(Waking Times) Lyme Disease. Do you have it? If you did, you probably would not know, unless you’re one of the chronic sufferers that had to visit over 30 doctors to get properly diagnosed. Lyme disease tests are highly inaccurate. They’re often inconclusive or false negative. That’s because this clever bacteria has found a way to dumb down the immune system and white blood cells, so it is not detectable until treatment is initiated.
by Staff Writer, July 9th, 2019
To diagnose Lyme properly you must see a “Lyme Literate MD (LLMD)”, however, more and more doctors are turning their backs on patients due to sheer fear of losing their practices! Why? Because insurance companies and the CDC will do whatever it takes to stop Chronic Lyme Disease from being diagnosed, treated, or widely recognized as an increasingly common issue.
Lyme is considered “only” transmittable by a tick infected with bacteria. However, the CDC itself admits it is under-reported, and believes there are between 300,000 to half a million new cases each year. That makes Lyme disease almost twice as common as breast cancer and six times more common than HIV/AIDS. Where are all of these new cases coming from?
When Lyme isn’t detected in the early stages, it becomes Chronic Lyme, a condition which the CDC and IDSA both denyeven exists. They will continue to deny it, because if there’s one thing insurance companies hate, it’s chronic disorders they have to spend time and money treating. Therefore, a panel with ties to insurance companies gathered to write up official Lyme guidelines that assure patients are only allowed a few weeks of antibiotic treatment and are not to be diagnosed with Chronic Lyme Disease even if clear symptoms persist and invade the nervous system. Over half of the panelists who wrote the IDSA Lyme guidelines announcing that Chronic Lyme is not real — including the panel chairman — have obvious conflicts of interest including financial interests in drug companies, diagnostic tests, and patents as well as consulting agreements with insurance companies. Researchers and scientists with evidence in support of Chronic Lyme were intentionally excluded from the panel. Because of these unjust Lyme guidelines, insurance companies have the “right” to deny coverage for the treatment of long-term Lyme disease. Doctors have even lost their practices for successfully diagnosing and treating Chronic Lyme, as shown in the film Under Our Skin. In the case of Dr. Joseph Jemsek of North Carolina, he not only lost his license but also his livelihood. Dr. Jemsek can no longer practice simply because he gave antibiotics to Chronic Lyme sufferers, and was then sued by BCBS for 100 million dollars, following which he had to declare bankruptcy. You can read his closing remarks to the NC Medical Board just before they pulled his license here.
Busted – Big Pharma bucks taint the IDSA
Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal investigated the IDSA panel members for possible violation of antitrust laws and conflicts of interest.
Of the 14 panel authors of the first edition guidelines: 6 of them or their universities held patents on Lyme or its co-infections, 4 received funding from Lyme or co-infection test kit manufacturers, 4 were paid by insurance companies to write Lyme policy guidelines or consult in Lyme legal cases, and 9 received money from Lyme disease vaccine manufacturers. Some of the authors were involved in more than one conflict of interest. (Source: ‘Under Our Skin’ (2008), available on Netflix and YouTube)
Watch The Living Matrix — Science and Cases of Healing Through Consciousness
Study: Strong evidence of sexual transmission
The bacteria that causes Lyme disease is Borrelia burgdorferi, a type of corkscrew-shaped bacteria known as a spirochete. The Lyme spirochete is a cousin to Treponema pallidum, the spirochete that causes Syphilis.
Dr. Alan MacDonald, MD who appears in the documentary ‘Under Our Skin’ (2008) says in the film that he found Borrelia (Lyme) DNA in 7 out of 10 postmortem Alzheimers patients’ brains. This makes perfect sense, since syphilis, its cousin, also invades the brain in tertiary or neurosyphilis. Dr. Klinghardt, MD (also quoted from ‘Under Our Skin’) stated that he’s “never had a single patient with Alzheimer’s, ALS, Parkinson’s Disease or Multiple Sclerosis who tested negative for Borrelia.”
Why are so many people suffering from Lyme disease and its associated chronic disorders, such as Alzheimer’s and ALS? A new study suggests that just like its spirochete cousin that causes Syphillis, Lyme disease may be sexually transmitted! The study was presented at the annual Western Regional Meeting of the American Federation for Medical Research, and an abstract of the research was published in the January issue of the Journal of Investigative Medicine.
Medical Daily reports,
The study — presented at the annual Western Regional Meeting of the American Federation for Medical Research — a collaborative effort by an international team of scientists — tested semen samples and vaginal secretions of three groups of patients to investigate whether passing Lyme disease to a partner through unprotected sex is a possibility. The study observed control subjects without evidence of Lyme disease, random subjects who tested positive for Lyme disease, and married heterosexual couples engaging in unprotected sex who tested positive for the disease. The presence of B. burgdorferi and identical strains of the bacterium were of particular interest to the researchers in unprotected sex in spouses.
The control subjects were found to test negative for the bacterium in semen samples or vaginal secretions, as expected by the researchers. The researchers found traces of B. burgdorferi in the vaginal secretions of all women with Lyme disease. In contrast, approximately half of the men with the disease tested positive for the bacterium in semen samples. In addition, one of the heterosexual couples with Lyme disease were found to have identical strains of the bacterium in their genital secretions.
One researcher in the study notes, “There is always some risk of getting Lyme disease from a tick bite in the woods. But there may be a bigger risk of getting Lyme disease in the bedroom.”
“Our findings will change the way Lyme disease is viewed by doctors and patients,” said Marianne Middelveen, lead author of the study. “It explains why the disease is more common than one would think if only ticks were involved in transmission.” But will this actually change the way Lyme disease is viewed? Or will the money funneled in by insurance companies and vaccine manufacturers continue to blind and corrupt the IDSA board members? When is enough, enough?
The study was a joint effort by a team of scientists which included dermatologists, molecular biologists, microbiologists, internists, and family practitioners. The most revealing aspect of the study, in my opinion, is the fact I mentioned earlier: one of the heterosexual couples with Lyme disease showed identical strains of the Lyme spirochete in their genital secretions. “The presence of the Lyme spirochete in genital secretions and identical strains in married couples strongly suggests that sexual transmission of the disease occurs,” said Dr. Mayne.
Gestational transmission from mother to child
From LymeDisease.org:
A North Carolina State University researcher has discovered that Bartonella (a common Lyme co-infection) can be passed to unborn babies, causing chronic infections and possibly birth defects. Dr. Ed Breitschwerdt and his research group tested blood and tissue samples taken over a period of years from a mother, father and son who had suffered chronic illnesses for over a decade. Autopsy samples from their daughter–the son’s twin who died shortly after birth–contained DNA evidence of B. henselae and B. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffi infection, which was also found in the other members of the family. Breitschwerdt’s research appears online in the April 14 Journal of Clinical Microbiology.
You can read a transcript of one of Breitschwerdt’s interviews on Bartonella here.
Multiple strains of Lyme?
In 2002, W.T. Harvey, an MD from Houston began finding large numbers of chronically ill Borrelia burgdorferi PCR- and seropositive patients in the area around his home and practice. Houston, Texas is declared a zoonotically ‘non-endemic’ area, so he set out to understand just how this epidemic was occurring. W.T. Harvey had no competing financial interest (as the CDC and IDSA do) and received no grants when writing his study on Lyme.
“In order to understand this finding prior to sufficient data availability, we chose to examine critically the currently accepted but troublesome ‘Lyme disease’ concepts,” Harvey’s study reads. “Our method was to analyze each foundation ‘Lyme disease’ premise within the context of available medical and veterinary literature, then to reconstruct the disease model consistent with the preponderance of that data. We find the present conceptualization of the illness seriously truncated, with a high likelihood of two distinct but connected forms of human B. burgdorferi infection. The yet-unrecognized form appears to have a broader clinical presentation, wider geographic distribution, and vastly greater prevalence. We conclude that ‘Lyme disease’ currently acknowledges only its zoonosis arm and is a limited conceptualization of a far more pervasive and unrecognized infection state that must be considered a global epidemic.”
Could you have Lyme from your pets?
Suzy Cohen of suzycohen.com is a registered pharmacist and best-selling author. When she graduated from pharmacy school in 1989, she believed that medication was the answer to helping patients get healthy. When that didn’t always work, she began to do some serious research. In one article addressing the truth about Lyme, she writes:
“Most Lyme sufferers have pet cats and dogs, they are not aware that their pets gave it to them. But it happens like this, your pets go out into the yard to do their duty, and ticks jump on them, especially in May and June, their breeding season but any time of the year is possible. Your pet totes these ticks into your house and then you cuddle with your pet. The ticks get on you, and numb your skin. They are teeny tiny, about the size of a poppy seed and you’ll never know you got bit. They like every part of your body, but especially warmer areas, like armpits for example. You may never know. Sometimes the Lyme can happen from a cat scratch or bite. When I ask pet owners about their pets, they go into a bit of denial, because of the great love they have for pets. But you have to realize pets, for as delightful as they are, are tick taxis. If you have Lyme, and get bit again by your pet, you are potentially introducing new coinfections or re-innoculating yourself with more Lyme organisms. It explains why some people just can’t get well, or get setbacks even under treatment.”
Borrelia spirochetes have been found in the urine of infected dogs, among several other animals. Studies on mice have found that the spirochetes in urine remained viable for 18-24 hours and concluded that “Urine may provide a method for contact non-tick transmission of B. burgdorferi in natural rodent populations particularly during periods of nesting and/or breeding.” Evidence for direct contact transmission has been demonstrated in mice. These findings suggest that further research is needed to evaluate alternate methods of Lyme transmission, such as by the urine of infected animals to humans.
Lyme Facts You Need To Know
1) Only 1 in 2 patients develop the classical bull’s eye rash when infected by a tick.
2) 64% of patients with Lyme Disease do not remember being bitten by a tick.
3) Patients who receive the disease through sexual transmission will have no bull’s eye rash due to the lack of tick bite.
4) Most ticks carry multiple disease-causing pathogens known as co-infections. A tick can host up to 30 different pathogens.
5) Co-infections do not respond to the “standard” treatment of Lyme with antibiotics.
6) Lyme disease can cause over 300 different symptoms.
7) Lyme disease is more epidemic than AIDS, West Nile, and Avian Flu combined.
8) Lyme disease bacterium can survive the suggested 2-4 week antibiotic treatment. The treatment does not guarantee eradication of all Lyme disease pathogens.
9) Lyme evades destruction by antibiotics and subverts the adaptive immune system. Large scale patient surveys show that short term treatment fails for over 90% of patients with Chronic Lyme disease.
10) There are 12 strains of Borrelia that are known to cause Lyme Disease, and standard serology only tests for ONE.
Sources for these facts are listed in order at the bottom of this.
Conclusion and How to Learn More:
“Lyme is one of the many microbes that has entered our system. And I feel as a physician that things are getting to a degree that’s serious. We’re watching other mammals die out and just think, ‘well, I’m glad it’s not me.’ However, as our environment becomes increasingly polluted, so do our bodies. And then we grow bugs [parasites, pathogens] in us that are not compatible with human life anymore.”– Dr. Klinghardt, MD, ‘Under Our Skin’ (2008).
As Dr. Klinghardt said, this is getting serious. Or as Dr. Harvey put it, this is an epidemic. These patients, along with solid science, are being purposefully ignored because IDSA panelists have been bribed and bought.
Could you have Lyme? I suspect I might after a series of flea bites in 2011, and I’m almost positive my mother has had it for a long time. However, this is no shock to me. Like Dr. Klinghardt stated above, Lyme is one of the many microbesthat has entered our system. We are all exposed to pathogens and parasites on a daily basis, and are never taught anything about them. I’m on my third parasite cleanse and still passing worms. Children who have recovered from ‘the symptoms of’ autism (which is caused by pathogens and parasites) using Kerri Rivera and Andreas Kalcker’s protocol have passed worms as long as 40 inches. As soon as the worms start to die and come out of hiding, these children finally have relief and hope. What else are we housing that we don’t know about? Why is all of this information ignored?
Lyme presents itself in symptoms often misdiagnosed as Crohn’s Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ALS, MS, Alzheimer’s, Colitis, Encephalitis, Fibromyalgia, Fifth’s Disease, Arthritis, Cystitis, IBS, Lupus, Prostatitis, Psychiatric Disorders (bipolar, depression), Sjogren’s Syndrome, sleep disorders, thyroid disease, and more. This is a long list, and the number of people who go misdiagnosed or undiagnosed altogether is staggering. As I said, Lyme and hundreds of other pathogens and parasites have taken up residence in our bodies. We have improved our hygiene but increased our autointoxication (toxifying ourselves via GMO/poisonous processed foods, overeating, fluoride in water, poor health habits, etc.) and environmental intoxication (plastic, pollution, personal care products, and so much more). In my next post I’ll address possible alternative medicine Lyme cures, and I have a parasite cleanse e-book in the works so that we can all begin to get these critters out of our system. While the book is in progress, check out my older post on parasite cleansing.
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The preceding information reveals the corruption, malpractice and incompetence of mainstream medical institutions and related organizations. This information is important to comprehend so as to dispel any false trust you have with these institutions—which could cost you or your loved ones their life. That said, one should be intelligent with their health choices. We are not advocating for completely abandoning all modern medical services. We are simply encouraging you not to trust the system blindly. Be sure to ask plenty of questions, get second opinions, and do your own research as much as possible. We do not live in a world where one can blindly trust any government-dependent institution. With this hard truth firmly understood, one can begin the slow process of developing their own expertise insofar as health.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Send an email to corrections@stillnessinthestorm.com, with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. Do you think this article needs an update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at sitsshow@gmail.com. Thank you for reading.
Great article about Lyme infection! In my town, many people are infected with Lyme and it is a hot button topic when it comes to tick control and deer as vectors of nymphs. Thanks for posting!
Lyme & all tick-born-illnesses are the most frustrating dis’eases because of the blatant & ridiculous lies, spread by allopathic establishment regulators. How can allopath’s help you if they’re indoctrinated by dangerous lies? Still in 2020, we have a local dermatologist who laughs at you as you reveal Lyme disease. He insists that “Lyme disease only exists in a tiny Conn. town.” Educated ignorance is frightening. These are the people, we trust with our very lives & our loved-ones lives? People are waking up to the medical monopoly, we’re stuck with. People with Lyme/coinfections get woke-up real fast. We are SICK and those with money tend to get better. Those of us without money can’t travel abroad to get real & effective holistic treatment. We buy as many herbs & supplements as we can but never get close to real healing. They don’t like the name ‘Lyme Disease’? Perhaps we should rename it ‘plumislandvectordisease. pivd. May God help us all.