(Jordan Conradson) On Monday afternoon, The Gateway Pundit correspondent, Jordan Conradson spoke with Arizona Audit Senate Liasion Ken Bennett for the latest update on the momentous audit of the 2020 election.
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by Jordan Conradson, June 7th, 2021
At 10 AM this morning, they were just starting their 7th untouched pallet of boxes. When Conradson checked back in at 2 PM, that pallet was halfway completed. They will likely have just 5 untouched pallets tomorrow morning.
Jordan Conradson: What is the current ballot count?
Ken Bennett: Well I don’t have a precise count but I think we’re going to probably be about 80% completed by the end of the day, and I’m hearing that we’ll be all the way through the hand count this week. Now there’s also the paper evaluation that is running well behind the hand count of the votes on the ballots but anyone who’s been watching the floor can see that we’ve reduced the number of counting tables and increased significantly the number of paper valuation tables that are doing the images of the ballot and things like that. So we’re shifting resources to the area that we’re a little bit behind in which is the paper evaluation.
The Gateway Pundit reported On Thursday night, the audit team started packing up the yellow tables, in order to make room for forensics tables due to their nearing completion of counting.
Conradson: When can we expect a result that either confirms or denies Biden won?
Bennett: Well that’s going to be several weeks thereafter. In addition to the hand count which might be done this week, the paper evaluation is going to probably take all of June and we have the facility through the end of June. So, we’re going to have to do a lot of work to catch up on the paper evaluation but both of those things need to be completed and then there will be a few weeks of putting the report together. We still also have the opportunity, and I think it’s imperative that we take the opportunity to verify at least thousands of the envelope signatures to make sure that there weren’t blank signatures allowed to go through the mail in process because that signature of the voter on the envelope is the voter’s affidavit that their ballot is inside. We’ve heard rumors that there may have been thousands of envelopes allowed to go through and opened and ballots counted without any signature whatsoever on the envelope. If that happened that’s a huge no-no and so there are other very important things besides just the hand count and the paper evaluation that yet or yet to be done.
Conradson: That’s going to be another part of the process?
Bennett: Yes.
Conradson: Has there been any attempts of interference by the left or board supervisors, anymore of that?
Bennett: Well, the Secretary of State’s office released a report supposedly of things that they felt weren’t going the way they should be. Most of them were either untrue, inconsequential or a bunch of BS. In fact one of them involved me although they didn’t name me. They said that three people were on one particular day three people were rifling through the UOCAVA ballots, the OR the military, and overseas ballots where people can vote by fax or email and I was one of those three people and nobody including myself was rifling through any ballots. We were carefully going through the ballots and weighing them to see how many approximately were in each box. Nobody was rifling through the ballots but that’s what the SOS’s report said so those kinds of things continue to be propagated every day to distract people from what’s really happening and create a false narrative, but we just have to keep our heads down stay focused and keep doing what we’re doing.
Little Ryan Macias must have disseminated this lie and crafted a narrative with whoever he answers to. Conradson saw Ken Bennett and two others carefully doing what was necessary with these ballots recently, and he snapped a shot to ensure this was documented.
Conradson: Is there a backup plan in place in case they somehow come in shut this down?
Bennett: I don’t think that there’s a real likelihood of that happening so we’re so close now to having the hand count done that I think that will be finished sometime this week and then the paper evaluation will catch up with that and be done before the end of the month, which is when we have this facility through.
Conradson: Do you have an update on the routers and passwords?
Bennett: No, the county continues to refuse to provide the second passwords and provide access as the subpoena required, and as they initially said that they would allow access to the routers to verify whether there’s any signature IP address or signature or evidence of things being hooked up to the Internet they had the two companies came in and said that they looked at the equipment and couldn’t find that evidence but to me, that’s the fox guarding the henhouse because those are the companies that already certified the equipment and is not supposed to be able to do that in the 1st place so I didn’t expect much from their auditors (which they weren’t) but I didn’t expect any much from their valuation so we remain disappointed and committed to trying to get access to the routers and the second passwords to see what the setup was on those 385 machines.
Conradson: What is the next step in obtaining that information?
Bennett: Eventually, you get to a point where the Senate would have to hold them in contempt and we know that there’s at least one of the 16 senators that weren’t willing to hold them in contempt for some other things. Would they be willing to vote in this situation? Hard to say.
HISTORIC. This never-before-seen process is coming to an end, and with the hand-count coming to an end likely this week, we should have an answer on who won the 2020 election in Arizona in the coming weeks.
Paul Bowyer was the Senator that voted no to hold the MCBOS in contempt for defying legislative subpoenas in the past. He had previously lied and claimed to be in support of this action. Paul Bowyer needs to stop with the lies if we are to see these routers and passwords.
Until then, the Arizona Audit is coming to conclusion and more states, including Georgia, will come out this week for on the scene tours, starting Tuesday. The Freight Train of Audits is FULL STEAM across the country!
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