(Arjun Walia) “There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth’s protective layers. There are places to go beyond belief” – Neil Armstrong (source)
Related Everything You Need To Know About The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (Video)
by Arjun Walia,
Princeton physics professor and NASA astronaut, Dr. Brian O’Leary, once said that “there is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been visiting us for a very long time.” Apollo 14 Astronaut, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, told the world that “yes, there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered” and that “there is no doubt that we are being visited.” One of the original seven astronauts for Project Mercury, Gordon Cooper, has also been quite outspoken regarding extraterrestrial vehicles that are spotted and tracked, not only in space – but in our own atmosphere. Clark C. McClelland, a former technician of the Space Shuttle fleet claimed he personally observed an 8-to-9-foot tall extraterrestrial. Dr. Jacque Valle co-developed the first computerized map of Mars for NASA in 1963, and he continues to create awareness today. Buzz Aldrin has spoken multiple times regarding a UFO that followed them for the majority of their mission, as well as a monolith on the moon of Mars. Maurice Chatelain, a former NASA communications expert has also been quite outspoken.
Buy Book Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation
I recently wrote an article about a high ranking Ex-USAF Colonel (ret), Ross Dedrickson, who claimed that the technical failure experienced during Apollo 13 forced extraterrestrials to assist them with their trip home. Story Musgrave, an American physician and retired NASA member, has been making his rounds at UFO conferences for years, and Eugene Cernan, commander of Apollo 17 has stated publicly that he thought “UFOs were somebody else, some other civilization.” John Brandenburg, the Deputy Director for the Clementine Mission to the Moon as spoken about the known extraterrestrial presence, publicly, many times. He did so in a documentary called Aliens on the Moon.
These are just American astronauts and NASA personnel, and it’s not even the full list of employees who have made such comments and remarks, not to mention that there are just as many, if not more, from the space programs of other countries. This doesn’t even represent the tip of the iceberg. Retired Soviet Air Force colonel and cosmonaut trainee named Marina Popovic, for example, expressed that one of the last photographs received by the Russians from Phobos II showed “the silhouette of an odd-shaped object approaching the spacecraft.” Popovich said the picture was taken on March 25th, 1989, in deep space near Phobos (moon of Mars) shortly before contact with the craft was lost. She said the object very well may have been an alien spacecraft.” Her belief that this happened was also poorly expressed by the New York Times. You can read more about this story here.
Buy Book Alien Abductions And Paranormal Sightings Real People Reveal Their Stories
The point is, there are uncountable amounts of people from within these space agencies, not to mention high ranking political, military and intelligence personnel who have all provided their testimony and experiences. Now that the UFO phenomenon is no longer taboo, and ‘officially’ declassified in the mainstream world, it’s time to bring attention to the extraterrestrial hypothesis.
Perhaps the biggest point I want to get across by mentioning all of the above is that the majority of astronauts and employees within multiple space programs have openly spoken up and out about this issue, yet none of them ever get or have received any mainstream air-time and attention. It seems those segments are reserved for astronauts like Chris Hadfield, who are placed on the most popular platforms only to debunk what all of the above are saying. If there are 50 astronauts saying yes, we are not alone and this is known, but one of them saying no, that’s the one that is the one who receives all of the attention.
Buy Book Chariots of the Gods (Ancient Alien Theory)
Tall Dark Black Extraterrestrials
The video below is a clip of Project Camelot’s Kerry Cassidy interviewing Dr. Norman Bergrun about what’s really going on in space. A mechanical engineer, Dr. Bergrun has worked for Ames Research Laboratory, NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics), and Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, now known as Lockheed Martin. He then went on to found Bergrun Engineering and Research.
You can view some of his publications for NASA, where he worked for more than a decade, here.
Bergrun revealed a lot in this interview, which centered around what appear to be giant extraterrestrial spacecraft that are situated around the rings of Saturn. He called them, “The Ringmakers,” and also spoke of evidence regarding this entire subject. He spoke of (not the first to do so), extraterrestrial vehicles that appear to be even bigger than our own planet.
People have asked me about…I call them vehicles. I do not call them objects…They have all of the qualities of a vehicle, so that much we can say about them, for sure, so I’m calling them vehicles.
Norman is a scientist and doesn’t like to speculate at all. What he is saying comes from the evidence he has been privy to.
He is then asked by the interviewer, “Are you not posting the idea that they, those vehicles contain beings who are, you know, maybe like us?”
Buy Book Anti-Gravity Propulsion Dynamics: UFOs and Gravitational Manipulation
In his response, he refers to images that he’s seen:
If you want to know about people kind of thing, um, there is the ship that picked up the Voyager Capsule at Alameda Naval Shipyard. And they have a picture there of, uh, I think it’s the Apollo flight that Buz and Niel were on, uh but anyway, there’s one image there that shows Black People getting off…
He described them as very tall, stating that “7 feet would be a conservative estimate.”
You can watch the full interview below.
It’s interesting that he mentions the Buzz and Neil. According to Ken Johnston, a Boeing engineer and a former fighter-jock and test pilot for Grumman Aerospace who was also a marine and an F-4 pilot, as well as a NASA employee, working as the chief Lunar Module test pilot at the Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston.
Buy Book Alien Underground Bases: Extraterrestrial Bases on Earth
He has publicly stated, “While Neil and Buzz were on the Lunar surface, Neil switched to the medical channel, and spoke directly with the chief medical officer saying, they’re here, they’re parked on the side of the crater, they’re watching us.” You can read more about those comments in the article linked below.
Apparently, this is how it went:
Mission Control: What’s there? Mission Control calling Apollo 11.
Apollo 11: These babies are huge, sir … enormous….Oh, God, you wouldn’t believe it! I’m telling you there are other space craft out there… lined up on the far side of the crater edge… they’re on the moon watching us. (source)
“They’re Parked on The Side of the Crater – They’re Watching Us” – When Niel Armstrong on the Moon
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Below is a picture that comes from Corey Goode, a supposed ‘whistleblower’ from the Secret Space Program. It’s the only other source I’ve come across to mention black extraterrestrials. Bergrun is the only source with a verified, incredible, background that mentioned these beings.
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The Takeaway
The takeaway here is to ask ourselves, with all of the evidence, documentation and credible witness testimony, it’s easy to see how much power and ability those who are in control of this topic have with regards to keeping it hidden from humanity. This subject is now at the forefront of many peoples minds, and that’s clear if you browse through the most popular Google searches. Interest in this subject is going to keep growing, and more people are going to continue to ask questions. As we engage, and as we continue our interest, more information will continue to leak out. The truth is, it’s all out there for any independent researcher or critical thinker to see.
The implications of this are huge, and the cover-up might not have been for humanities best interest, but to serve those who profit off of this type of secrecy, like oil companies.
The main thing to think about is the implications of this, it would leave no aspect of humanity untouched. If all of this is true, it’s quite clear that they’ve been around quite a long time, I think we can rule a real “alien invasion” out, but perhaps a fake alien invasion isn’t out of the question.
Watch Documentary Above Majestic: Implications of a Secret Space Program
Image Credit: Vashta Art
About The Author
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools
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