the idea that a better government can work and this is what’s needed.
Case in point, they have to realize that the government is corrupt by seeing with their own eyes that the election was rigged and the government we thought would do something about it didn’t. Those who saw this fraud and used critical thinking to debunk the fake news narrative used the digital battlefield to share a message that reached millions. This was so impactful that big tech had to shut any discussion of election fraud down. And this happens on the battlefield of ideas when people talk to other people in their families, their communities, and society in general.
This is why the deep state works so hard to control what people talk about via social media platforms. It’s also why free speech is another sacred right of a truly free nation because we have to share ideas and be free to do so, or we don’t have freedom, we have tyranny.
So when someone says “sitting on your couch and posting comments or talking to people on social media is useless or has no effect” it means they don’t understand the social component to any successful war effort.
The truth is that today the social climate is far more prepared to accept the truth about the corruption of the deep state and accept a better government that can be restored after the deep state is taken down. And this happened largely because people (like you who are reading these words) cared about these ideas enough to talk about them.
I want to remind everyone of what was said in this article:
Above all else: Don’t Lose Hope. There’s never a reason to think doing what’s right is foolish.
The situation appears grim—but is it really?
Q and the patriots never promised anything. For all we know, things are moving according to plan.
Keep in mind the battle for truth and freedom never truly ends. The truth doesn’t stop being true because corrupt forces seemingly gain power.
The truth lives in our hearts and is made stronger in our minds. The truth makes the world better when we act on it.
No matter how dark things seem to be, we always have the power to fight for what’s right, joining together in the common cause of justice and freedom.
William Wallace (the historical hero from the Braveheart movie) didn’t just give up when all seemed lost. He kept fighting and inspired generations to come.
Jesus and countless other prophets didn’t lose hope as their lives were ended. They kept the light of God in their hearts knowing He who made the world is near to us, he is always with us and inspires us to work for goodness—especially when it is dark.
– Will Justice
The preceding is a Stillness in the Storm original creation. Please share freely.
About The Author
Will Justice is an independent researcher, writer, and truth activist dedicated to sharing his groundbreaking findings with the world. Over the course of several decades, he discovered the causes of worldly corruption, human suffering, and spiritual decline, which gave him the eyes to see the solutions hidden from view. He is passionate about unity, authenticity, and healing the world by forming effective grassroots initiatives.
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This article appeared first on Stillness in the Storm.
This article (No, Q and “Trust The Plan” is Nothing Like OPERATION TRUST, It’s not a Pacification PSYOP, and Here’s Why.) originally appeared on StillnessintheStorm.com and is free and open source. You have permission to share or republish this article in full so long as attribution to the author and stillnessinthestorm.com
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The preceding information is an update from one of the many alternative media persons driven to help humanity by providing important information. Updates of this sort, as cursory as they are, help individuals feel connected to the greater works taking place at this time as well as providing a personal glimpse into the mind of a content creator. It also serves to humanize such individuals and reveal to the public that alternative media is largely populated by people that work long hours providing information usually for free or for little financial compensation.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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BoboSixx says
Will Justice,
Thank you for this wonderful article.
I was very dejected when Biden was inaugurated.
Now, I understand that they had to seal their own fate through completing the theft of the Presidency by being sword in.
Lock, Stock & Barrel as the ole’ saying goes. They are done.
What interesting times we are now living in.
Peace, Love & Light to All.
Liz Smith says
Thank you for a sound detailed explanation of the differences between the two. I have a few friends and family members that ask regularly, so when is this going to happen?
My reply; I have no idea. And if I did, I certainly wouldn’t tell. Do you honestly think that Trump and his team aren’t using the same tactics of misinformation as the enemy as to keep the enemy off balance?
It baffles me how they can be so ignorant.
It’s going to be challenging not saying to the,: I told you so.
Justin Deschamps says
My pleasure. I am a deep thinker and I’m glad that when I take the time to share my thoughts, it helps others. And I always look forward to hearing from others and listening to their thougths so we can come together and seek the truth as a human family.
Crystal says
Donald J. Trump died of prostate cancer over a year ago. We’re watching a movie, and Trump is a body double. Just like all the other actors. As someone once said, “Politics is Hollywood for ugly people.” And, it is. The Trump Train was WAY too profitable to let it go due to his passing. So, the family and the ones who run the show kept it going and that strategy has proven very profitable. Millions of dollars have been sent to the Trump gang, and none of the Trump bucks, coins, etc will ever pay out – no one is going to be able to “cash in” their ‘Trump investments.’ Not ever. It was / is a trick. Another one. Folks just can’t imagine something so crazy. But, is it any crazier than the Joe Biden body double? Its a movie for the masses, by the Hollywood for ugly people and to generate money for as long as the trick works. I voted for Trump in 2020. If there is an election in 2024 (which I doubt) I won’t participate. It is a rigged game and now we know. To participate in a rigged system is to perpetuate it. What if there was an election, and nobody came….THAT would make a statement of solidarity among EVERYONE: Dems, Reps, white black etc……. for the REAL news with no spin or tricks, United Network News : https://www.unitednetwork.tv/
Vania Dyer says
Accidentally came across your website clicking on a search link. Very glad I did. I am a born-again Christian, a loud & proud ForeverTrumper, & a loyal steadfast Patriot. I trust the Plan 100% & believe it is God’s Plan & nothing can stop what is coming. It would be nice to have a better idea how long we have to put up with Biden, but I’m just “biding” my time waiting (ha ha). Any suggestions for other sites to get reliable informative updates from would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for caring and sharing. Love from NW Georgia.
Justin Deschamps says
So glad you share this. I’m North of Atlanta. We are witnessing a revival of faith and it’s not accident.
Kay says
Even if Q and The Plan are to come to fruition sometime in the future and “dark” turns to “light”.
How do you know that the coming “Trump Era” isn’t in fact a “false light”, orchestrated by Lucifer (the “light bearer”)?
So he sacrifices a lot of “pawns” (like HRC, Obama, Bush, Biden etc) of his old, “dark” control system, only to transition to a seemingly better, “light” control system, again pulling the wool over humanities eyes.
This seems to be supported by scripture, telling us in Revelations that the “First Beast” will transfer all of its power onto the “Second Beast”…
Anyway, that’s my thoughts. I’m curious about what you’d think about that…
Justin Deschamps says
I know because the values of Christ and his methods are reflected in what Trump did, spoke to, and represents.
You ask a good question that shouldn’t be overlooked. I would say, having thought about this question quite a lot, the fire of God is indeed here already bathing the earth, and this fire burns away sin and false knowledge, replacing it with truth. The rule of law is part of that truth. But we should not blindly follow anyone, even if they are truly of the light.
Qtardfree says
Bruh you are s fucking horrendous writer. Way to project your mental health by posting 12 articles on one page. Clown shit
Justin Deschamps says
Oh shucks. You totally know me better than I know myself. I guess I better give up on all my pursuits and sulk back into a hole. Hrm… nah. I’ll keep doing what I’m doing. Nice try.
Kevin says
Qtard seems desperate and somewhat panic stricken to post a reply such as this. I’m sure he/she sucks at life to the same degree as this shitty post.
Ron Hunter says
There appears to be an error near the end of the following portion of your article. ‘Do you really think an armchair skeptic who’s barely able to talk about a few Q posts can sum up the whole thing enough to completely debunk it? That’s like claiming anyone with a few spare hours can understand and debunk a plan as complex as the Allied operation to retake Europe for the Nazi’s during World War II. The article states that ” the Allied operation to retake Europe for the Nazi’s”. Shouldn’t that read “from the Nazi’s”?
Justin Deschamps says
Yes thank you so much. I corrected that.
Tim says
Or, this Q could have been designed to physically numb the masses, while they proceed in leaps with there communist plans while we fight our virtual minded war thinking we are winning. And just before we the massas wake up, it might be to late. I’m getting tired of all this endless hope that some one will stop them soon, but that day never comes. These deep state criminals are killing us spiritualy, and it seems like they are bigger then we can imagine. They are creating cultural hate with each time they open their mouths or with there dictating communist whip. If the patriotic people of the free world don’t do something soon, I guess they will win again. And by the looks of it, this time around they are going big. I’ve lost my faith in these warriors for justice, full of promising plans and claims of evidence with no execution or atleast an arrest.
Justin Deschamps says
I’m guessing by your comment you tl;dr’d this article (didn’t read it). If you did, you’d know what you said makes no sense.
Thowee says
What he said made perfect sense. To people that love the Republic- but are not caught up in internet misinformation.
The Deep State runs deep.
Goyim says
Justin Deschamps, you wouldnt be a part of this centuries operation trust by chance would you? It seems very clear to me. Jewish bro?
Justin Deschamps says
You’re letting yourself get distracted by the Jewish issue. Don’t buy into it. The Jews are not the problem. The people who commit evil and harm others are the problem, which is independent of the affiliation with Judaism or not. What’s more, those we call jewish, who have participated in the globalist agenda aren’t even Jewish, their Frankists, Sabbateans, Denma crypto satanists acting like Jews, Christians, Muslams, and so on.
Roz says
Agree.& I read the article.
Zenda Rawlings says
I could be wrong, but it seems that where you used the word calvary, did you mean cavalry?
Also, just wanted to comment that according to a documentary I saw, in the Bolshevik revolution, the son who was supposed to take his father’s position was passive and didn’t want the responsibility making it much easier for the Nazi’s to come in and take control.
Justin Deschamps says
Good catch. Error corrected.
Joel Henry says
Putin is behind Trump……
Liz says
Forward to 11/2022 —
The “optics” of a demented illigitimate pResident (and all the heinous issues of destruction of the country put in place by his globalist puppetmasters) did NOTHING to harm the demonrat image or agenda, especially since election fraud can easily overcome ANY disagreement with said agenda. And notice that after almost 2 years, WeThePeople did NOTHING about the corruption and destruction — and neither have the “white hats” — since the “trust the plan” mantra further enabled the laziness, complacency, and ignorance of the sheeple as to what was required of them to save their republic.
Tc says
I would like to believe in Q, but a couple of things remain troubling to me. Why did Trump approve the Covid 19 Emergency Use Jabs? His supporters took his word they were safe. Why would he possibly kill his supporters? When Covid was no more dangerous than normal flu. Why didn’t he pardon Edward Snowden and Julian Assange? Both exposed the deep state and the Intelligence Agencies corruption!
So my opinion, is that Q had to be more in-depth with optics to sway enough people in order for them to believe because we live in an Information Age. The Deep State needs a new way to pit people against one another, Q-Anon creates that new dichotomy! It also controls the masses from revolting…. Much like “Operation Trust”.
Justin Deschamps says
One thing I’ve learned over the years is to know the limits of what we can believe. Much of Q appears valid, but we have uncertainties that we need to be aware of. That said, the material is some of the best out there in the category if fits within.
Trump likely approved the vaccines as part of the sting op, which is still ongoing. If he didn’t approve it, they would have painted him an anti-vaxxer, but doing so negated this and it allowed the standing for crimes against humanity to be secured. Yes, some people did, and this is horrific, but there was no stopping it. Not sure why he didn’t pardon them, but if the coordinated OP was part of it, then that possibility is still there. Snowden appears to have been a CIA asset working for the cabal. Is it possible that Q is a psyop for the Cabal, yes possibly, but that seems less likely given all the events that have transpired over the years.
Sam says
I disagree. I am quite amazed at how some of the great awakening aren’t fully awakened. Even the true Patriots fighting for our freedoms that fully support President Trump and Q, like myself, haven’t figured out the simplicity of the fast tracking of the vaccine. Instead of a thourgh overview of the big picture, many still deflect to judgement the way the Globalist intended for us to do in order to blame and discredit Trump. I don’t think I have enough space to break it all down with reminders to give my opinion for worthy consideration, but I assure anyone holding blame over Trump fast tracking the vaccine have lost their critical thinking on that matter. To trust Trump is to understand him, which many don’t.
David G Quintana says
well.. I think maybe you should reread your article.. it does not take away the fact they are both the same , it galvanizes it,, 65 years old.. I see what I see.. it’s what you don’t see that will get you// sorry .. it looks exactly the same to me. If articles about OT are disinformation,, then what is this.. we do not know.. I don’t know you.. I know I want this country to be free again.. but I see no one doing it.. sure we can get in the street.. but as we do, the couch potatoes would sit back and pacify themselves . by telling themselves.. Trump supporters wouldn’t do that.. I have been republican all my voting life.. I met many politicians.. voted republican even when I did not agree with the parties choice.. Because America is a Republic.. but politicians are criminals… It looks exactly like operation trust…
Martha says
I 100% agree. It was a tedious read, but in the end it DOES galvanize the repackaging. The article does make the parallels even clearer. Gen. Flynn is yet another “coincidence.”
andrea m vincen says
maybe it IS going as “planned”….fake scare event??? ww3? i read the posts…everything is so ridiculous it HAS to be an operation to expose! trump 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dont get off track by propaganda! the plan is moving along..thank you for your article! wwg1wga!
For Him says
We have had many confirmations along the way. Wwg1wga.
A word of caution: many operatives were embedded in patriotland at the beginning. The first job was to have some be bad guys.
Next level was for some of operatives to combat the obvious bad guys (both plants) to build cred.
Along the way from time to time, different levels of intended operatives have created confusion, division, or infighting among the patriots to keep them from uniting.
The worst level saved for last is the level of those who have been trusted from beginning. They will blow people away by creating schism in the group when the pressure is the highest and it is hardest to hang on. They will come out with bombshell info that is not true or twisted truth and because of their previous rock solid stance, people will believe them without truly testing it.
Sam says
Agree. The great awakening is as the name implies. President Trump shook the nation into awakening with his 2016 election, although some began to awaken with the Bush administration with 9/11. It’s the realization that every story has two sides. In our search for the truth we must be able to research both sides with an open and unbiased mind to form our own conclusion. The truth always prevails and shines through. The massive number of Trump supporters shows that. The uneasiness of his election in 2016 was diminished from that crowd because he proved himself to be a man of his word. As a reminder, he was never a politician but rather a citizen of this great nation, with a love of the freedoms of this nation fought with blood shed to establish, as we, who carry the same pride. As a younger man, on an Opera interview, he stated that he had no inclination to run for president but would if he felt he had to. That decision came in 2016 after the disastrous fall of America from Obama and Hillary given the keys to drive us into government dependence and control. He saved this great nation and us and will again with a vengeance this time.