(MK Ultra mind control, I experienced a sense of Rip Van Winkle time warp, since I had “slept” through world events and social engineering trends. As I slowly began reclaiming conscious awareness’ free thought in 1988 through methods detailed in PTSD: Time to Heal, my paradigm shifted several times in succession.
) When I awoke from decades ofRelated Mind Control and Transhumanism: The ‘Talented’ Harvard Scholar, Charles Lieber
Source – Trance Formation Of America
Not only did I have to consciously deal with the reality of my torturous past at the hands of New World Order/Deep State perpeTraitors, I began to real-eyes the effects of social engineering on society. It was as though I came screaming out of a hell no one wanted to believe existed. Ignorant people tend to snap judge and therefore wanted to label me “crazy” while I was actually reclaiming my sanity.
Searching For Help
Aware of my own truth, I desperately sought help for my MK Ultra mind controlled daughter who had been trafficked to powerful Wash DC pedophiles who were now victimizing her further though their corrupted ‘human services’ mental hellth and criminal justice systems.
It was a difficult journey facing the reality that the whole world needed to wake up from their own level of mind control in order for positive, necessary change to occur… for my daughter’s sake, all of our children’s sake, and the sake of humanity as a whole.
Critical Mass
Today awareness has reached critical mass. New World Order/Deep State perpeTraitors and their media lost their grip on the minds of the masses, and people are beginning to experience their own paradigm shift as they become consciously aware that we share this planet with some extremely evil people.
As the world wakes up, I have detailed the methods intelligence insider Mark Phillips taught me for reclaiming self control, free thought, and inner peace in PTSD: Time to Heal. This gift Mark gave u.s. all empowers reclaiming and preserving our sacred free thought in light of our own truth so we are never again kept in the dark while evil triumphs.
There is light at the end of the tunnels, and it is Truth. While I have testified that perpeTraitors plotted their evil in Bohemian Grove’s dark ‘U.N.derground’ and used undergrounds for select DARPA ops, the New World Order coup happened in plain sight while people were shaken to their knees by the trauma of the Kennedy Assassination.
Hiding in Plain Sight
“Good people do not think to look for this kind of criminal activity” my MK Ultra owner Sen. Byrd often quipped. Therefore, torturous drug and human trafficking occurred right under our noses while we blindly surrendered our freedoms to Deep State’s Big Government systematic controls.
Vaccines were deliberately tainted in various ways to further their dark agenda of controlling future generations. Sen. Byrd ordered me to NOT allow my daughter to receive vaccines… there were other plans for her demise.
As head of US Senate Appropriations, Byrd delegated our tax dollars to New World Order/Deep State controls, primarily in our education system where our children would be programmed for compliance to the socialistic/communistic New World Order plan. Combined with take over of media and ultimately our knowledge base, electronic and harmonic menaces were added to their invisible arsenal.
Book Trance: Formation of America by Cathy O’Brian
Free Thought
We all formulate our thoughts, opinions, and ultimately our actions based on what we know. We Need-to-Know our knowledge base has been deliberately altered for suppression and control. With free thought, we are empowered by our strength of spirit… which is the perpeTraitors’ greatest fear. That’s where we win and they lose.
“Their arrogance is their downfall,” Mark Phillips often assured me. “Wisdom out-thinks a criminal mind every time.” Most encouraging is the reality of Mark’s statement, “Even DARPA could not predict the strength of the human spirit.”
As an intelligence insider working mind sciences on the highest levels of government, Mark had eyes-to-see, ears-to-hear, and soul-to-know Truth. He was appalled at the New World Order/Deep State agenda of mind control of humanity through deliberately imposed trauma. He took calculated action, rescuing my daughter and me right from under their noses in 1988.
He succeeded because they could not think to look for that kind of noble action— the kind that comes with strength of spirit.Mark dedicated and ultimately gave his life to securing the sanctity of free thought by giving u.s. all the antidote to mind control in PTSD: Time to Heal.
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The news is important to all people because it is where we come to know new things about the world, which leads to the development of more life goals that lead to life wisdom. The news also serves as a social connection tool, as we tend to relate to those who know about and believe the things we do. With the power of an open truth-seeking mind in hand, the individual can grow wise and the collective can prosper.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammatical mistake? Send an email to corrections@stillnessinthestorm.com, with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. Do you think this article needs an update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at sitsshow@gmail.com. Thank you for reading.
I’m in the middle of an attack.
Situation derives from State of IL Tazewell County. I had Lived in CO, AZ and OK during this time, Hope to burden or prevent human traffic communication to continue life and wish children not in surveillance. I’m aware of it’s capabilities and techniques one may insist is material passed along for profiting. This surveillance is widely known, however kept from public? The subminimal intent, manipulation and Telemedicine/Mechanism function is unlawful. Sending chemicals across the air to victims. This putting a range of chemical compounds on a threat factor due to the range involved. Neural degree which is affected by it’s software and ability to perform 24/7 torture is undermined and believe this is a huge mistake, as it allows slavery, human traffic and rights to be violated. Also, children exploited is a huge concern. To survive is not a sought state, but merely more put into black mailing me and children used as leverage. Beaten, Mutilated, raped and left lifeless.
I had filed reports regarding threat to myself and safety towards children, however they were abducted as well and I ended up receiving a protective order against myself and their attempt to cover up situation more set in stone. Instead it has enforced a no contact on children, law officials and Government are paid to avoid my case and pursue false charges. All while warning had been given I would be framed, children framed and criminal activity allowed which had brought on multiple fake case attempts which described profiting off government from the inside and not just off my children.
I’m looking for assistance over the matter, wondering if you may provide any information if possible. If you’re wondering why I contact you, it’s mostly due to fact no authority nor government will respond due to the ability of halting a huge operation some find too lucrative and that unlawful approach is only feasible direction select few hope for in order to continue operation.
Provisioning rights, not create cyberwarfare. I’m being cyberstalked and network attacked. This is ongoing and contacting authorities over this has had a no response or complete denial to file reports.
I appreciate any feedback and Thank you. Hope this information will suffice and you’ll understand my situation. I am getting forced to comply to false charges, attorney given is not allowing truth be spoken and law enforcement stalking myself and family to find criminal evidence is constant. In order to achieve order, I must commit a crime, suicide and give up my children. It’s not happening so easily, this has been going on for years now.
No help from your authorities.
Hospitalization in psychiatric ward?
Multiple deeds against you against law?
Old binary Zircon Ai.
Macedonia, sponsored by eu.
Human rights ngo. Alghoritms to prepare the activist in some field.
Hermit to go through the Dante’s hell, all circles.
Long imprisonment
Long isolation
First known to me persons
Bibi, Kaval, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, polish eviction activist
Used for politics.
Sometimes death is needed.
Cyberstalked by Ai, binary. So you have never contacted any authorities.
Just like a hampster in the circle.
Me, spent many months trying.
Not so stupid to not considered planting a terrorist of me.
Criminal evidence. I have a lot.
But it doesn’t matter up to the time you are an old case in X Archive.
Many hugs.
It is so difficult to than God every time you lost something important that at least one person couldn’t be involved in that.
I think you have conditioned mind, body and physiology.
Nobody would belive that.
I would.
And one more thing. Kafka’s trial.
What makes me not suicidal is that Kafka lived longer than the system.
And usually conected with falling imperium.
Him, with AustroHungary, actually the Holy Rome imperium.
My playbook is Boris Vian’s the heart sneatcher. And sixth sense. And Vanilla Sky.
Child and adolescent psychiatrist from Poland.
I feel, Green Mile is very important now.
In Francis I trust. Victim.
But the very potent person.
mega schizo
I would start calling it microtargeting conditioning, bandit alghotitms.
Winnining the narrative as long as it is possibke for ((( them)))
Up to now
70% people at brain to brain interfaces vs autonomous Ai.
Predator sg
Austrian something
Microsoft backdoors
Your, very old experience
And no serial suicide, no serial stabbing
Help from your authorities
Russian Devi.
Started with first cosmic flight
Biological neuronal networks as Ai concierge
Trump to win
Not as good as Devi( empath Ai) binary but great capacity, Cambridge Analytica.
If you write past perfect, i used to….
Alghoritms used you accordingly to the shedule.
Some people as me
Enslaved and contious.
Immobilized watching genocide.
We almost do not fear the God.
Forgot about true Evil.
Sometimes Evil works through passive agressive pretending
Human rights activists aren’t tyrants.
Thank you for altruism, place to share your thoughts deliberatly.
Up to the time serial suicider at your children or brloved ones….
On myself and then going through this for almost 5 years gang stalking targeted justice, I’ve been made homeless everything I owned and taken from me five cars three homes I have no one left to lean on, and I am crying out for help because of all of the things that have been done to me I’ve had most of the government agencies at one point in time on me I’ve had a private companies on me, I’ve done their form of test. I have probably more national secrets in the President of the United States. I have been shown some of the newest and most unbelievable technologies that mankind possesses and the secrets I hold, could literally change the course of mankind, and the things they are doing will change the course of mankind if they get away with it mankind if it isn’t already doomed it is very close to it just for the reasons of technology alone I hope to find the help I need in stopping these things because the most important thing for mankind is to maintain free well, and that is very much in jeopardy now , I have yet to find anybody who can help me with these things and everybody I get to talk to you about these things acts very dismissive and really doesn’t want to hear anymore almost like they already know and they just don’t need to hear it from me. I have written emails and went to every place I can think of and I write these things online and I never get a reply back from anybody so I hope to hear from somebody soon that believes in that can support me in trying to bring these things to light into the world where it can be made safe just by every man woman and child knowing it as common knowledge . Ginoalessi999@gmail.com. Being that my phone has been hacked from Pegasus and Phantom, which was developed by Israel and tested by the United States in 2019 and I truly believe they are still using even though they found it to be illegal to be used here.