There are a several researchers claiming a connection between Germanwings Flight 9525 on the 23rd and CERN’s recent test which was scheduled for this same time frame. As Dutchsince documents below, a massive Microwave Pulse enshrouded the earth over the 23rd and 24th, exactly when the CERN test was due to occur, and is also the time span when Andreas Lubitz decided to ‘suicide’ himself, killing 149 others.
We covered the developments of this story in the following updates:
We discussed the likelihood of Lubitz being in some altered state as a result of a trigger, causing his subconscious programming to activate. Whether or not this trigger relates to the microwave pulse is unclear.
There were also reports of fighter jets escorting the plane during its flight, and due to the lack of human remains found, theorists are suggesting that the real plane many never have crashed at all.
At this point there is no solid evidence to support a definitive theory, however, with what is available we can assert the following.
Lubitz is being painted as another ‘crazed shooter’, much like the James Holmes (batman massacre) in 2013. The voice recording indicates Lubitz was in some type of altered state during the moments before the crash. Finally we have CERN mis informing the public about the test scheduled or the same time as the crash, in conjunction with the recently disclosed Microwave Pulse.
As more data is revealed, more questions are raised.
Above: Seen at the peak of the 1st blast – this large distortion covered the entire Southern Hemisphere. This blast was followed by a secondary reverberation on the 24th.
Above: Microwave background from MIMIC shows a large pulse of energy on the 23rd and 24th of March 2015.
Above: CERN denies being powered on after the 21st .. after building the hype for their experiment all week up to the 23rd.. were they lying on the 22nd and 23rd saying all was good for the experiment or are they lying after the malfunction caused a plane to crash? Either way they lied.
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