I do not know what affect this will have on the world, and the ultimate release of humanity from the Slavery systems of the Vatican.
We pledge this in the name of the living and present God and of his son Jesus, who makes the first become last and the last become first, and in whose spirit we live and breathe and have our purpose. Amen.
is it a coincidence that just when the pope decides whith his Motu Proprio that people now are hold responsible for their actions and that criminal actions are no longer allowed, that at this exact moment clergy wants to have nothing to do with the pope. It is clear that those people are getting nervous because they fear persecution themselves. This pope wil not spare his own people and they know it.
all debts and all slavery systems have already been cancelled. the governments have asked for a three year period to implement the changes. but everyone who stands up for himself is free at that moment.