(Patty McMurray) Hundreds of people were arrested for entering the Capitol building on January 6, 2021. Inside the Capitol, several Republican lawmakers were preparing to share evidence of voter fraud in multiple states that resulted in their decision not to certify the November 2020 election for Joe Biden.
Related Election Integrity Caucus Forms At Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium
by Patty McMurray, September 2nd, 2021
100 Percent Fed Up reports- Because of the chaos caused by the so-called “insurrection,” several Republican lawmakers were unable to share the evidence of voter fraud they promised to share with fellow members of Congress and with the American public.
It’s almost like someone didn’t want the evidence to be revealed, or the election to not be certified on January 6th.
Although the FBI, the DOJ, Capitol Police, and other government agencies were warned of possible violence on the day when a million Trump supporters would travel to Washington to protest the election results, the government chose to ignore the warnings and allow the Capitol building to be breached by a collection of Antifa clowns, Trump supporters, and undercover FBI agents.
On June 15, in a stunning segment on his Fox News show, Tucker Carlson revealed that FBI operatives were behind the Capitol “insurrection.” Carlson asked his viewers why the Biden regime is still hiding over 10,000 hours of video footage from inside the Capitol building. He pointed out several curious discoveries since the so-called “insurrection,” including that an FBI operative was staying in the same hotel room as Thomas Caldwell, an alleged Oath Keeper member, who was accused of being an “insurrectionist” on January 6th.
Tucker Carlson referred to the ring leaders of the Capitol incident as “unindicted co-conspirators,” per court documents, and claimed that the ring leaders were, in fact, federal agents who played an indispensable role in orchestrating the escalation on January 6th. He pointed out that without the “unindicted co-conspirators,” that day would have been marked by a purely peaceful demonstration.
Darren Beattie of Revolver News appeared on Carlson’s show, where he explained how they discovered the FBI allegedly organized the so-called “riots.”
BREAKING: @DarrenJBeattie of Revolver News breaks down the involvement of FBI operatives who organized and participated in the January 6th Capitol riot. pic.twitter.com/t1UOnT5zgc
— Rep. Matt Gaetz (@RepMattGaetz) June 16, 2021
During his interview with Tucker, Beattie warned, “Everything in our politics will be fake and performative until we bring the national security state, including the FBI, to heel.”
Speaking of fake and performative…
On January 9, we broke down the details of an incredible video showing a scene that took place inside the Capitol on January 6th. For some odd reason, it was one of the only videos Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms didn’t remove.
The video looks more like a bad B-movie than an actual scene inside the Capitol. We have broken it down into 8 segments:
In the video, a VERY GOOD videographer is coming down the stairs of the Capitol building.
#1. As the cameraman approaches the bottom of the stairs, he immediately zooms in on a police baton lying on the ground in the lobby.
#2. Next, the camera moves to a single black police officer who is standing in a doorway. Standing in front of the police officer is a male dressed in a black t-shirt, black pants, and a black hat. His t-shirt has a large “Q” on the front, an indication, of course, that he’s a “crazy Q-anon” conspiracy theorist. Unfortunately, the “Q” male, who appears to be leading a group of protesters attempting to infiltrate the Capitol building, is either the most lethargic patriot to ever exist, or he’s simply a terrible actor. He’s not at all aggressive like one would expect from someone who just broke into the Capitol building determined to save America from a group of anti-American lawmakers hell-bent on stealing the election from President Trump. He does, however, do a lot of head shaking, as the cop tells him to “stand back!”
#3. The police officer can be seen shouting at the group from the doorway, and then suddenly, like in a horribly produced movie, he realizes his baton is on the floor and reaches over to pick it up from the ground. But, of course, by this time, it’s too late; the lethargic patriot and his posse have entered the lobby. Instead of calling for backup, the police officer decides to run up the stairs.
#4. The group’s lethargic “Q” leader, dressed all in black, follows the Capitol police officer up the first flight of stairs. Of course, anyone who’s ever been in the Capitol building knows how confusing it is to navigate. Fortunately for the lethargic patriot, he’s got a pretty good tour guide.
#5. The police officer stops at the top of the first flight of stairs, warns the crowd led by the lethargic “Q” leader, and repeats his halfhearted warning to “back it up,” as he lifts his baton twice to let them know he means business.
It should be noted at this point that the cameraperson filming the entire event appears to know exactly where the police officer will lead the “violent mob of Trump supporters” in advance. As I mentioned earlier, the Capitol building is difficult to navigate. The person filming the harrowing event seems to know exactly where the cop will go next. Instead of leading them to a dead-end down a hallway where they can be easily captured, the Capitol Police officer leads them directly to the Senate Chambers Rotunda.
#6. The Capitol Police officer, who is later identified as Officer Eugene Goodman, only pauses briefly at the top of the stairs before he begins to run up another set of stairs. As he’s running, he can be seen shouting into his radio, “Second floor!” (which is where the entrance to the Senate Chambers is located). He hasn’t led the “violent protesters” to the second floor quite yet; he’s just letting them know he’s almost there.
#7. The police officer stops at the top of the stairs once again, where he has a choice to go left or right. The lethargic leader comes closer to the police officer and calmly tells him, “You’re from the corrupt government.” (What???) Although the lethargic patriot is closer to Capitol Police Officer Eugene Goodman at this point than he has been throughout the entire scene, the police officer, curiously, lowers his baton, telling him to “back up,” as he uses one arm to slightly push the lethargic leader toward the wall. (My 3-year-old daughter pushed her sister harder over Barbie doll disagreements). The police officer stands back, blocking the entrance to the hallway (which would’ve led the group away from the Senate Chambers), as he allows the lethargic leader to take the lead ahead of him. Like an NBA player looking for a call from the refs, the lethargic leader falls back into the wall, allowing the police officer to get out ahead of him once again.
#8. Like a good tour guide, the police officer leads the group into the Senate Chambers’ rotunda, where 3 more cops await their arrival. “They here!” the police officer announces, as the 3 police officers slowly approach them, telling them to “Leave now!” Instead of following their orders, the group tells them, “No,” adding, “This is our America.”
Thankfully, the cameraperson knew exactly where the police officer would go and, while running backward, knew exactly where to stop to capture the exchange between the police officer and the “violent mob of Trump supporters.” The cameraman was so good at his job that, much like the police officer, he was able to help the “violent mob” reach the exact location the media warned about—the Senate Chambers, where the evidence of voter fraud was about to be presented, and several brave lawmakers were about to stand up to the theft of our elections.
We’re not conspiracy theorists, and we’ve never believed all of the videos about actors involved in 9-11 or mass shootings in schools. Still, this video needs to be seriously looked at by anyone who cares that this event took the world’s eyes off the voter fraud evidence that Trump promised would be revealed in the Joint Session of Congress.
Watch the incredible scene here:
Psyop. Look at the photographers while going up the stairs and at the end. The officer is leading them where to go and gives the guy a little nudge and says “they’re here” when at the 2nd floor and officers just walk up and say “leave”. Paid crisis actors to look like agitators pic.twitter.com/U3BJ4REtpz
— 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑎 (@__marissajoy__) January 7, 2021
These “radical” protesters who entered the Capitol by force didn’t harm a single person. Every video and first-hand account of the people who got inside revealed no evidence of violence or even direct threats. Yet, hundreds of political prisoners remain in jail, many in solitary confinement.
US Capitol Police Officer Eugene Goodman was hilariously awarded a Congressional Gold Medal for his bravery on that day. There is no word yet from the Academy about performance.
The far-left Guardian wrote about the Democrats’ decision to bestow Goodman with their highest honor: The Senate voted to award Goodman the medal – the highest honor Congress can bestow – by unanimous consent, meaning there were no objections. The medal has traditionally been used to honor military officers for distinguished service.
Goodman was in the Senate chamber as Schumer spoke, and the entire Senate stood and turned toward him, giving him a standing ovation. He put his hand on his heart.
Goodman, who was promoted to acting deputy sergeant-at-arms for the Senate after his performance during the Capitol riot, has been in the chamber for much of the impeachment trial. As an armed mob (there is no evidence and has never been any evidence of a single armed person inside the Capitol) of Trump supporters bore down on the Capitol, threatening lawmakers including Mike Pence, the former vice-president, Goodman intercepted, engaging rioters and leading them away from the Senate chamber.
The “Q” invader, however, is a different story. Doug Jenson, the man who became the poster-child for bad Trump-supporting “insurrectionists” who cling to “Q” conspiracies, and who coincidentally looks like a typical undercover FBI agent, was eventually arrested for his part in the “insurrection,” and spent time in the local county jail before he was released under the condition that he comply with their conditions of release.
Today, Doug Jenson of Des Moine, Iowa, the “B-actor” in the video above, was ordered back to jail by a US district judge. His crime? He allegedly watched Mike Lindell’s cyber symposium on TV during his pretrial release from jail.
The Huffington Post reported about US District Judge Timothy J. Kelly’s decision:
Judge Timothy J. Kelly said he let Jensen out of jail previously because Jensen had represented that he was misled by a “pack of lies.” But now, Kelly said, it was clear that Jensen hadn’t had the “wake-up call that he needs” to comply with his conditions of release in the future.
So, in other words, as long as Jenson admits that the election wasn’t stolen, he would remain free.
“I will order his release revoked, and I order that he be remanded into the custody of the U.S. Marshals Service at this time,” Kelly said.
Jensen was released from jail, over the government’s objection, under strict conditions in July. As BuzzFeed News reported last month, a court officer discovered Jensen was using a WiFi-connected iPhone to watch videos online, and had watched a so-called “cyber symposium” that was hosted by MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, a prominent conspiracy theorist, who has boosted baseless claims that the 2020 election was stolen.
That seems like a logical reason to send someone to jail in the United States of America… right?
Assistant U.S. Attorney Hava Arin Levenson Mirell argued during a hearing on Thursday that Jensen “simply cannot be trusted” and had gone “back to the exact same habits that led him to assault Officer Goodman on Jan. 6.”
Mirell argued that Jensen’s consumption of these videos was “symptomatic of a bigger problem.”
“He has no respect for this court,” Mirell argued. ”Mr. Jensen does not deserve a second chance. This is not equivalent to a drug response. There is no chemical dependency here.”
Mirell also said that it was important to note that Jensen had previously claimed to have been “cured of his addition” and felt “deceived” by QAnon conspiracy theories.
Christopher Michael Davis, Jensen’s court-appointed lawyer, likened Jensen’s consumption of conspiracy theories to a “compulsion” and noted that it was internet conspiracy theories that led Jensen to the Capitol on Jan. 6.
Davis argued it “sounds a bit Orwellian” for the government to try to lock someone up for watching an internet broadcast, but conceded that conspiracy theories led him to the Capitol.
“Sounds a bit Orwellian?” That could very well be the understatement of the year.
The media is attempting to turn devout Christian and My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell into some sort of boogie-man.
Please consider supporting American patriot Mike Lindell, as the Left is doing everything in its power to destroy him and his American-made business over his fight for election integrity.
Imagine how different our world would be if we had honest and fair elections, an equal justice system, lawmakers who actually respected the people who elect them to serve, journalists that actually cared about reporting the truth and government intelligence agencies we could trust.
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The news is important to all people because it is where we come to know new things about the world, which leads to the development of more life goals that lead to life wisdom. The news also serves as a social connection tool, as we tend to relate to those who know about and believe the things we do. With the power of an open truth-seeking mind in hand, the individual can grow wise and the collective can prosper.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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