Related Justin Timberlake Promotes Transhumanist Agenda: Sexualized Artificial Intelligence
Source – DeusNexus
by VigilantCitizen, January 19th, 2018
What is the meaning behind Justin Timberlake’s Supplies? Why are there people worshiping an Illuminati pyramid? Here’s a look at the intense symbolism of the music video Supplies.
Supplies features Justin Timberlake and his love interest – played by Mexican actress Eiza Gonzalez Reyna – running around and causing heck in a dystopian society. While the setting is somewhat futuristic, the themes addressed are very 2017: #MeToo, racism, immigration, feminism, Harvey Weinstein, Black Lives Matter and, of course, Donald Trump.
In the most striking scene of the video, a crowd of people worships a gigantic Illuminati pyramid that emits light. Then, Reyna, who plays the role of a rebellious leader, sets it on fire. Later, the world is apparently in ruins. What’s going on? Is the video a call for an uprising? Is Justin Timberlake now a rogue, rebellious, troublemaker?
Not really. The video is actually a call for … doing nothing. It is simply part of the gigantic mass media wave that is defining what can and should be discussed and what can and should be celebrated. It is part of the communication technique called “agenda-setting”:
“Agenda-setting is the creation of public awareness and concern of salient issues by the news media. As well, agenda-setting describes the way that media attempts to influence viewers, and establish a hierarchy of news prevalence. Two basic assumptions underlie most researches on agenda-setting:
– the press and the media do not reflect reality; they filter and shape it;
– media concentration on a few issues and subjects leads the public to perceive those issues as more important than other issues.
These core statements were established by measuring the changes in salience through the use of surveys with the presence of more frequent news coverage.”
– Wikipedia, “Agenda-Setting”
There’s a lot of agenda-setting going on in Supplies. Like so many other videos out at the moment, it helps define what the masses should care about (or obsess over) these days. However, in order to reach young people, the agenda-setting is clothed as a revolt against an oppressive system. But there is no actual “revolt” going on, just an industry puppet doing what he is told for the cameras. Then, he cashes his check from RCA records and goes back to his mansion.
Eternal Puppet
Justin Timberlake began his show-business career at age 11 as a cast member of the Mickey Mouse club, alongside several future industry stars.
Timberlake then found super-stardom as the leader of the boy band NSYNC.
In 2002, Timberlake launched his solo career. Once again, album art was highly symbolic.
One week before the release of Supplies, Timberlake released Filthy, a video that features him being replaced by … a dancing robot.
In Filthy, Timberlake stands backstage while a (rather creepy) robot replacement performs sexy dance moves on human dancers. He ultimately wins over the crowds as everybody cheers for the robot.
Everything about Timberlake’s career points towards him being at the service of the industry and nothing has changed with his latest album. He is still signed with the elite-owned RCA records and as such, anything he puts out is perfectly in accordance with the elite’s agenda.
Contrary to Filthy (which is basically four minutes of watching a robot dance), there’s a lot going on in Supplies. Throughout this flurry of messages and symbolism, there’s a core message being communicated: This is what you need to be angry about in order to be “woke”.
More precisely, it is about focusing on specific issues, framing them in a specific matter, and imposing a specific social-political “solution” to them.
After absorbing all of that mass media, Justin goes outside where some bizarre stuff is going down.
Justin doesn’t like what he’s seeing: He punches the guy in white and leaves with the girl in black.
In the next scene, Justin and his girl find themselves in a creepy place of worship.
Did Eiza set fire to the Illuminati? Not really.
Notice that there’s American money burning as it flies from the pyramid. In the previous scene, flags were burning. Now, money. Are these allusions to the destruction of national flags and national currencies … to be replaced by a one world government and a one world currency? The elite’s ultimate objective?
The new leader’s disposition is reminiscent of an iconic picture of the past.
Throughout the video, various symbolic pictures quickly flash on screen.
After all of this intense noise, the video ends in a cryptic matter.
What happened there? A nuclear explosion? Why is everybody dirty except Eiza? Did she know that the destruction was coming?
The timing of this scene is rather odd as Supplies was released only days after the Hawaii false nuke
The hook of the song alludes to a post-apocalyptic setting, where Justin (maybe representing the elite) has all of the “supplies” necessary to survive.
‘Cause I’ll be the light when you can’t see
I’ll be the wood when you need heat
I’ll be the generator, turn me on when you need electricity
Some shit’s ’bout to go down, I’ll be the one with the level head
The world could end now
Baby, we’ll be living in The Walking Dead
“Just leave. Die already. You’re still asleep! Wake up! Just leave. We good.”
Why is the music video telling viewers to “die already”?
However, there’s a lot of hypocrisy going on. In my article Katy Perry’s “Chained to the Rhythm” Sells an Elite-Friendly “Revolution”, I highlight the various ways Perry’s real-life actions contradict her music video moralizing. In her very next video, Katy was back at pushing elite-sponsored degeneracy. Indeed, Bon Appétit was about her being prepped like a piece of meat for an elite cannibalistic ritual while she’s singing about her being banged by a bunch of guys. So woke.
In Supplies, Justin Timberlake appears to strongly support the #metoo movement. However, less than two years ago, Timberlake worked with Woody Allen, claiming it was a “dream come true”, despite the fact that Allen’s has long been accused by his adoptive daughter of sexually assaulting her.
Dylan Farrow even called out Timberlake on this hypocrisy:
“I struggle with how a powerful force like Justin Timberlake can claim to be in awe of the strength of women and stand with them at this #MeToo moment and then in the next breath say that working with Woody Allen is a ‘dream come true.”
– Business Insider, Dylan Farrow calls out Justin Timberlake for saying working with Woody Allen was a ‘dream come true’ then claiming to support victims of Hollywood sexual misconduct
Yes, Woody Allen is accused of sexual abuse by his own adoptive daughter. Also, Woody Allen is actually MARRIED to another adoptive daughter: Soon-Yi Previn. So woke.
Supplies also deals with race. But the hypocrisy is even stronger there. Some of the symbolism is clearly “pro-Black”. However, not unlike elsewhere in mass media, the new “pro-Black” is not about bettering the lives of Black people: It is about fomenting hatred and division.
While many get their education from Hollywood celebrities while eating Tide Pods, actual History is being forgotten. The elite that’s currently pandering to Black people is the same elite that’s been oppressing Black people for decades. Who allowed crack to enter Black neighborhoods, turning droves of people into zombies? Who allowed the killing of so many Black leaders? Who allowed police brutality on innocent Black people? The answer: Those who are truly in power, no matter who’s President. These things happened when Republicans and Democrats were in power. These things happened while Barak Obama was in power. It doesn’t matter. They do not actually believe that “Black Lives Matter”. No lives matter … except theirs.
In Conclusion
Supplies is the elite communicating to the masses using extremely manipulative techniques and classic double-speech. Through the use of virtue signaling, the video panders to the idealistic tendencies of young people. However, what are the actual values being promoted? Anger, hatred, and division between races, sexes, and political affiliations. The more the masses are divided, the more the elite can control each group efficiently. Divide and conquer is the oldest trick in the book.
There’s a great reversal going on here. The Illuminati (aka the world elite) is portraying the acceptance of its agenda as “fighting the Illuminati”. Mass media is in full force, using all of its resources to frame what’s happening in a specific narrative. Why? Because we are in a pivotal place in history.
The elite’s motto is Ordo Ab Chao: Order Out of Chaos. We are living in chaotic, confusing times and Trump and is a perfect agent of chaos. The response to him, and all of the issues highlighted above – the agenda – will be Order. And when “order out of chaos” is a reality people will actually bow down to the Illuminati pyramid.
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