(Geoffrey Grider) Shocking As It’s Revealed An Enzyme Called Luciferase Is What Makes Bill Gates Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccine Delivery System Work
by Geoffrey Grider, May 3rd, 2020
An Enzyme Called LUCIFERASE is What Makes Bill Gates Implantable Vaccine Work — VACCINE ID
Bill Gates is building something that we call the Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System, and it is composed of multiple things.
I want to draw your attention to one component, the quantum dot microneedles that will deliver the vaccines, and a very, very unique biochemical that makes it all work.
If you’re standing up while reading this, you might want to sit down. Today we bring you ‘near infrared bioluminescence enzyme luciferase’ which is the chemical that will make the quantum dot vaccination readable through a special mobile device app.
That’s right, the enzyme that will light up Bill Gates Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System is called Luciferase, that’s what makes the vaccination readable long after the victim has been injected. Luciferase.
Bill Gates Is Building Something That We Call The Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System, And It Needs An Enzyme Called Luciferase In Order To Make It Work. Remove The Word ‘Human’ And It Becomes 666.
With each passing day, it becomes clearer and plainer to those of us who are bible believers that we are living in a very unique time period. So unique, in fact, that we just might be witnessing the kingdom of Antichrist and the Mark of the Beast system being assembled before our very eyes.
Please note that I use the word ‘might’ out of an overabundance of caution when writing articles like these, but when I am alone with my thoughts I am completely convinced that is exactly where we are. 100%. The wise shall understand. Ever hear of Luciferase?
“And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.” Daniel 12:9,10 (KJB)
Over the past few weeks, we have shown you a massive project by Bill Gates that is so all-encompassing that it quite nearly beggars belief. That expression is an Old English term which means something that is so unbelievable that it nearly cannot be believed.
The Nazi concentration camps in the Holocaust are a great example of that. When the films of what went on there came to light it was so astonishing that it was hard to comprehend such a thing could happen. But happen it did. And what is happening right now, the Antichrist system, is a similarly hard thing to fathom, but here we are.
Bill Gates is building something that we call the Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System, and it is composed of multiple things. At its center we have the COVID-19 vaccination that he wants to give every human on earth, there will be quantum dot microneedles, a digital identification mark from ID2020, and a human implantable device for buying and selling cryptocurrency with a patent number of #060606.
The digital ID will come in the form of something called an Immunity Passport. All of these things, and all being funded by one man, Bill Gates, represents in total at the very least a stunning forerunner to the Mark of the Beast world system. That’s at the very least estimation, taken to its logical end, it very well could be the actual Mark of the Beast system.
But today, I want to draw your attention to one component, the quantum dot microneedles that will deliver the vaccines, and a very, very unique biochemical that makes it all work. If you’re standing up while reading this, you might want to sit down. Today we bring you ‘near infrared bioluminescence enzyme luciferase‘ which is the chemical that will make the quantum dot vaccination readable through a special mobile device app.
Book The Vaccinators: Smallpox, Medical Knowledge, and the ‘Opening’ of Japan
That’s right, the enzyme that will light up Bill Gates Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System is called Luciferase, that’s what makes the vaccination readable long after the victim has been injected, and what allows a mere vaccination to function as a mark. Luciferase.
Also read: Illuminati Satanists Rule The World, Not Politicians, Bankers Or Military Heads
Want to see what Luciferase does? Take a look.
One last thing you might find interesting. A sharp-eyed NTEB’er named Matt took our phrase ‘Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System‘, and removed the word ‘human’ and guess what? The numerical value of that phrase adds up to 666, see for yourself. Luciferase, remember that word.
found on Humans Are Free
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The news is important to all people because it is where we come to know new things about the world, which leads to the development of more life goals that lead to life wisdom. The news also serves as a social connection tool, as we tend to relate to those who know about and believe the things we do. With the power of an open truth-seeking mind in hand, the individual can grow wise and the collective can prosper.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammatical mistake? Send an email to [email protected], with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. Do you think this article needs an update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at [email protected]. Thank you for reading.
Geoffrey Wandera says
So many Pentecostal/protestant pastors have published such works as comparable to this, “Bill Gates Is Building Something That We Call The Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System, And It Needs An Enzyme Called Luciferase In Order To Make It Work. Remove The Word ‘Human’ And It Becomes 666”.
One major example is Dwight L. Kinman’s “The Last Dictator” in which he states that a mega system a super computer in Brussels has the number of the BEAST which BEAST according to him stands for:
B – Brussels
E – Electronics
A – Accounting
S – Surveillance
T – Terminals
Then others have derived 666 from COVID-19 and from so many other thing and names. I find it heard to swallow this kind of garbage since none of the claims are based on the angel’s explanation of the beasts of Daniel and the Revelations. Its my humble view that we stop confusing the masses and avoid misrepresenting prophecies for they carry a penalty.
KaD says
Funny how reality is right before the eyes but someone always manages to post gibberish like this.
BB says
Agreed, KaD. It reminds me of these quotes:
“Do you still not see or understand? Are your hearts hardened? 18 Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear?” Mark 8:17-18
“Listen, you foolish and senseless people, with eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear.” Jeremiah 5:21
Even if someone doesn’t believe in the Bible, the fact that all of these eerily similar coincidences are happening in our midst and people STILL refuse to make any connections boggles my mind, quite frankly. I don’t care if you’re an atheist or worship the purple spaghetti monster, the point of the matter is, THESE people dictating where our world is heading are obviously pushing for a 666 world order. It’s honestly astonishing to me that people can’t see it.
Bill Gates and all of his friends are laughing at the blindness of the public for not seeing it even though it’s literally EVERYWHERE and slapping everyone in the face (yet people STILL think it’s some crazy conspiracy…), and laughing at those of us who do see it for trying to shed light on this matter to the unbelieving masses.
We’re the joke, people. We mean nothing to those “in power”. The sooner people realize it, the better. But as it stands, people are still stubborn in their refusal to believe in God and instead keep placing their faith in man. Or have no faith at all.
Good luck everyone. I believe in God and Jesus, and I hope others at least drop their stubbornness and pride and take a step out of their beliefs (or disbelief) and look at everything with a discerning eye.
God bless.
Randy says
Judy says
There was 2020 divided by Joe Biden’s text number 30330 equals 666.
Then a patent # that Bill Gates got in March 2020 for the vaccines was 060606.
Then this numbers for Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System.
How many more signs have we missed. Wake up America. We need to confess our sins and pray that the damage the BEAST has caused, God will save us.
Teresa Laubinger says
Agreed. I see it everyday. I can only assume that only some of us have open eyes, do our own research rather than choosing to remain ignorant.
Bob says
Read a very old Book… Only way to Papa is trough the Son….Sun…ironically LIGHt
Greg says
Kind of hard for me to wrap my mind around your thoughts…. with your Grammer
Anon says
Genesis 1:27 tells us that we were made in the image of God.
To dilute that image (our DNA) would be to destroy the image of God on us in order to create something not human, much like the nephilim of Genesis 6:
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.
By rewriting our very DNA to not be of the image of God, we ourselves would become something that is not in His image. Much like during those times in the flood, where things had to be wiped away due to corruption of the human genome that was made in the image of God (as the nephilim were not saved), we also may be facing such a time as this, just as Jesus mentioned in Matthew 24:37:
As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.
He does mention eating, drinking, and being married, though also during those times, there was much evil in the world and there was a corruption in the image of God in man, where these nephilim were not of His image, but a dilution of ‘Sons of God” and “daughters of men”.
Sue Nobile says
Yes! And Noah was a conspiracy theorist for the entire 120 years it took him to build the ark, but we all know how that turned out.
Peter Rizzuto says
Bravo. Great analysis.
BPeep says
How would someone who had never heard of a microchip or hypodermic needle describe such an implant? Would it sound something like the sting of a scorpion, on something like an insect with an iron breastplate?
Lisa says
Anything that involves the entire world large and small taking it or restriction from travel,trade and work should you not take it should set bells off in anyone who has read the Book of Revelation.
Lisa says
Evenmore when learning that the cmpanies that made most all of the ccovid vaxxs were using a type of gene editing. Biontech specializes in gene editing for cancer and other illness. Mrna is a Crispr term . The Nobel science award for Crispr given to Jennifer Doudna and one other.in 2020. One vaxx maker uses Dna instead of rna but it is spliced with chimp dna . This is not a vaccine; it is gene editing or Crispr. And Nobody says ” would you like to take this Crispr shot.”
Ech81 says
I’ve never believed a word of religion (generalized). But just in the last month that I’ve “woken up”, I’ve started connecting the world’s current situation to the Bible. Lol crazy how it happened. I still think it’s been altered to serve a purpose but 🤷🏻♂️
Vt says
You are a dumb dog…
Ian says
The name Kissinger, B. Netanyahu and the word Vaccination all come to 666 using the formula A – 1×6, B 2×6, C – 3×6, D – 4×6 etc. Calculate the amount for each letter in the name then add them together. Netanyahu requires one adds the “B” for together with his surname.
Jaseida says
I am more interested in the fact that the name of the enzyme is called LUCIFERASE. Regarding the number 666, God is clear in that it will be the name of a HUMAN (as opposed to the name of something) and it will be 666. After God states this, God does NOT say, “he who has ears, let him hear”, which indicates that the number 666 will be plain obvious for everyone to see (in other words, it will not be up for discernment).
Whilst it was eerie to see that the name does lead to the number 666, it is almost much of a muchness for now, as the name of the enzyme is still satan’s name and not JESUS CHRIST’S NAME. Right now, we are being called to choose JESUS’ NAME over satan’s, and that alone calls for a LOT of prayer and faith. Because when our friends and family are questioning why we aren’t doing such a simple thing as to protect our health with a tiny little patch on the hand, those will be the times to hold onto God and allow Him to speak through us.
Greg says
Such a simple thing as injecting yourself with a vaccine that is not vaccine, That modifies your DNA, modifies what God made you for a pandemic that is about as scary as catching a cold. God also gave us a mind. I suggest you use yours. It’s not a simple thing!! If you read what it is and search for answers on Bitchute or mojeek and research gene therapy instead of playing on Google you would know that. They even tell you what it is. They not hiding it and that is the scariest fact of all. And people still get this vaccine!!! It’s mind boggling.
Melissa Wycoff says
I will not be taking no vaccines!
Before reading this , I have said this vaccine we the people should not take, something has been telling me not to take it! Therefore I believe this is most likely real!
Paula says
Has anyone ever stopped to think that when something adds up to 666, that it does not mean that particular person or thing is THE antichrist, but rather it adds up to 666 because it is OF or RELATING to the antichrist.
Simon says
Just for the record Luciferase is not a new substance, it’s the stuff that is in firefly’s to make them glow at night. So in essence God created Luciferase for a natural purpose.
Teresa Laubinger says
Connect the dots. Come on. 🙄
Laura Newton says
Lucifer means ‘that which brings light’
TJ says
True, but He didn’t name it after lucifer!
Sesha says
Ok has everyone and everything in this world lost they got dammed mine ? True or false you mf are going to a very special place after this life!!!!
Read the word of God !!! look for his instructions!!! Stay your ass at home!!! F Christmas save your money!!! Wear your mask!!! Wash your hands and ass!!! Everyday!!! Change your mask!! Stay out of hospitals; limit your interactions test for COVID only if you have symptoms!!!! And sit the F down somewhere.
Greg says
Kind of hard for me to wrap my mind around your thoughts…. with your Grammer
granma nazi says
uhhh YOU misspelled grammar
Fleet Hamby says
The human race [unlike Mankind] has never made a weapon that they did not use. This is just the latest, yet remarkable because its delivery system is not a launcher or rocket. But rather, is delivered under the guise of “healthcare”. The similarities of present day events and what some have called “the doom and gloom” of scripture are fearsome.
shannon isenbletter says
for people who read the info on this so called vaccination and reject the idea an old phrase comes to mind-ignorance is bliss.let me assure you ignorance is only blissful for those who control the the ignorant.as to the comment above,the beast described by the angel in Revelation is not a sea monster rising out of the ocean.the bible interprets itself.REPENT and be SAVED the age of GRACE is hurling to an end.ABCs of SALVATION.A .admit your a sinner.B. believe with ALL your HEART,MIND and SOUL that JESUS is LORD and SAVIOR.C.Call apon HIS name.2 things JESUS cant resist are humility and tears.
Popy says
Fuck Kill Hates hope he does of cancer or killed in a car wreck soon very soon
Len Paduga says
Sorry to shatter you, but your colon is full of luciferase. It is a natural part of your microbiome, but I’m doubting this will be allowed to be published here.
Augustus Eggins says
Ever hear of “Secret Agenda 19, 20 & 21 of the United Nations” signed off by every member of the UN. There is even an audio recording of when it was first proposed to the UN and guess what, it was Bill Gates that proposed them. They are exceedingly difficult to obtain even though they now exist under different names in every country however the originals are and have only ever been able to be found in Darknet, I used to have copies of them. I’ll sum up the combined Titles of these 3 pieces of documentation succinctly as they are actually Titled for you.
The depopulation of the planet through mass migration causing civil war (well that already well on track look what happened in Europe) & Mass random sterilization of the population via mandatory inoculations (vaccinations for those who don’t know what inoculations means).
It’s happening Rite now.
Gerard Garcia says
This is again misdirection – state some crazy BS story including Bible references and all of a sudden its real. So the real issues here are 2 big ones that have been covered up by typical media obfuscation. You dont have to believe me but just read:
1. It will come to pass that the USA did help fund Gain of research function whereby the virus was created in a lab and it leaked out
2. Vaccines were created/funded Pfizer Moderna Johnson & Johnson made billions watching their stocks soar BUT there was already a sure fire cure 100% FDA approved called Ivermectin
Everyone who took it got better in 24 to 48 hours. THATS THE DISGRACE of the MSM, Thats the disgrace of the USA, Thats the disgrace of the cesspool of money called Wallstreet
There aint no devils involved just money and the pursuit of it
Tony says
Nailed it
A Believer says
I am NOT part of Brother Grider’s site. However, I am a follower. So I leave you with more food for thought. Take heed.
If you were to die tonight, will your god get you to heaven? If Jesus was coming for His own, will you also be recognized as such?
Is your God the Creator of the heavens and the earth entirely, or does mother nature play a part?
Is your God Holy and True, or is he just part of the universe?
Is your god the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, The bright and morning star, The Way the Truth and the Life? Or is your god made up of fragments of teaching of men, concocted in your own head, and so then deeming it to be so, to the detriment of your soul?
Who is YOUR God? Jesus Christ, the Holy one of Israel? The one and only true Savior of the world? (I pray this is He)
Is He the God Who placed the Name of His son Jesus Christ above all others. By whose name only shall any enter into the Kingdom of Heaven? Who is Lord of Lords and is Blessed and Glorious, and Marvellous to be praised? Is THIS YOUR God?? (I Pray that it be so)
Do you worship this God, the Lord Jesus in true faith with the Holy Spirit within you?
Or do you worship the latest influencer, the latest fads, social media, various causes, country, the politicians, the talking heads, the meat for the belly, the retirement account, the paycheck, the corporate bigwigs, the governments, the laws, the law-of-the-land, the stars, earth, tech, things made with earthly hands, money, self; or do you worship your own totally non-biblical concept of God, based in churchie type doctrines designed to frustrate the very mention of God? For if you believe in any of this, the gamble you take in thinking you are Heaven-bound for glory, is much like playing Anti-roullette- In which 6 of the 6 chambers are loaded, and , well….
I am NOT telling anyone WHAT to believe. However, I am telling you that WHAT you believe DOES matter.
So I ask you again:
If you were to die tonight, will your god get you to heaven? If Jesus was coming for His own, will you also be recognized as such?
Would you like to know how to make sure that you will be recognized as one of Jesus’ own?
Tara says
Scott Bunnell has found luciferase in the Bible Code – crossing that word is the phrase “mark of the beast “ – May YHWH protect His people and give them wisdom to walk circumspectly!!
DjSE8R says
Y’all following the wrong …..YHWH is the TRUTH. Open Ears Watch with your Heart
Beener says
B.E.A.S.T. Barcoded Evidences Analysis Statistics Tracking.
Peter O'Donnell says
Bill Gates = Gill Beast
he came out of the SEA
ten crowns = renton SWC (Seattle WA campus) (software codes)
Renton is where Microsoft is located.
born 10-28-1955 he will be 66 years and 6 days old on Nov 3, 2021 (the anniversary of the stolen election)
Beast with seven heads and ten horns — G7 (seven heads = seven countries, ten horns = ten heads of state, because three of them have a prime minister and a monarch or governor-general).
deadly head wound = Trump presidency = healed from the globalist point of view by the fraudulent election win in Nov 2020.
establishes that we are in the last 1260 days because “authority was given to him” when the deadly head wound existed, therefore the count begins during the Trump presidency.
When? Not sure but COVID was determined from meetings in 2019, Chairman Xi (dragon who gives beast authority) took absolute power in March 2018.
It means we could be close to the final stages of the Beast’s rule, which is to do the will of the dragon and bring into existence the satanic kingdom. Christ’s return will end those plans.
Anon says
Do you want to be believed? Do you think you are stating Truth?
If you do, stop regurgitating 80-year-old Bauer mob war propaganda about “Nazis”.
Stop being lazy, don’t do the CIA’s MKUltra programs for them.
Hitler=Patriot=Good Guy Made Into a Villain because he OPPOSED THE BAUER CABAL, JUST LIKE TRUMP.
Inform yourself and tell the Truth.
Archie Gupta says
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Poppy says
kill hates is a ficken devil hope he dies a horrible death