NASA has always been a quasi-defense department agency, operating under a civilian status, but liaises with security agencies such as the NSA and NRO when sensitive materials are received. But as many in the awakening community are discovering, NASA has been censoring ISS feeds, doctoring photographs, and misleading the public for a long time.
This is not due to a handful of irresponsible players within the space agency, no, instead it is a matter of policy to hide and manipulate information to service a hidden agenda, and maintain a publically acceptable worldview about humanity’s status in the cosmos. This agenda seems to be to hide the existence of extraordinary spacecraft, whether human or extraterrestrial, from the public, in addition to celestial activity which counters accepted scientific viewpoints.
In 2002,Gary McKinnon hacked the Department of Defense computer system revealing the existence of a secret space program, listing a series of off-world or non-terrestrial officers in a Special Access Program. To add credibility to this account, the US sought to imprison McKinnon for over 10 years, until, in 2012, prosecutors decided to drop all charges, possibly to try and avoid any further dissemination of what he found to the public.
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Related Solar Warden: Secret Space Program
The article below details what could be the next phase of an, even more, overt level of activity by NASA. The Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO) will be a new arm of the space agency, enshrouded within the Planetary Science division. The name of this new beefed up security agency begs the question, what is the planet being defended against? Here’s a list of the agencies new responsibilities:
Planetary defense duties
What will the office do? It will be responsible for:
- Supervision of all NASA-funded projects to find and characterize asteroids and comets that pass near Earth’s orbit around the sun;
- Lead the coordination of interagency and intergovernmental efforts to plan response to any potential impact threats.
- Improve and expand on past efforts with other U.S. federal agencies and departments, such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
- Continue to assist with the coordination across the U.S. government, including planning for response to an actual impact threat and working in conjunction with FEMA, the Department of Defense, other U.S. agencies, and international counterparts.
- Issue notices of close passes and warnings of any detected potential NEO impacts, based on credible science data.
Given NASA’s duplicitous actions in the past along with their willful denial and coverup of the UFO and ET phenomenon, I suggest that the overt reason for the creation of the PDCO, namely to watch over the planet for asteroid and comet activity, is a cover for a more literal planetary defense network.
Several insiders, namely Corey Goode, Pete Peterson, and of course Gary McKinnon, along with many others, have suggested the existence of a secret space program, partially created by the military industrial complex. This program is so vast, so well funded, and so far advanced beyond mainstream society, it would all but appear to be alien in nature to the average person.
Related Cosmic Disclosure with Corey Goode and David Wilcock
According to one of Goode’s accounts, an energy barrier went up around the solar system in late 2014, trapping an elite group of white royal Draco ETs in the solar system, who represent the top of the cabal pyramid of power. Since that time, these same Draco offered up all their underlings in the cabal in an effort to negotiate safe passage out of the solar system, to an alliance working to allegedly free humanity. As a result, the once quasi-united group known as the cabal, have descending into infighting, and quite possibly some of these Earth-based syndicate groups are ramping up planetary defenses in an effort to prepare for more infighting to come.
Related Corey Goode | Mini “Situation Update” 1/15/2016 – 3 Inner Earth Alliance Meetings, Negative Greetings, SSP Council Meetings, and more
Other insiders have said that the NRO is already tasked with recovering downed ET craft. Possible this PDCO will spearhead some new and improved level of reconnaissance and salvage.
Ultimately we don’t really know if there is a hidden agenda behind this office’s creation, but it would certainly fit the historical precedent NASA, the secret Earth government syndicates and the Cabal.
NASA has announced the creation of a Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO). Lindley Johnson, NASA’s current near-Earth object (NEO) program executive will lead the newly established office. The PDCO will reside within NASA’s Planetary Science Division, in the agency’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington, D.C.
- Supervision of all NASA-funded projects to find and characterize asteroids and comets that pass near Earth’s orbit around the sun;
- Lead the coordination of interagency and intergovernmental efforts to plan response to anypotential impact threats.
- Improve and expand on past efforts with other U.S. federal agencies and departments, such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
- Continue to assist with the coordination across the U.S. government, including planning for response to an actual impact threat and working in conjunction with FEMA, the Department of Defense, other U.S. agencies, and international counterparts.
- Issue notices of close passes and warnings of any detected potential NEO impacts, based on credible science data.
The emphasis of the article on the presence of FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, is the clue that much more is going on here than simply asteroids, for FEMA is the agency deeply connected to continuity of government operations and planning. In other words, I suspect that what we’re really seeing being created here is less an office of NASA, and more of an office of FEMA, a department within it that plans deeply for “continuity of government problems and operations” having to deal with external planetary threats, be they asteroids or ET’s. Ponder the implications of that for a moment. Contintuity of government on the scale of planetary threats, defense against said planetary threats (of any sort)… The implications, financial, geopolitical, and cultural, are deep and profound, and perhaps the best way to highlight the profound and sweeping nature of this story is to consider the first of these, the financial implications, for it means that whatever such infrastructure and financial mechanism as currently exists to deal with these issues, now has to be expanded, and in the expansion, taken public to a certain degree. In other words, all those trillions of dollars since World War Two that I have argued have gone into black research projects and the build-up of a huge and hidden infrastructure (underground definitely, elsewhere perhaps) has reached the point that it is no longer adequate to the emerging needs of public society and “planetary defense” Let that one, too, sink in for a moment. It has to be expanded over the next decades, and this will mean an inevitable public “disclosure” of the existence of that now hidden infrastructure.
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