This is a rather interesting story which could be connected to several of the narratives discussing disclosure this year. As many researchers have uncovered the government in the US is not a de jure or by the people organization, it is an insurgent run de facto occupy force, which took over the de jure government in the 1860’s.
Within law, this means that ALL of the various ‘justice bodies’ including police departments are actually impersonating public officials. Below we have the story of a group who was arrested on April 30th for just that, impersonating public officials. Which begs the question, why would a group of insurgents who took over the government and are impersonating public officials arrest a group who is doing the exact same thing?
Whether or not the group arrested is connected to the Cabal is unclear. What this does do is create an impression in the minds of the unconscious masses that the government is actually legitimate, and that it is not connected to masonry. Of course a well informed person knows that the vast majority of police agencies are in fact populated by masonic orders. So why would this story be allowed to surface?
I have the following speculations to offer.
If the Cabal is in fact attempting to ‘turn a new leaf’ then this could be part of a propaganda or public conditioning campaign to prepare the masses for the big disclosure to come. The Cabal is not a singular group, but is infact a network of many groups who loosely work together for various ends. This could be evidence that the infighting within the Cabal is reaching a tipping point, and we could expect to see more arrests coming to light as an attempt for one group to distance themselves from another.
Because the police arrested a group which is overtly connected to the masons this creates a association within the minds of the masses that the government are ‘good guys.’ “Look we are not the bad masons, we arrested those guys already!”
When the big disclosure happens, this could be held up by one group as proof that the government isn’t really ‘all that bad’ and people need not feel as betrayed as they should. But the truth is the government as a whole is illegitimate and part of the Cabal network.
Several insiders have said that the Cabal is in disarray and attempting to mold the story of disclosure in their favor. Essentially one group is trying to betray others and in doing so cast themselves in a new light which will make them seem more favorable once all the truth comes out.
Could this recent move be an attempt of one such group to do that? One can only guess, but it definitely fits the MO, and the actual effect on consciousness is undeniable. An association has been drawn that the government ‘looks for secret groups and stops them,’ which has been implanted in the minds of many as a result of this story.
If the narrative offered by several insiders is accurate we can expect to see more ‘secret groups’ being arrested as a token gesture, which creates an association within the minds of the masses that the illegitimate government is not so bad.
I posit that this story would have never come to light in the past, and this is a major soft disclosure story for what is really happening at the deepest levels of government.
One note about masonry: Masonry is not a black and white organization, meaning that it’s not totally bad or totally good. It is a recruitment center in essence which uses a once spiritual fraternity to dupe the unconscious masses into a hierarchical structure of compartmentalized control. For more on this see this video.
3 Arrested In California For Operating 3,000-Year-Old Masonic Police Department
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