Greg shared this with me on Facebook.
Greg for 2.5million dolars, I offered,
World bank whistle blower Karen Hudes whom worked 20 years there,
she couldn’t Deposit My certificate of value/Dov For me, she said she would try, asked me send it to here,But she couldn’t and said,
The days of fiat banking are numbered as we slide into something called permanent gold backwardation. There was no more leasing of gold starting on July 7, 2013. For this reason, there is no bank that would accept your certificate,
Rjd just for fun says
I thought we are Basil III complaint based on the fact that the recovered value from the OPPT filing included Gold.
Justin Deschamps says
I havent read Basal III, have you? I have heard some ppl talk about how the OPPT filings secured assets which would make us bankers for all intents and purposes… but i do not have first hand data to support this idea.
if you find any let me know!