Yvonne Palermo from the GRooVie Bean Radio Show will be interviewing me in a Q and A style format on Friday, April 22nd at 9pm EST.
Part two of this series can be found below.
Yvonne and I choose a Question and Answer format for this show and gathered questions from the audience over the past 2 months from the Stillness in the Storm Group on Facebook, listed here.
In an effort to provide clear concise answers to those questions, I drafted written responses which I will use as a reference during the show. Depending on how it goes, I may post those questions and responses in written form here as well. And we may do more shows in the future if other questions come in.
If you don’t have facebook and want to ask a question, feel free to post it as a comment here, and we’ll do our best to incorporate it into the talk.
We may also have time to take questions via the chat or phone line during the show.
The following link can be used to listen live, after 9pm EST. An archive of the show will be added to this post once it becomes available.
You can also listen to the show and engage in the discussion using the chatroom link below.

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