(Teresa Yanaros) Disclosure is the uncovering of what is hidden, throughout the world and within ourselves. In order to unlock the empowerment from within, you must dive deep into the waters of consciousness and uncover the light inside your heart. Upon waking up to the higher mission in your soul, you can begin to change the world, as we work to manifest a positive reality in this existence.
by Teresa Yanaros, June 24th, 2018
A Musician For Truth
Brett Larsen, a musician of the band “Inquire Within” is dedicated to spreading the truth to the masses. Stay tuned for the huge announcement that he drops later in this article! His latest music video, “Universe in My Head,” released June 8th, 2018 and produced by Wooden Hand Productions, tells a story of waking up to the realities of the world and stepping into personal sovereignty, letting go of fear and taking on the world with fervor and fortitude.
“Emanations of the source field/ Creatures of self-creation/ Be together in mind/ No longer drained by hate”
Positive Subliminal Messaging
I came across his music video and discovered that he is using subliminal messaging to combat the negative messages seeded into the mass media by the Satanic control constructs that seek to keep the world asleep and enslaved.
Notice the time stamping of 3:04, when Inquire Within seeds the names of various alternative media projects into the video, in order to demonstrate movement toward personal empowerment. What a way to combat the cabal! We need more musicians and visionaries like Larsen, an active advocate for disclosure.
Projects Mentioned:
An Agent of Consciousness Evolution.
Exposing government secrets… one page at a time.
Divine Frequency is dedicated to providing high-level spiritual perspectives on a wide range of relevant topics in the media. Divine Frequency seeks to assist with the global evolution of co-creative consciousness through empowerment of each individual.
The Full Disclosure Project is a non-profit collective of transparency advocates focused on the release of advanced and improperly classified technologies that could immediately bring an end to the needless suffering of many, as well as an increased level of peace, prosperity and equality for people around the world.
Unacknowledged. The Campaign that Ends Illegal UFO & Free Energy Secrecy!
Hosted and managed by researcher Doctor Michael Salla, the site currently hosts or links to over 4000 pages of my scholarly research, commentaries and news blog articles.
Learn to remote view and influence. Create (Y)our Future
We (CE) believe in creating change by raising consciousness and thinking outside the box. We aim to challenge the current status quo by shaking up how we currently think about the world. We encourage and inspire each other to take action with the goal of bringing to life a bright future for us all. Positive and heartfelt journalism is a big part of what we do.
A truly remarkable insider and whistleblower, Corey Goode comes forward to give accurate information about what is going on behind the scenes of the secret military space program, the secret government and their development of the industrialization of our solar system.
NOTE: There are 18 more hidden references to consciousness movements in the video. Can you find them? Join the search, then join the Divine Frequency Facebook Group to join the conversation.
Buy Book What is Magic? by Teresa Yanaros
Who is Brett Larsen?
Today, we are going behind the scenes, for a closer look into the world of “Inquire Within” and its mastermind, Brett Larsen.
“Inquire Within” is Brett Larsen’s solo music project and platform for all the “disclosure” related projects. He does interviews with influencers in the ET disclosure world and is in the process of making his own show. Check out his YouTube channel Inquire Within.
For his 2017 debut album, “Universe In My Head” he partnered with 15 other musicians from all around the world, including musicians who have performed in the bands; Megadeth, The Devin Townsend Project, Soilwork, Six Feet Under, Chimaira, Dying Fetus, The Julliard Symphonic Orchestra and many more international acts.
Lyrically this album follows Larsen’s journey of exploration through spirituality, ET experiences, questioning reality and government, losing spirituality, losing loved ones and the journey back to happiness. For this album he partnered with the charity, “Trees For The Future” and with the help of fans, over 10,000 trees were planted in Africa. Musically it ranges from psychedelic acoustic, orchestral and extreme metal.

A Deeper Look
Larsen graciously agreed to let us in on his life and operations of his project. As you guys know as a part of the Divine Frequency community, we have a multitude of musicians and artists dedicated to truth and disclosure as well! I wanted to share this story, and allow Larsen’s voice and experience of the Great Work to ring through the hilltops to serve as a reminder that each and every one of us has an incredibly important mission. Larsen actively chooses to use his gifts and talents to promote unity consciousness and encourage the expansion of mind and soul. If you want to be a part of the movement, come on over to the Divine Frequency Art and Music Project and check out how you can get involved.
Without further adieu, here we go!
Tell us the story of how you started “Inquire Within.”
The idea to start “Inquire Within” happened back in 2013 after my previous Death Metal band had broken up after a strong run. I got the name from the lyrics I had written for my song, “Becoming Human” and the name fit perfectly with the inner work I was doing for myself and encouraging others to do. This was initially a project with me doing the singing and members of past bands doing most of the guitar. We had decided that we wanted to try something new other than heavy music; initially “Inquire Within” was going to be all acoustic. Around this time, I had gone through some events that led me to go down a more esoteric path and I got much deeper into the world of disclosure. After a few songs we realized we can’t limit ourselves to any style or genre; that is why almost every song is a completely different genre from the next. I don’t think anyone can label “Inquire Within” accurately and I want to keep it that way. It was a slow start but that was good, I needed time to relearn and experience the world I had come back to. I needed to remember some of my past experiences and have new experiences to write the lyrics I needed to write.
What is the purpose/goal of your band?
I have many purposes and goals for, “Inquire Within.” I feel the biggest purpose I have given the project is to be a “bridge.” My audience is very split between people who resonate with the message and people who resonate with the music. For the people who just enjoy the music, my goal is to write things in a way that will make them curious to research the topics I sing about. My songs are filled with references to Corey Goode and David Wilcock’s show, “Cosmic Disclosure.” Many sections of songs were written while watching Wilcock’s show, “Wisdom Teachings.” Dr. Greer’s documentary, “Sirius,” played a big role in the lyrics. That documentary taught me about CE-5 and my life changed once I learned about that. CE-5 is, “Close Encounters of the 5th kind, Human Initiated Contact.” During the writing of my music, I have had many successful CE-5 sessions. Being able to prove to myself and see for myself that consciousness is infinite and ET’s can interact with us changed my life. Once I reopened myself to connecting beyond the 3-D world the memories I got back and the downloads I received have put me on a journey that will not stop.
I also want my music to be a bridge for those who are stuck in dark places whether it be mentally, physically or spiritually and help them help themselves out of it. Some of my lyrics were written when I was in the darkest places I have been; but I also share how I got out of those places and anyone can get out of those places.
Another gap I want to bridge is religion, spirituality and those who don’t care for that stuff. I’ve gone from Atheism to Satanism to the ever-evolving state I am at now. There is more common ground in all these places than most want to recognize. When I was in college I put a big focus on Theology and World Religion. In my music I try to put all these things in there without it seeming pushy or preachy in any sense; but all the roads I have been down lead me to here and I have never been happier or more fulfilled.
Bridging people’s acceptance of music is a goal as well. My parents raised me on the good stuff like Marilyn Manson, Rob Zombie, Metallica, Godsmack, Pink Floyd and Zeppelin. When I got to my teenage years I became what some call a “Metal Elitist.” Basically, I wouldn’t listen to anything if it wasn’t the heaviest most brutal music in existence like Cannibal Corpse, Lamb Of God, Behemoth, Whitechapel, Carnifex, etc. The heavier stuff is still my favorite stuff, but I have grown to love most styles of music. I have grown as a person and majorly grown as a musician by opening to all the styles. I never thought I would enjoy making music that sounds “pretty” or take opera lessons. Song to song on my album it goes from Acoustic to Rock to Extreme Metal and everywhere in between. By doing this I know there are going to be plenty of people that don’t like my albums all the way through. Some metal heads won’t like my chill stuff and others won’t understand what is going on with the metal. So, I have music for everyone to love and hate haha. For a long time, I couldn’t stand listening to the really heavy music but once my ears adjusted to understand all the madness going on, I was hooked. If someone listens to my album they will be introduced to some styles they have probably never heard.
What is your vision for where you are headed?
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About The Author
Teresa Yanaros, an author and millennial advocate for spiritual enlightenment and disclosure, shares news and inspirational perspectives through her professional multi-media project “Divine Frequency.” Her upbeat attitude and intense passion for driving through truth and change act as a catalyst for her philosophical and cosmic teachings. Follow on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Sign up for a Tarot Reading, and Shop Divine Frequency.
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This article (Musician For Disclosure – “Inquire Within” Subliminally Seeds Empowerment to The Masses) originally appeared on TheDivineFrequency.com and is free and open source. You have permission to share or republish this article in full so long as attribution to the author and thedivinefrequency.com are provided.
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