(Lance Schuttler) While there are certainly forces within the “Deep State“
or “Shadow Government” that obviously oppose any moves to bring back
the gold standard and end the Federal Reserve, the timing may be ideal
for a massive push to accomplish both of these tasks.
Related Reclaiming Wealth for Humanity | The Connection Between 9/11, JFK and The Global Collateral Accounts
Source – The Mind Unleashed
by Lance Schuttler, May 8th, 2017
Arguably, there has been no U.S. president whose every move has been scrutinized and reported on more than that of Donald Trump. He has over 26 million followers on Twitter, is being covered every day and night by every mainstream media outlet and many alternative media outlets. Much of what Trump says, does or Tweets about is further reported on and reaches hundreds of millions of people around the world. With respect to bringing back the gold standard and ending the Federal Reserve, Trump needs only to utilize the media’s spotlight to begin making a focused and consistent push in talking, and even tweeting about these two issues.
In essence, Trump can create a groundswell, grassroots movement from the masses in support of these two moves that will cut off the Deep State’s ability to control the global financial system. Though there are certainly complicated logistical moves needed to take place to bring back the gold standard and end the Federal Reserve, the basis of accomplishing these items are surprisingly simple. To begin, the issues must not only be tweeted and talked about consistently, the public needs to be educated on why these moves will benefit the U.S and the rest of the world. Most importantly, the public must be educated as to why these moves will benefit democrats, republicans, libertarians and all other parties, including those who don’t engage in politics at all. The masses must learn why these two moves will benefit all people.
As activist and comedian George Carlin once said, “the owners of the country don’t want an educated populace capable of critical thought sitting around the kitchen table realizing how badly they are getting screwed.”
Henry Ford also made this point very clear: “It is well enough that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”
Educating the masses on how badly the U.S. and all nations around the world are being conned by the global elite is a surefire way to create a groundswell that topples the elite and their control systems.

A byproduct of creating a tsunami of awareness around these two issues will be an understanding of which senators and representatives support and oppose the moves to end the Federal Reserve and bring back the gold standard. This is incredibly important in terms of the public being able to put pressure on the right senators and representatives to begin supporting these two moves. From Trump’s point of view, this would be highly favorable to him as he wouldn’t need to pressure any senator or representative. The masses would do it themselves. The revolution would be in full effect.
However, before ending the Federal Reserve, a legitimate 3rd party audit must take place. And no, not another “annual audit” that occurs because of the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Sadly, this is but a smoke and mirrors attempt to persuade the masses that the Federal Reserve is compliant, fair and trustworthy. Can we really trust the Federal Reserve, which is a privately owned, registered corporation masquerading as a lawful and legitimate governmental agency?
A thorough and just audit of the Federal Reserve must take place, much like what is proposed by Rand Paul’s legislation, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act. In fact, the first obstacle to passing this bill has been cleared as of March 28th, 2017 when the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform approved the legislation for a full audit on the Federal Reserve. The next step will be to pass the House of Representatives, which it has passed twice in recent years. If passed in the House, which it is expected to overwhelmingly do so, it will move on to the Senate for voting.
Among the many things that will be revealed in a true audit of the Fed, the masses will come to learn just how badly the world has been deceived by the Federal Reserve and the elite. Allowing a privately-owned corporation to print money endlessly, create money out of thin air, act on it’s own authority and illegally manipulate global markets will not be allowed to continue, once finally exposed to the masses. The banking system will be largely understood for the con that it has been and a return to the gold standard will be the next logical step–one that will then at that time be largely supported.
But where will the gold come from? The same place John F. Kennedy was about to receive gold and silver from back in 1963 when he signed Executive Order 11110 into effect: The East.

Some real history must be recalled in order to fully understand. Unbeknownst to many, Kennedy was working closely with Indonesian President Sukarno, who both signed (along with the United Bank of Switzerland) the now infamous Green Hilton Memorial Agreement. A certified copy of the official Agreement can be seen here, from pages four through twenty. The agreement was to allow the United States Treasury access to a vast amount of gold, silver and other resources to back a new U.S. Treasury Note and abandon the Federal Reserve Note. The Agreement was officially finished on November 14th, 1963, just eight days before John F. Kennedy was murdered in Dallas, Texas. Because JFK was about to legally expose and end the Federal Reserve, and because this agreement was finished just eight days before he was murdered, one naturally suspects that his signing of the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement was one of the primary reasons he was killed.

It must also be remembered that these vast sums of gold, silver, metals and resources that President Soekarno had access to was the accumulation of Indonesian and other Asian assets. In August of 1945, Soekarno was granted the status of M1, or “Monetary Controller” of these assets, by way of United Nations Resolution MISA 81704. These assets, while not talked about in any school and university textbooks, are commonly known as the global collateral accounts and were the prized topic of the Bretton Woods agreement and were also the biggest reason for the creation of the BIS (Bank for International Settlements).
Going back even further, recall that the Chinese Kuomintang government sent gold to the Federal Reserve in the U.S. in 1928 and 1934 in exchange for Federal Reserve bonds, because the Japanese had begun looting Chinese gold via the well-documented Operation Golden Lily. Operation Golden Lily is no longer a fringe topic, thanks to the work of former international and City of London banker turned investigative journalist David Guyatt and his book The Secret Gold Treaty, as well as the work of investigative journalists Peggy and Sterling Seagrave in their book Gold Warriors.
Where this history gets interesting is the involvement of the BIS, which is the central bank of all central banks. As Zerohedge reported in 2014, the Bank for International Settlements was on the brink of being dissolved because of certain delegates from Norway, the United States and multiple European countries provided proof at the Bretton Woods conference in 1944 that the BIS helped the Nazi regime loot assets (gold included) from countries around the world, including the east Asian countries who held vast amounts of gold, silver and other metals. While the liquidation and dissolving of the BIS was approved by U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, it was actually never undertaken and in 1945 when U.S. President Truman came into office, the decision was suspended, and officially reversed in 1948.
In an amazing twist back to the present time, take a look at what Wikileaks tweeted on February 4th, 2017, asking “Where is Vault 7?”

This is a picture of the Nazi gold mine in Merkers-Kieselbach, Germany, where stolen Nazi gold and other treasures were kept. Thus, it is possible that Wikileaks is sending a strong message to those within the BIS and other top-level financiers. Naturally one must ask, does Wikileaks have something to reveal about these stolen assets? We will see.
Coming back to Trump, it would be beneficial for him to not only begin pressing hard for a true audit of the Federal Reserve, but to also work with the East in recovering these vast amounts of assets to back currencies, thus transforming the global financial system.
In fact, Trump could call for a deeper investigation into liens that were filed against the Federal Reserve, the BIS, the European Central Bank and several others for their complicity in illegally using these assets that the banks have no legal authority over.
While the story didn’t make mainstream news back in 2012 (because of the severity of the implicated institutions), those within these institutions know that it is only a matter of time before the world at large came to learn of just how badly we have been deceived about these global collateral accounts.
Two international businessmen, named Neil Keenan and Keith Scott filed liens against the 12 Federal Reserve banks, the BIS, the European Central Bank, the National Bank of Belgium, the Bank of England, the Deutsche Bundesbank, the Bank of France, the Banca D’Italia, the Bank of Japan, the De Nederlandsche Bank, as well as a cease and desist against the United Bank of Switzerland and the BIS. Certified copies of each of the notices are attached above in the links provided. (Keith Scott is now no longer involved because it was discovered that he was attempting to infiltrate and subvert the legal proceedings of this massive case on behalf of the banks involved.)
As the reader will notice in the UBS and BIS cease and desist document, which also provides the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement document, President Soekarno’s son signed over the rights to the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement to Neil Keenan. To this day, Neil Keenan is working with multiple Asian countries to bring this massive fraud back into the open, though he has obviously faced much opposition from the implicated parties. Additionally, Keenan filed a lawsuit in late 2011 in the Southern District of New York against the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, Silvio Berlusconi, Ban Ki-Moon, the Italian Republic and several others in a separate case that also relates to the theft and abuse of the global collateral accounts.

The lawsuit was withdrawn by Keenan shortly after because the judge overseeing the case was dismissed and replaced with a brother of one of Barack Obama’s economic advisors. Thus, the case was about to be silenced by the banking elite. However, because Keenan withdrew the case and has since gathered much more evidence in the time being, this case will once again be brought forth.
In other words, if Trump wishes to really audit and end the Federal Reserve, as well as bring back the gold standard, he must look at the long history that has taken place with respect to the global collateral accounts, and also the recent history of the liens filed against the major banking institutions around the world. Imagine the movement he could create if he began openly discussing the fact that liens have been filed against these banks as well as a cease and desist order, because of the fraud involved in illegally using the global collateral accounts.
Again, such a movement would need to have nothing to do with political party bias, but instead be based around creating awareness on the level of fraud that the major banking institutions of the world have been implicated in.
The level of understanding of the financial system that Henry Ford talked about would be achieved and the institutions would not able able to stand in their current form. A massive transformation would follow– one that could actually begin to benefit the people.
Trump has the tools and the media’s attention to be able to start discussing these very important events that have taken place and has the power to work with the East in bringing the gold standard back. He has the power to do just what JFK was about to complete with Soekarno of Indonesia. In something so big and so covert, it would be in his favor to discuss these things publicly, because publicity offers a form of protection. It is apparent that JFK was doing this in private, with very few people knowing what was happening with his relationship to Indonesia. Trump can bring this into the open, which will give him not only a more secure position, but will also create an enormous movement of awareness around the topics of ending the Federal Reserve and bringing back the gold standard.
Interestingly, as Politico and Zerohedge reported on April 28th, 2017, the CIA’s missing JFK files about his assassination are set to be released at the latest by October of 2017. As president, Trump has the ability to block the release of these documents. Will he allow them to be released? Will new revelations about the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement and JFK’s relationship with Indonesia come to light? Will Trump follow in JFK’s footsteps and work with the East to reveal the truth about the global collateral accounts? Will he try to end the Federal Reserve, just as JFK tried? We watch with great anticipation.
About The Author
Lance Schuttler
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