Related Forbidden History | Why Communism is the Deep State’s Mind Control Cult [Ep1]
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Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The Deep State employ various forms of mass indoctrination to further their agenda, which they’ve been doing for many thousands of years. This requires the technique of presenting appealing rhetoric on the surface, in order to “sell” the concept to the masses. And yet, behind the scenes, the true agenda is one of total control of mind, body, and spirit. If done well, the people clamor to be enslaved. And anyone with an honest look at history can see this is exactly what has taken place. Communism is one of the latest “updates” to the Deep State’s adaptable control system. Many fail to recognize the underlying manipulation at work in almost every major cultural trend, religion, sociopolitical leaning, or scientific view, namely because they fail to grasp a substantive view of the history and underlying philosophies at work. Until you grasp the philosophic roots and values of the Deep State, the package in which their machinations are sold to you will lead you astray. The preceding information reveals communism and socialism as the neo-Deep State control ideologies. These schools of thought take root in the dark occult, reaching back to the times of the Sabbatean cult founded in 1666, and arguably much earlier. One can begin their education by understanding the tenets of this and any other ideologies like it (such as post-modernism, Marxism, and even major religions founded on doctrinal dogma), thereby discerning if it is truly good on its merits—what it actually seeks to do and has done in the past. Conversely, many who subscribe to communism, socialism, or any other Deep State mind control ideology, focus on the surface level descriptions (the image or promise), as opposed to the reality. But with knowledge of the actual history, statements, and results of these ideological control mechanisms, one can begin to see the common thread in them all—the systematic destruction of individual rights in favor of a mob controlled by the Deep State. And once the wool has been thoroughly pulled from your eyes, you can join the ranks of true freedom fighters, who recognize the only hope for lasting peace is the upholding of the rights of all people as God-given, managed and coordinated by a truly lawful system for the good of all.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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“It aint the ism, it’s the A$$h0le$.” I just cannot get why people keep falling for the same ol boogie man, “socialism” communism’ etc. That is a 20th century divide and conquer tactic and part of the Russia boogieman narrative. Our country is made up of folks that ideally pool their money together, work together to make a strong community, and a strong country. To work together for a society that is better than if we worked alone. “Socialism”? “cooperation”? “Grits”? I don’t care what you call it. Why you people keep banging on about (fear mongering) about the “Evils of socialism” is a huge distraction from the “Evils of war” and the evils of “The Federal Reserve”, Out of control WRONG over priced undervalued healthcare/pharma, our water and food is being poisoned. While you want to talk about philosophical abstracts. Not to mention you say nothing about the Stock Market a system of Corporate Welfare and money laundering. There is no difference between the corrupt RED & BlUE they are the same dog and pony show. Heck, The US military is an example of a socialist system that has been working for the history of the country. It is not driven by the “Invisible hand of the market” and is not a profit driven system. Soldiers in the military are clothed, fed, housed and paid my the State. They get free educational benefits from the state, healthcare from the state and a retirement from the state. HELLO! Grits? Socialism” Communism” Nationalism” How about spending some of your time writing about how the stock market is NOT the economy like the government and the rish war mongers would have every ONE believe. Go back to the 20th century you dinosaur with your “isms” we have serious work to do here. It’s funny you will likely want to pin me down to either red or blue. But you cant. I am a sovereign being, a human being and see all beings in myself, and myself in all beings. This is the darkest ignorance.
Thanks Greg.
Couldn’t agree more with your comment.
This left/right (as you say “ism”) is all just a distraction & a way to pit us against each other. Since when has working together become a bad thing? As you mentioned, there are so many other problems that need to be addressed.
“I am a sovereign being, a human being and see all beings in myself, and myself in all beings.”
Nicely said.