(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following is an article we’ve already shared before but with a different perspective on the same information. This can be helpful to share with others who don’t yet understand the weather control reality known as geoengineering.
Related NASA Satellite Imagery Reveals Shocking Proof Of Climate Engineering — HAARP Waves
by Ivan, September 16th, 2017
Is this a massive conspiracy? Or is it possible that NASA really is playing around with our weather on Earth?
Many people would most likely agree we are looking at a massive conspiracy, while others believe the evidence is right in front of us.
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This year’s Caribbean hurricane season has turned ‘weater’ into a dominant subject in the world.
Catastrophic damage has been witnessed in the Caribbean, where entire Islands were swept away by the incredible power of mother nature. However, is this just mother nature’s work, or is there something ELSE going on?
Buy Book Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth
For decades have ‘conspiracy theories’ about weather control circulated the internet, and rumors of weather control by the government have become ever so poplar.
What was considered as an impossible feat, today is possible thanks to decades-long geoengineering effort that has given us the ability to control the weather, a two-way street that can destroy our planet as much as it can help it.
Related Controlling Hurricanes: Harvey, Irma, And Now Jose?
Climate engineering commonly referred to as geoengineering, also known as climate intervention, is the deliberate and large-scale intervention in the Earth’s climatic system with the aim of affecting adverse global warming.
So where is that EVIDENCE? Where can I see with my own eyes that our weather is actually being manipulated?
Well, see for yourself.
Buy Book No Natural Weather: Introduction to Geoengineering 101
Just off the coast of Australia, this images shows how bad it can get. The above image, perfectly explain what Dane Wigington, writing for Wakeup-World, and Davide Wolfe describe as “many variances of radio frequency cloud impacts”
This images shows the coast of California. Maybe its time to stop weather modification projects before we mess up Earth’s climate for good.
Off Africa’s west coast. Are we in danger to lose control?
Another image from Africa’s west coast.
Weather control off the coast of Spain. We are changing the weather, and its not for the good of the human population.
Related NASA Satellite Images Prove Hurricanes are Being Engineered: 2 More are Coming (Video)
Here is another image off the African coast.
Africa’s coastal regions are a hotzone for weather geoengineering efforts even though they are referred to by mainstream media as nothing more than the result of “dust” in the air, notes Dane Wigington who quotes an excerpt from a Fox9 News article:
“Right now, much of the Gulf of Mexico and parts of the Caribbean have slightly warmer than normal ocean temperatures which would normally aid in tropical development.
“But there is so much dust and dry air in the atmosphere that storms are getting choked off before they even get started.”
Dane indicates how radio frequency transmissions can alter cloud formations, and that its the result of the“spraying of toxic electrically conductive heavy metals”. Now take a wild guess and imagine everything we breathe.
Is HAARP really responsible for weather changes? In this next image , Dane clearly points out that the enigmatic set of clouds formed near a HAARP Station, which eventually generated the unique looking cloud patterns.
Check out this video:
What are your thoughts about this?
Source and reference: David Wolfe—Wakeup-World—Fox9 News
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools
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