(Jasper Hamill) In a piece of research produced earlier this year, S. P. Colombano from the Nasa Ames Research Center called for an investigation into UFOs and said that some of the sightings could deserve to be taken seriously rather than dismissed out of hand.
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by Jasper Hamill, December 3rd, 2018
He insisted that our species needed to be more ‘aggressive’ in its search for extraterrestrial intelligence and try to think about how alien technology might develop over millions of years.
‘In the very large amount of “noise” in UFO reporting there may be “signals” however small, that indicate some phenomena that cannot be explained or denied,’ the scientist wrote.
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Although Colombano stressed that ‘we have not been, and are not being visited’ by aliens, he went on to say that we simply may not be able to grasp the truth about extraterrestrial civilisations at our relatively primitive stage of technological development.
He said that humanity needs to abandon its preconceptions about the nature of extraterrestrial beings – which may not be little green men but tiny, hyper-intelligent robots.
Colombano also claimed fellow researchers often avoid studying UFOs because they believe interstellar travel is impossible and fear most sightings are driven by ‘hoaxes, mistaken perceptions or even psychotic events’.
‘If we adopt a new set of assumptions about what forms of higher intelligence and technology we might find, some of those phenomena might fit specific hypotheses, and we could start some serious enquiry,’ he wrote.
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‘The intelligence we might find and that might choose to find us (if it hasn’t already) might not be at all be produced by carbon-based organisms like us,’ he continued.
‘How might that change the above assumptions about interstellar travel?
‘Our typical life-spans would no longer be a limitation (although even these could be dealt with multi-generational missions or suspended animation), and the size of the “explorer” might be that of an extremely tiny super-intelligent entity.’
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The Nasa researcher added: ‘Our form of life and intelligence, may just be a tiny first step in a continuing evolution that may well produce forms of intelligence that are far superior to ours and no longer based on carbon “machinery”.
‘After a mere 50 years of computer evolution we are already talking about “super-intelligence” and we are quickly becoming symbiotic with computer power.’ His paper suggests the human scientists who are currently scanning deep space for radio waves could be wasting their time, because super smart aliens may not use this communication medium. Even if they did, an advanced civilisation is likely to have figured out a way of packing so much information into the airwaves that we would be unable to decipher their messages.
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found on Exonews
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Says the numerous “Free Mason” Luceferians, at the top of NASA. This is all part of their crackpot Luceferian religion & their false, “End Times” scenario. The “Cabal” of Luceferian, “uber elites” have, in tandem with their fellow Luceferian’s in Hollywood, been working to indoctrinate the people into believing in the alleged existence of “Aliens from Space”. Set into motion with their trial run of H.G. Wells Classic “War of the Worlds”, Radio Broadcast by Orsen Wells. Done on the occultist date of October 30, 1938. It was considered a success by the “Cabal” of Luceferian Elites due to the numerous people in the US population that fell for the deception, hook, line & sinker. The Luceferians of the Free Mason’s, the illuminati, Skull & Bones, Knights of the Templar, etc., have been busy ever since. They have been plotting and using their highly secretive “Space Program” to , as technology increased, secretly build “Ships” to match the imagination of the Film makers in Hollywood & their Sci-Fi Movies.. We have actually possessed anti-Gravitational Technology for a very long time. Billions/Trillions of Black Ops & American Tax Payer dollars have deceptively been poured into this evil endeavor. We are actually dealing with Lucifer’s Demons taking whatever form they choose to pose as Aliens from Space, during their many staged “abductions” of citizens. All part of their evil plans to save themselves from ultimate Prosecution, for their impossible to count, evil crime,s against Humanity, generation after generation. As this will help set into motion Lucifer’s grand scheme to separate Humanity from God. Because Humanity cannot reconcile God with the existence of “Aliens from Space”. Thereby allowing Lucifer to steal Billions of our immortal Souls in the process.