(Ethan Huff) Jamie Dimon, the current head of finance giant JPMorgan Chase, is livid that not all employees at his company are “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). And in a fit of media rage, Dimon is now threatening to fire them all.
Related Stunning Facts Released About Unvaccinated Vs. Vaccinated COVID Patients In Australian Hospitals
by Ethan Huff, January 16th, 2021
Dimon publicly stated that his company’s Morgan Health venture is centered around “producing better health outcomes,” which apparently requires that unvaccinated workers no longer be paid to work from home. They must either get jabbed and come into the office, or else get fired.
“To go to the office, you have to be vaxxed. And if you aren’t going to get vaxxed, you won’t be able to work in that office,” Dimon fumed. “And we’re not going to pay you not to work in the office.”
This loudmouthed tyrant has been a staunch advocate for in-person work all throughout the plandemic, as have other finance heads who want to keep close tabs on their employees at all times.
Using New York City’s jab mandate as an excuse, Dimon proclaimed that unvaccinated workers will no longer be allowed to work from home because it is not good for business. They must all get jabbed and show up in-person at the office in order to remain employed.
Dimon claims that forcing his employees to do this is good for “daily mentorship,” and that at-home work just “does not work for younger people.”
“It doesn’t work for those who want to hustle,” Dimon contended, pretending to care about the well-being of his employees. “It doesn’t work in terms of spontaneous idea generation.”
“We believe that going to work is a good thing, that people deal with each other [in-person] for innovation and creativity.”
JPMorgan should have failed in 2008 but was bailed out by taxpayers, deemed “too big to fail”
To be clear, Dimon’s edict only applies to his company’s New York-based workers, at least for now. Other states where JPMorgan Chase offices are located do not necessarily have jab mandates in place, and thus Dimon cannot get away with forcing them there.
He certainly wants to, though, as evidenced by his rhetoric. Dimon has made it abundantly clear from the beginning that he loves covid vaccine fascism and wants it to be the norm at JPMorgan Chase.
“We’re not trying to be consistent because as you pointed out, there are different laws and different requirements and cities and states and schools and so here we’re adjusting locally,” Dimon added.
JPMorgan, by the way, is a highly corrupt financial institution that would have failed during the last recession had the company not been bailed out by the government (taxpayers) after being deemed “too big to fail.”
Right now, 97 percent of Dimon’s employees based out of the main headquarters in Manhattan are fully vaccinated. This is not enough to meet Dimon’s own personal demand for 100 percent, which is apparently “herd immunity” in his mind.
Competitor Citigroup, the fourth-largest bank in the United States, is likewise forcing its employees to get jabbed right away or else risk immediate termination. Though those with qualifying religious beliefs or medical conditions will be exempt.
“Complying with the requirement means either submitting proof of vaccination by the January 14 deadline or receiving an approved medical or religious accommodation or state-permitted exemption,” a source with knowledge of the bank’s policies told CBS MoneyWatch.
Facebook parent company Meta, based out of Menlo Park, Calif., as well as the Metropolitan Opera of New York City are also joining in on the “fun” with employee-targeted jab mandates as a condition of returning back to the office or attending indoor performances.
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Is JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon (and his entire family) fully vaccinated and boosted ? If not, NO PAY !! No hypocrites, okay ?
Sadly, these folk are hypocritical by nature, because they don’t think that rules for “the masses” apply to them, because they are superior – sad, but true! This man is simply a deep stater who wants everyone jabbed – full stop. And no, I doubt he and his family would go anywhere near the jabs – they KNOW what the jabs are for.
You need to read Constitutional law & all of our founding fathers documentations for our freedom and survival from the tyrannical EMPLOYEES of our government.
If the rules and regulations inflicted upon the American people does not correspond to Constitutional law, then it is null and voided.
Also, how can the world listen to lunatic C.E.O’s of corporations that make suggestions that are from the medical field that they have absolutely nothing to do with?
JPMorgan is financial institution.
Bill Gates Microsoft is an I.T. corporation.
Do any of these people have any kind of medical degree? NO.
So, how do these lunatics qualify to make these medically related decisions?
Also, why are they so scared of the unvaxed?
Maybe, we might get herd immunity?
Why are they suppressing ivermectin & HCQ-zinc?
Maybe, we might get cured from covid?