(Joe Hoft) Media Matters is a far-left organization that labels itself as a non-profit but works as a far-left hit machine. It has connections to George Soros and its purpose appears to be to harm conservative Americans and take them out of business. But there is much more to this sketchy entity.
by Joe Hoft, April 14th, 2022
On Wednesday The Gateway Pundit reported on Media Matters and its questionable classification as a nonprofit that saves the entity millions in tax dollars. The TGP also discussed its apparent lack of concern for filing its financials with states across the nation on a timely basis. Also, we identified that this ‘nonprofit’ took COVID money but this money was not to be shared with nonprofits.
Today TGP has more. An interesting and shadowing relationship we found with Media Matters is that its connected closely to the Mary Bonner group. We know very little about Mary Bonner. We located one article where she is discussed alongside Hillary Clinton.
In a New York Times article on February 5, 2015, it was reported that Mary Bonner was making a killing on political
A constellation of left-leaning nonprofits and “super PACs” are raising tens of millions of dollars to pave the way for Hillary Rodham Clinton’s presidential campaign — and nearly all of them have paid Mary Pat Bonner a cut.Over the past several years, the groups, which include American Bridge 21st Century, Media Matters for America and the super PAC Ready for Hillary, have paid Ms. Bonner’s consulting firm in excess of $6 million to help them cultivate wealthy donors and raise money, according to tax filings and campaign disclosures.Ms. Bonner’s contracts give her firm a commission, typically 12.5 percent, on any money she brings in. Her tenacity, ties to wealthy givers and mastery of making donors happy have made Ms. Bonner, 48, among the most successful practitioners of a trade that is virtually invisible to voters but has taken on immense power and influence in the post-Citizens United world.Almost every candidate for high office must now court ultrarich donors to finance super PACs. And with each party more reliant than ever on networks of outside groups to supplement its advertising and opposition research, fund-raisers like Ms. Bonner hold the keys to the big-money kingdom.“The Bonner Group gets us the best fund-raising product for the lowest cost,” said David Brock, the founder of the monitoring group Media Matters and the super PAC American Bridge. “In my experience, the commission incentivizes the fund-raiser to meet the ambitious goals we set.”…Two years ago, reflecting her expanding role in Mr. Brock’s enterprises, Ms. Bonner moved her company and staff into his headquarters, though she continues to serve other clients. She and Mr. Brock have adjoining offices and even share a summer rental in the Hamptons.
On February 9th, a couple of days after the New York Times article, David Brock abruptly resigned from the board of the super PAC Priorities USA Action. We know this because Politico published this story at the time and also because John Podesta, commented on the story in an email, stating “welcome to whacko land”. This was located in a Podesta email at Wikileaks.
David Brock is still the Chairman of the Board of Media Matters. Its board includes Cecile Richards, formerly the head of planned parenthood and Tom Perez, the former chair of the DNC.
We still don’t know much about the Bonner Group. TGP can’t locate a website for the corporation. We did find that the group took half a million in COVID dollars, claiming 19 employees.
One of many shocking observations from the New York Times report above is that the Bonner Group takes a 12.5% commission on ‘money she brings in’. According to the Association of Fundraising Professionals, the AFP, it is not ethical to enter into agreements based on a percentage of contributions.
In addition, it is very odd that the Bonner Group shared an office with Media Matters. The arrangement with the Bonner Group also appears to go against Media Matters’s own Articles of Incorporation where these egregious fees are addressed:
Not only does the Bonner Group make 12.5% on all funds raised by Media Matters, Bonner also appears to skim an additional 12.5% when Media Matters gives grants to offspring organizations. Combines, TGP estimates that the Bonner Group made over $25 million in fund raising fees from 2015 to 2020. This equates to over $200 million in donations.
Did David Brock resing from Hillary’s Super PAC because Podesta didn’t like Brock or because Media Matters and the Bonner Group were skimming millions from the Hillary campaign. For once we agree with Podesta – “Welcome to whacko land”.
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About The Author
Joe Hoft is the twin brother of TGP’s founder, Jim Hoft. His posts have been retweeted by President Trump and have made the headlines at the Drudge Report. Joe worked as a corporate executive in Hong Kong and traveled the world for his work, which gives him a unique perspective of US and global current events. He has ten degrees or designations and is the author of three books. His new book: ‘In God We Trust: Not in Lying Liberal Lunatics’ is out now – please take a look and buy a copy..
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