by Justin Deschamps,
What kind of world could we create if we used modern technology to reform civilization? How could a decentralized system better serve the people? Could we finally put an end to widespread corruption, institutionalized oppression, and hardship?
I had the pleasure of interviewing the creator of a technology that, from what I can tell, has the power to drastically improve things for the better.
A new and groundbreaking model for reshaping society as we know it is being developed. It has the power to improve how we live, from the ground up, without destroying what works and what is traditionally valued. It is designed and intended to be open source, transparent, and owned—not by royalty, or officialdom—but by the people themselves.
Vision5 is the name of this unprecedented project, inspired by someone who wanted to finally solve the problems of this world once and for all.
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How Things Have Been
Freedom and prosperity have evolved tremendously since the beginning of human civilization.
For most of history, any freedoms the people enjoyed were granted by monarchs, emperors, and priests. If you didn’t follow the ruling powers, you were attacked, your family harassed, your property stolen, or worse, you could be killed.
In today’s world, things have improved quite a bit insofar as access to food, water, and shelter. But the people remain largely under the yoke of governments and rulers who rig the system for themselves, while the common people suffer.
But all of this could be changing—very soon.
Technology and Freedom
Governments and societies are founded on culture.
Culture is an aggregate of a populations value choices and beliefs, becoming norms and mores that guide and shape society.
Communication and economy is the lifeblood of any society.
This is why certain powerful players on the world stage have maintained a death grip on communication systems, like the internet, the press, education, and of course, social media.
The economy, is similarly heavily controlled by the powers that be.
Up until very recently, people didn’t have much choice to reshape society. But with modern technology, particularly the internet and various other advances, the power of the people can finally be restored.
A people’s power to rule themselves, to stop corruption, and to ensure prosperity for the future is directly related to how well that people can communicate and organize.
What if we had a peer-to-peer communication system, one that allowed people to share their ideas and speak to each other without fear of censorship?
What if we could exchange goods and services with each other, without having to feed corrupt financial powers?
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Vision5 is that system, an overarching project intended to improve and replace the corrupt systems of society that have allowed a small population of wealthy and immoral elites to maintain tyrannical control.
Vision5 is a vast far reaching development.
It uses blockchain technology as it’s foundation. This solves a major problem: corrupt government interference—censorship.
Financial institutions, at present, have the power to manipulate markets, bank accounts, and prices across the globe.
This is partially because the system that undergirds the global economy is highly corruptible and lacks transparency.
A blockchain system would make it very difficult for mega banks and financial powers to manipulate the economy, because every action taken would be stored as a record on the blockchain—which anyone can check for themselves. But it isn’t just the same system on a blockchain. Vision5’s economic component is a system that essentially recognizes the inherent value of people, as opposed to the current system that assumes people are “debtors” and have to “earn a living” just to survive.
In short, abundance for all is what Vision5 is intended to become.
Gone will be the days of shady financial manipulations that leave people’s pensions devastated and ultra-wealthy bankers smiling greedily.
This is just one out of hundreds of sub projects under the Vision5 umbrella.
All the Vision5 projects fall under 5 main ‘pillars’:
- Tech5: Upgrading the Internet and Worldwide Web
- Economy5: Implementing a new economic paradigm
- Humanity5: Philanthropy on an unprecedented scale
- Planet5: Restoring the planet to its natural beauty
- Unity5: A platform for global unity and the Great Awakening
There are tools for activism, social media, finance, direct democracy (as a loose term), media, social networking, and much more.
The creator of this project doesn’t want fame or fortune and is staying behind the scenes for now. They are dedicated to improving the world through solution-oriented projects, like Vision5.
The project began almost 16 years ago, as an inspired vision. It resembles a story of divine intervention.
Religious mysticism aside, throughout history, intrepid inventors have always emerged to solve problems. The only reason they haven’t had a bigger impact is because the lacked support from the people.
What can you do to help?
Vision5 is a huge project.
Reshaping the world doesn’t happen overnight. And it can’t happen if we don’t want it to.
Even if the best reforms were ready to go tomorrow, people would have to agree to use them, or these solutions would stay unused.
Take the time to educate yourself about the project.
Vision5 needs real people, who care about making things better, to help the effort.
To learn more, go to the Indiegogo Campaign, and make a contribution if you feel called.
This is just the first of many announcements about Vision5.
If you’re feeling excited, you should be. This has the potential to change everything, for the better.
Author’s Note: As someone keenly interested in making the world a better place, I am constantly looking for dedicated world-healers with the knowledge, vision, intention, and most importantly, competence to make it a reality. My role in Vision5 is to alert you to these efforts, 1) because they offer hope in a world where hope is at a premium, 2) potential solutions like this need to be discussed publicly, so that any merit they have can be understood by the people, and 3) to offer my evaluation based on what I know thus far. As it stands, having spoken to the creator of Vision5 myself, I think this is one of the better all-in-one solutions I’ve considered in a long time. That said, success at anything in life often comes after long struggles, revisions, and improvements, which the creator has already be doing for 16 years. The main point I want you to walk away with is that change for the good is possible, we merely need to believe in it and seek to make it a reality in our own lives.
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About The Author
Justin Deschamps has been a truth seeker all his life. He studies physics, psychology, law, philosophy, and spirituality, working to weave these seemingly separate bodies of information into a holistic tapestry of ever-expanding knowledge. Justin is a student of all and a teacher to some. He humbly seeks those who are willing to take responsibility for making themselves and the world a better place. The goal of his work is to help himself and others become better truth-seekers, and in doing so, form a community of holistically minded individuals capable of creating world healing projects for the benefit of all life—what has been called The Great Work. Check out his project Stillness in the Storm to find some of his work. Follow on Twitter @sitsshow, Facebook Stillness in the Storm, and
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This article (New Blockchain Project Promises to End Corruption, Restore Prosperity, and Return Power Back to the People | Vision5) originally appeared on and is free and open source. You have permission to share or republish this article in full so long as attribution to the author and
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
Almost everyone, regardless of their intelligence, recognizes that things aren’t perfect. Despite advances in technology, a great many people suffer needlessly. By all accounts, the problems our world faces are not insurmountable. Indeed, an abundance of solutions is available, and arguably always has been. But a solution, like any idea, is a dead thing unless it is given life through participation. The preceding information is just one out of a well nigh infinite repository of solutions. Whether or not these improvements have any effect depends on us. Never forget, throughout history, small handfuls of dedicated people have made great changes, not always for the better. If you, who care about the good, become an agent thereof, then how many good ideas could be realized? And if others, like you, set aside their differences to work together for the good of all, how quickly could things improve?
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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BoboSixx says
“Religious mysticism aside, throughout history, intrepid inventors have always emerged to solve problems. The only reason they haven’t had a bigger impact is because the lacked support from the people.”
Also, the powers that should not be are the REAL reason smart inventions that will help to make our society and planet better is suppressed.
We NEED those technologies released immediately to our World, when the powers that should not be are permanently removed, within the next year from now.
Thomas Tschoepke says
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