(Ryan DeLarme) As the current political information/disinformation war continues to heat up, it becomes more and more imperative for individuals to become able to exercise their own discernment. This goes for radical leftists as much as die hard Trump supporters. In the same fashion that many view the Federal Government, the mainstream media has become incompetent, conformist, and corrupt to the core. The purpose of the mass media is not to “tell it like it is” but rather to tell it how the CEO’s, board members, and shareholders want it to be told. Perhaps a look into the clandestine maneuverings of the western world’s financial elite over the last 100 years can shine some light on the lack of journalistic integrity by those who weave the mainstream narrative.
Related The Deep State Behind the Deep State: CFR, Trilaterals, Bilderbergs
Source – Underground News Wire
by Ryan DeLarme, March 1st, 2019
“The very word ‘secrecy’ is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know.But I do ask every publisher, every editor, and every newsman in the nation to reexamine his own standards, and to recognize the nature of our country’s peril… For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.”
The preceding speech was given by John F. Kennedy just over 2 years before his untimely assassination in Dallas on May 29th, 1963, and its haunting relevance still echoes throughout the darkened halls of the American mass psyche. Back in his day, in the seemingly archaic but all too recent past, things were much the same as they are today. Gas, coal, and oil still dominated as the U.S.’s primary energy supply, the military industrial complex was growing into the well-fed monster we know today (thanks to policies such as perpetual warfare).
Partisan politics, to many, are about as real and honest as professional wrestling. A divisionary circus meant to repel or distract the masses while the true movers and shakers of geopolitics carry out their shadowy dealings behind the closed doors of exclusive Dutch hotels, or prestigious organizations such as the Century Association, the Links Club or D.C.’s Metropolitan Club to name a few of the myriad.
It has been alleged and should be noted that JFK’s outspoken disapproval of clandestine affairs and secret societies may have had certain undesired effects on his health and longevity. He warned us of a “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy” alluding to “…a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.” This heavy statement delivered earnestly to the American people by a President they actually loved and trusted must have seemed to some at the time like an Orwellian nightmare made flesh.
Strangely enough, George Orwell (the English novelist, critic and apparent prophet who penned the acclaimed, dystopian “1984”), was actually himself alleged to be a member of one such cloak-and-dagger outfit known as the Fabian Society. The societies membership included his former teacher and fellow social seer Aldous Huxley. Huxley was responsible for penning the horrifically relevant masterpiece Brave New World, among many other notable and not always widely circulated activities. Both Orwell, Huxley, and even H.G. Wells are said to have been involved with this pro-eugenic, socialist secret society.
[Authors Note: These books were incredibly helpful while researching and finding sources for this piece]
Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids
Aldous Huxley once gave a speech to a Berkley audience, in which he admitted that subjects he discusses in novels like Brave New World were not just fiction, but real blueprints for types of controlled and enslaved societies.
“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.(Emphasis added)”
-Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961

There are certain topics and viewpoints that many fail to consider due to obscurity or the stigma that comes with even mentioning certain topics. Primarily, the fact that conspiratorial forces have furtively shaped the destiny of whole nations, and their international policies, throughout pretty much all of recorded history. Countless surreptitious organizations have cropped up and molded societies throughout the ages.
Winston Churchill had said that “History is written by the victors” (evidenced by such things as the sacking of Alexandria, the Crusades, book burning, mass censorship, etc.) If so, then who exactly is weaving our current accepted understanding of history? Is it an accurate understanding? From my personal perspective, the answer is emphatically “no”.
Marcus Garvey once said, “A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.” It often goes unmentioned that the collective history of our species is mired in clandestine activity and has often been subject to embellishment. America owes it’s very birth to a secretive group of colonists called the “Sons of Liberty,” fighting against other secretive organizations rooted in Europe at the time. Though America was able to break free from British rule, in time The Royal Institute of International Affairs and its members saw to it that America became that which it fought so desperately to avoid; a nation infested with and controlled by hyper-elite families, corporate conglomerates, and international banking cartels.
Historical References to Conspiratorial Power(s)
An intentionally propagated misconception is that only “fringe conspiracy theorists” have spoken out against secret rule and hidden control in the world. The undeniable fact of the matter is that yesterday’s conspiracy theories often become today’s incontrovertible facts. In the mid-1990s, journalist Gary Webb’s claims that CIA officials conspired with drug dealers to bring crack cocaine into the United States. This was dismissed by many as a prime example of a false conspiracy theory… But the claims were true.
The term “Conspiracy theorist” itself wasn’t popularized until the 1960’s, allegedly concocted by elements within the CIA to discredit those who dared to question the Warren Commission after the assassination of JFK. Those in the know couldn’t shake the stench of conspiracy as JFK’S death was exceptionally beneficial to members of the CFR, the Iron Mountain boys, and the Bush family in particular.
In this section, we will take a brief look at what some extremely influential public figures have had to say on the subject throughout history, despite our modern societies aversion to the topic.
- British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, as far back as 1856, told the House of Commons, “…it is useless to deny, because it is impossible to conceal, that a great part of Europe –the whole of France, Italy and [then fragmented] Germany– is covered with a network of secret societies…”.
- Woodrow Wilson, who was himself intimately connected with conspiratorial powers, once wrote, “Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that somewhere there is a power so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”
- U.S. Supreme Court justice Felix Frankfurter once revealed, “The real rulers behind Washington are invisible, and exercise their power from behind the scenes.”
- In a letter, dated November 23rd, 1933, newly elected President Franklin D. Roosevelt wrote to Woodrow Wilson’s top advisor, Colonel Edward House, “The real truth of the matter is , as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government since the days of Andrew Jackson.” Roosevelt himself was closely connected to many prominent members of the secret societies of his day, and once remarked, “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”
- Roosevelt’s son Elliot once wrote “There are within our world perhaps a dozen organizations which shape the courses of our various destinies as rigidly as the regularly constituted governments.”
- Former New York Mayor John F. Hylan stated in 1922, “The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over our city, state and nation… at the head of this octopus is the Rockefeller Standard Oil interests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as ‘international bankers’ [who] virtually run the U.S. government for their own selfish purposes.”
- In 1973, retired Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty, (who had a unique vantage point and was able to witness the control mechanisms over both intelligence and military), wrote that the United States was run by a “secret team” elaborating that, “The power of this team derives from its vast, intra-governmental undercover infrastructure and its direct relationship with great private industries, mutual funds and investment houses, universities, and the news media including foreign and domestic publishing houses… This great machine has been constructed by such able men as ‘Wild Bill’ Donovan, Clark Clifford, Walter Bedell Smith, Allen Dulles, Maxwell Taylor, McGeorge Bundy and many others, who have guided and molded it into the runway giant that it is today. It is big business, big government, big money, big pressure… all operating in self-centered, utterly self-serving security and secrecy.”
- The renowned futurist and innovative thinker, R. Buckminster Fuller, also appears to have come to the understanding that the United States is ruled by powerful men behind the scenes. “The US is not run by its would-be ‘democratic’ government.” he wrote shortly before his death in 1983, “Nothing could be more pathetic than the role that has to be played by the president of the United States, whose power is approximately zero. Nevertheless, the news media and most over-thirty-years-of-age U.S. citizens carry on as if the President has supreme authority.”
Perhaps the most vocal and most tragic of those high ranking officials, who’ve dared to speak on or against the unspoken rulers, is America’s first Secretary of Defense James Forrestal. Around 1947, Forrestal began to voice his concerns that government officials were making consistent concessions to the Soviets. “These men are not incompetent or stupid, they are crafty and brilliant. Consistency has never been a mark of stupidity, if they were merely stupid they would occasionally make a mistake in our favor.”
Forrestal, was a man who was privy to many secrets and the holder of an incredibly high level of clearance. He was listed as a member of the super-secretive group known as MJ-12. He was asked to resign by then President Truman and two months later, again at the request of Truman, Forrestal entered into Bethesda Naval Hospital for a routine examination but would never return. Forrestal was found hung by the neck on a lower level of the hospital. The official story has it that Forrestal, committed suicide, but many people, then and now, do not accept this lazy conclusion. His notes and diaries were taken and held by the government for more than a year before the sanitized versions were released to the public.
In the following sections we’ll go over a wealth of compelling data. The 20th century was rich with concealed activity and semi-covert maneuverings, but in the western world there is no greater personification of the Clandestine agenda than the Council on Foreign Relations.

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
Those who dare to even mention the subject of “Secret Societies,” in our present social climate, are often besmirched and ostracized by those who have a lesser understanding of such things. The harsh and unfriendly truth is that Secret Societies exist, and have played an important role in national and international events, throughout all of recorded history.
It is arguable that the most influential of the Western secret societies is the Council on Foreign Relations (in conjunction with the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg group). Though the concept of globalism did not originate with this supremely shadowy group, it does seem to be the primary bastion for Globalists in the 20th-21st century.

The council began as an outgrowth of a series of meetings conducted during World War I. Woodrow Wilson’s confidential adviser at the time, Edward Mandell House, had gathered roughly 100 of the most prominent men in the country at the time to discuss the postwar world. Originally dubbing themselves “the Inquiry” who helped to concoct Wilson’s famous “fourteen points”, a globalist statement of principles which was presented to congress in 1918.
House described himself as a Marxist socialist yet his actions more reflected Fabian socialism. He had penned a novel several years prior called Philip Dru: Administrator. It is purported that he gave a copy of this work to Woodrow Wilson to read on a trip to Bermuda. In this writing, House describes a clandestine effort in the United States with the goal of establishing a central bank, a graduated income tax, and the control of both political parties. Within two years of publication, two of these objectives if not all three had already been accomplished.
In 1919, House met with both British and American peace conference delegates, in Paris’s Majestic Hotel, on May 30th and resolved to form an “Institute of International Affairs” with branch’s in America and England. The English branch became “the Royal Institute for International Affairs” whose goal was to guide people toward the acceptance of a one world government or Globalism. The US branch of the institute was incorporated on July 21st of that year as the Council on Foreign Relations, the name it still goes by today. It was built upon the foundation of an existing New York club comprised and created by bankers and lawyers for discussions on trade and international finance. Article II of the CFR’s bylaws stated that anyone revealing details of CFR meetings can be dropped of membership, thus making the CFR a secret society.
Since 1945 the CFR has been headquartered in the elegant Harold Pratt House in New York City, which was donated by the Pratt family of Rockefeller Standard Oil. Characterization of the CFR as an “old boys club” is enhanced by the fact many of its members belong to upper-crust organizations like the Links Club, Century Association, the University Club, and Washington’s exclusive Metropolitan Club.
The CFR’s invitation-only membership, which was originally capped at 1,600 participants, today numbers more than 3,300 of the most influential leaders of finance, commerce, communications, and academia. Admission is an extremely discriminating and grueling process: candidates must be proposed by a current member, seconded by another member, approved by a committee, screened by a professional staff, and then finally must be approved by the Board of Directors. In an effort to adjust to the modern world, (and not appear as the group of mostly misogynistic and racist eugenicists that they ultimately were), the Council extended its membership cap so they could include a few African Americans and more than a dozen women.
Original CFR members included Colonel House, New York senator and Secretary of State Elihu Root, syndicated columnist Walter Lippmann and the brothers Allen and John Foster Dulles. Many of those that study conspiracy will be familiar with the Dulles Brothers, John eventually served as Secretary of State and Allen eventually would serve as Director of the CIA. Founding CFR president John W. Davis, was financier J.P. Morgan’s personal Attorney, the same J.P. Morgan of Chase Bank Manhattan. Mr. Morgan was responsible for such things as the Great Depression and the ruining of Nikola Tesla. The groups Vice President, Paul Cravath, also represented Morgan properties. The councils first chairman was Russell Leffingwell, one of Morgan’s partners. Since most of the original members had connections to Morgan in one way or another it could be said that the council was heavily influenced by Morgan interests.
Funding for the CFR came from uber-elite bankers and financiers like J.P. Morgan, John D Rockefeller, Jacob Schiff, Otto Kahn, Paul Warburg and Bernard Baruch. Today funding for the CFR comes more from corporations than any particular individuals, these include General Motors, Xerox, Texaco, and Bristol-Meyers Squibb to name a few. The CFR is also currently funded by the German Marshall Fund, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
In a 1997 mission statement it was claimed that the council is merely “a unique membership organization and think tank that educates members and staff to serve the nation with ideas for a better and safer world,” That is, despite the fact that the council has had its hand in every major 20th century conflict across the globe. Many writers, lawyers, unaffiliated politicians, etc, believe that the CFR is nothing short of a group of power hungry businessmen bent on absolute global control through multinational business, international treaties/policy and world government. To anyone who looks at the council’s history and past its surface appearance these accusations begin to seem unquestionable.
The council offers Corporation Service, through which subscribing companies are provided a twice-a-year dinner briefing by government officials like the Treasury Secretary or the CIA director. Noted author John Kenneth Galbraith, who resigned from the CFR in 1970, has said that such off the record talks are a “Scandal” and “why should Businessmen be briefed on information that is not available to the public?” Author G. Edward Griffin agreed that initially the CFR, as a front for the British Round Table group, was originally dominated by the Morgan family but that “the Morgan group has been replaced by the Rockefeller consortium, and the role call of participating business reads like the Fortune 500.”
On the subject of the CIA, nearly every director since Allen Dulles has been a member of the CFR, including Richard Helms, William Colby, George H.W. Bush, William Webster, John Deutsch, and William Casey. Many researchers have alleged that the CIA serves as a security force not only for corporate America but for friends, relatives, and members of the CFR, though the arrangement seems to be a two way street. According to a former executive assistant to the deputy director of the CIA Victor Marchetti and State Department analyst John D. Marks, “The influential but private Council, composed of several hundred of the country’s top political, military, academic and business leaders, has long been the CIA’s principal ‘constituency’ in the American public. When the agency has needed prominent citizens to front for its proprietary companies or for other special assistance, it has often turned to Council members.”
Members of the CFR who take government positions tend to bring other members in with them. CFR member Henry Stimson became secretary of war in 1940 and brought with him fellow member John J. McCloy as assistant secretary for personnel. McCloy proceeded to bring in even more members to government over the years. McCloy has gone record saying “Whenever we needed a new man[for a government position] we just thumbed through a roll of council members and put through a call to New York.” McCloy has served as a Council chairman, chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank, mentor to David Rockefeller, and as foreign policy advisor to six U.S. presidents.
The CFR was also responsible for the rise of Henry Kissinger. In 1955, Kissinger was an unknown academic who happened to attend a meeting at the Marine Corps School at Quantico hosted by Nelson Rockefeller. The meeting marked the beginning of a long friendship for the two. Kissinger was soon introduced to David Rockefeller and other prominent CFR members through whom he procured funding and entree to ranking officials of the Atomic Energy Commission, the military industrial complex, the CIA, and the State Department. Kissinger remains a force in world affairs to this day.
To better understand the Council’s relevance in more modern times let’s take a gander at The Clinton administration. According to published reports, the Clinton administration at its outset held more than 100 CFR members. Members were named ambassadors to Spain, Great Britain, Australia, Chile, Syria, South Africa, Russia, Romania, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Italy, France, Czech Republic, Poland, Nigeria, and the Philippines, and more than a dozen served in the House and in the Senate.
It is clear that the Council has considerable influence, if not outright control, over U.S.’s foreign policies for the last century, and they have often come under heavy scrutiny. Fortuitously (if not intentionally) a similar, more public group popped up and began to take some of the heat. This group was created with the Council’s blessing in the early 70’s and is referred to as the Trilateral Commission.
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About the Author
Independent Journalist, Researcher, Creative Writer, Poet, Bum, Fool.
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The Deep State employ think tanks and other institutions to effect their agenda against the people. These act as recruitment arms as well as a rallying points for agents of the Deep State to coordinate their activities. According to researchers, the agenda emerges from some kind of high council of criminal syndicates, which agree to a plan that meets their individual interests. From there, the agenda works its way down through the Deep State apparatus, being altered to suit the audience its designed to entice. For example, the population control agenda is sold to the general population as tasty food, sexual freedom, and faultless divorce, to name a few. Similarly, captains of industry, finance, and other pillars of society are inducted into the agenda by careful persuasion, never truly understanding the full agenda. Think tanks are used to develop these persuasion tactics and act as a place to alter a person’s thinking through consensus and rhetoric. In short, people listen to the Deep State ideologues speak, believe what they hear, and then act of their own free will to carry out the agenda. The preceding information reveals this strategy employing the institute model of international affairs, developed by Cecil Rhodes in 1891. This is important to understand because 1) it informs the individual as to how the Deep State control apparatus operates, thereby empowering the people to take corrective actions, and 2) it reveals that the Deep State is unified, despite their war-like nature, demonstrating that unity is an effective strategy. Freedom-seekers would do well to know their enemy and respect them because the Deep State uses tried and proven methods that those working against them should use to their advantage. If we, the people, learned how to unite and work together, the Deep State could be dealt with and we would create the foundations of a golden age society, one of abundance, freedom, and increasing prosperity.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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