by Justin Deschamps,
During the 2018 midterm elections, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (AOC) rose to political stardom when she won the house seat for New York State. Since then, she’s been pushed by the mockingbird media as a savior of humanity—a fresh face capable of taking on the evil orange man, a messiah of climate change, here to save the planet with the Green New Deal. This past week, that bill came to a vote in the US Senate, yet not a single senator voted in favor of it. Will she and the radical agenda be sacrificed for the 2020 election?
The Deep State employ sacrificial practices as part of their proven tactics for manipulating public opinion. They have a long track record of doing this with incredible effectiveness.
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However, sacrifice doesn’t necessarily mean someone is killed. It’s the “killing of ideas” that the Deep State is truly interested in. This is the inverse or opposite of a martyr, whose views and political stances are exalted through a death event—like what happened to Gandi. A sacrifice in the way I am describing involves the devaluing of a set of ideas in the general population’s mind, thereby allowing another agenda to move forward.
Note: I’m using the term “political sacrifice” in a way that is not normally used. The standard definition is someone who sacrifices themselves for some political cause. I’m asserting that the Deep State is sacrificing people for the purpose of destroying some set of ideas, viewpoints, beliefs, or values within the collective consciousness.
What is Political Sacrifice?
Political sacrifice is the act of pinning ideas, political views, or value stances to a person or group, who is “sacrificed” politically in some way for the purpose of manipulating public opinion.
This often involves some kind of socially reprehensible trigger carried out by an individual (the scapegoat), like an extramarital affair, drug addiction, perverse sex act, or financial corruption. The social taboo, recognized by a bystander or observer (the public) activates their deeply embedded psychological revulsion mechanisms within the brain, diverting blood flow away from the prefrontal cortex (or thinking brain) to the defense centers in the limbic region.
When triggered in this way, a person experiences a personality disturbance (fight or flight response), resulting in ego-protectiveness wherein the seek the safety of some social group along with the justification of the position taken so as to defend one’s ego. In short, when we’re triggered, we tend to defend our beliefs irrationally, further investing ourselves emotionally the position that caused the triggering. This tendency can be overridden through mental discipline, specifically by learning how to think critically so as to honestly evaluate ideas outside of social pressure.
The triggering of personal defensiveness is just one aspect of the political sacrifice operation, as I have identified it within my research and analysis. In order to understand how this works to sway public opinion—as I suggest this is happening now with AOC in preparation for the 2020 election—we’ll need to review the political backdrop and psychology involved.
Psychology of Unsubstantiated vs. Substantiated Beliefs
Psychologically, only a well trained and disciplined mind can separate an idea from a person. The human mind, for reasons we still don’t quite understand, seems to organize ideas within personal frameworks—we like to think in terms of people who embody ideas. For example, if someone was spearheading a campaign to end the harsh treatment of animals, and was later accused of being a pedophile, this association will cause many to turn away from the campaign. They’ll have a “bad taste in their mouth,” which requires critical thinking to disentangle.
A disgust or revulsion mechanism is an ancient neurological behavior that manifests when perceiving a threat.
For human beings there are material disgusts, such as the smell of a rotting corpse, or moral and social disgusts, like pedophilia.
In animals, disgusts motivate the creature to move away from the perceived threat, employing strong emotions as the primary mechanism of motivation. In humans, disgusts of a social variety deal with ingroup and outgroup perceived status, also employing strong negative emotions as the motivator. There are ancient and extremely powerful psychological triggers that compel us to move away from things that we suspect will cause a loss of social standing.
Disgust mechanisms tend to act as entangling agents in the subconscious—anything we push into the realm of reprehensible can get mixed up with other things we deem as such.
Probably the best example of the mixing of disgusting triggers phenomenon is the shift in sentiment felt for Trump since he began his presidential campaign for the 2016 election. Trump went from a loud mouth rich jerk (fairly benign) to being equated with the genocidal Hitler of WWII, in less than a year. To some, Trump became the primary magnet for everything taboo and wrong in our world. Despite the fact that Trump has never demonstrated any genocidal attitudes—and is the only president in history to make the ending of human trafficking a key part of his Presidency—legions of people regard him as one of the evilest men in history.
Note: To be clear, I’m not citing Trump as a covert way to push my pro-Trump stance, because I’m not pro-Trump. I’m merely citing it as an example of the proliferation of social taboos mechanism through ancient disgust programs.
Generally speaking, the reason people believe in things is because a belief helps you explain your reality. We need to make sense of our experiences and beliefs help with that.
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There are two types of beliefs: substantiated and unsubstantiated.
Substantiated beliefs are ones that are founded on a position that is based on an analysis of evidence. For example, if you look outside and see that it is raining, you can formulate a substantive belief that it is, in fact, raining outside. This type of belief allows you to hold your own opinion, even if most people disagree.
Unsubstantiated beliefs are ones that lack an evidence-based foundation, usually accepted by social means, such as credibility or resonance with pre-existing beliefs. For example, if I told you that 99% of people believe the earth is round, you’re likely to believe me without evidence because of social proof. Additionally, when we lack the ability to verify a belief ourselves, we’ll rest on experts or social proof to support our belief. This type of belief prevents you from holding your own opinion when in opposition to others because it is founded on social proof.
Have you ever heard of someone who fought the status quo for what they believe in?
Pretty inspiring right?
How do you think they mustered the courage to do this?
It wasn’t because they went along with the crowd. It’s because they took the time to form an intrinsic substantive understanding of their belief, and that foundation allowed them to hold strong to this belief, even when the rest of the world raged against them.
The principal works like this: One with a substantive understanding of their belief can stand as an island unto themselves. One without a substantive understanding is easily influenced by social pressure.
The way a belief is formed determines how it affects us socially.
Personally formed intrinsic beliefs impart courage and conviction to the individual. Socially formed extrinsic beliefs—things you believe without knowing why, other than that other people believe them too—are more egoic in nature. Looking at the social method, the primary reason you believe the idea isn’t because you think it’s all true—it’s because you want to be accepted by other people, and you’re using the belief as a tool for gaining social acceptance.
Of course, this social acceptance mechanic isn’t a conscious thought process. We don’t think to ourselves “I need to gain acceptance in this social group, let me believe this idea blindly so I can be accepted.”
There are two populations highlighted by the current political machine:
- people capable of forming their own opinion based on research, investigation, and a substantive approach; and
- those who follow the crowd because they don’t want to feel left out.
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Overview of Political Sacrifice
What does this have to do with Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and political sacrifice?
A political sacrifice operation is founded on the above psychological principles.
The goal is to shift the political stance of a population from one position to another so that this new political climate can be used in the future for some agenda.
I suggest that the Deep State created a radical left that was largely aligned with unsubstantiated beliefs, which they were likely hoping would give them political power later to take down their opposition. Trump and those who rally around him appear to be the target. Some claim Trump is part of an alliance working against the Deep State. Given the media’s response, the obvious propaganda efforts against Trump, this might be true. However, answering the question “Is Trump part of an anti-Deep State alliance?” is a discussion for another time.
The following is what I think is happening, based on the past few years of political action.
Backdrop of the Sacrifice: It appears the Deep State didn’t want Trump to win the 2016 election. They needed to create an anti-Trump social group that isn’t capable of rational thought—groups that form virtue-signaling positions that are unsubstantiated, (e.g. man-made climate change groups). This unthinking anti-Trump group, due to the fact their beliefs are unsubstantiated, could be easily radicalized, which took place over the past two years. The more radical the position, the more a new centrist group would emerge in the middle that neither supported Trump or agreed with the radical left’s position. This centrist population, which is larger than the pro-Trump and anti-Trump group, could be activated later using a political sacrifice of some kind.
Sacrifice the Radical Left and Bring in back the Centrists
I assert the Deep State’s radicalization agenda used the left because, in the main, this end of the political spectrum tends to draw artists, creatives, and right-brain thinkers. That isn’t to say the left is unintelligent, quite the opposite, they just might not be as proficient at critical thinking as other populations. This isn’t my opinion, it’s well established within political science circles that open freethinking types tend to align toward liberal-leaning positions while conscientious industrious types align with conservative stances.
From a mass mind manipulation perspective, this means that people who are easily swayed by appeals to social acceptance are on the left (think: virtue signaling). Additionally, the left also tends to be where social activists congregate, those who feel compassion for the human plight and want to do something about it.
What happens when you take well-intentioned people, who tend not to form substantive opinions, and you expose them to solution-oriented propaganda that lacks substance? You create a political group that is highly invested in some issue, acting as a rallying point, who are themselves easily manipulated through their good intentions, by the propaganda of the Deep State.
I’m not saying this to cut down liberals or the left. I’m asserting that the Deep State knows how to manipulate the thinking of individuals and social groups, and they use these extant sociopolitical realities to their advantage.
Summarizing all this, the left was radicalized by promoting social issues that were intentionally unsubstantiated but spoke to good intentions. One of the best examples of this is environmental protection. Who doesn’t want to protect nature? Most people agree this is important. So what did the Deep State do? They pushed the agenda of man-made climate change, which is itself promoted as “scientific consensus”—an unsubstantiated belief for the public. (Translation: most people who believe in man-made climate change don’t have a substantive stance—they have a faith in the “experts” stance.)
Since this campaign of radicalization started, more and more classical liberals have moved toward the center. Some have even switched sides and began supporting the right. In order to correct the situation, the radical left position has to be sacrificed in a public enough way so as to draw the center back to the left. This new centralized left will be used by the Deep State in the 2020 election. This has to be done in time for the election, through a left candidate that can be accepted by a large center population, one strong enough to counter the momentum of the right.
The thought process of the new centrist group is as follows” Well, I don’t like AOC, and I think the Green New Deal is crazy, but I do think man-made climate change is real and I don’t like Trump. If I just had a more reasonable person to believe in, I’d come back to the left.”
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Who is the scapegoat and what is the idea being sacrificed?
It appears that AOC and the Green New Deal is the sacrifice. But the goal isn’t to kill the man-made climate change position. It’s to kill the radical left and the insane proponents of the Green New Deal, who will then draw centrists back to the left.
Remember, the goal is not to hurt the person, per se, it’s to use the person like a sinking ship—as they go down they take the ideas associated with them down too. In this case, the more radical solution of the Green New Deal is sacrificed, leaving a group that believes in a rational solution to climate change left over. And what do we have as a more rational solution? Geoengineering. Recently, a study published in Nature recently came out saying geoengineering can be used to stop climate change without destroying the environment.
Are you beginning to see how the mass manipulation of public opinion works?
Think about it.
The Green New Deal is so outlandish, so ridiculous, so insane, that most Democrats won’t go near it, as was clearly demonstrated by the lack of votes this past week. This “solution” draws the radicals to it because they want change and don’t care about the logistics.
There’s another aspect to consider: socialism.
AOC is a “democratic socialist.” In a recent poll, 66% of Americans thought the Green New Deal was “socialist.” In another poll, 76% of Americans said they wouldn’t vote for a socialist candidate. This means that the Deep State’s effort to sell socialism to the American people doesn’t appear to be working. They have to change strategies. Hence, the Green New Deal is the “crazy radical left idea” that is being sacrificed, along with the socialism idea, as appended to AOC. She is the perfect scapegoat because most of the faces we see supporting the radical left are young people—college-aged activists and the like.
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Here’s how the social engineering political sacrifice model works:
- Get people to invest in a political stance that is also attached to some spokesman, either a politician or celebrity.
- Allow this investment to play out over some period of time, which inevitably creates social groups that are either for or against the political stance.
- Inject irrational and wild views into both sides to ensure any discussion between groups becomes increasingly irrational. This creates radical identitarian groups who care less about the issue and more about being right doing anything necessary to make the other side look wrong.
- Once both sides have been radicalized (or at least one side has been), and the arguments used to support each side have become more and more irrational, associate the most radical position to a person (scapegoat) that will be politically sacrificed later. This causes a second bifurcation or separation of either side, along lines of rationality, within an established group. That is, the more rational people begin moving toward the center, away from the radicals. This creates a new centrist group that will be “harvested” by the Deep State later once the political sacrifice occurs.
- Introduce a centrist figure who can act as a rallying point for the growing center positions.
- Manufacture a political sacrifice using the centrist figure or media, thereby causing the newly formed center group to align themselves with the new centrist position.
- Ensure that the new centrist figure is associated with the political party that is chosen by the Deep State as the “winning party” in upcoming elections.
Given everything presented herein, the above outline should hopefully give you the formula to decode other political sacrifice events in the past, and predict ones in the future.
Now let’s apply that model to the AOC-Green New Deal sacrifice to see how things might play out.
- Create radical left groups focused around social justice, environmentalism, and anti-patriarchy (capitalism) positions, through the media and educational institutions, like colleges.
- Identify an opposing political figure who can act as the antagonist (Trump).
- Convince people that Trump is against social justice (he’s a racist), environmentalism (he’s allowed oil drilling and he’s a capitalist), and he’s a rich white cisgendered male (he is the patriarchy personified).
- Allow a fresh-faced ethnic minority candidate to rise to power, using social justice, environmentalism, and pro-socialism positions (AOC).
- Let AOC promote the Green New Deal as a wildly irrational solution to climate change.
- Let AOC and those against her and her political positions battle in the public arena. Ensure the media control the narrative thereby dividing the radical left from the centrist left.
- Nominate a centrist rational candidate to speak out against AOC and the Green New Deal.
- Let AOC and the Green New Deal fail in a spectacular fashion (like what happened in the Senate last week).
- Let the new savior centrist rescue the centrist left from the radicals, by highlighting a rational position that attacks the irrationality of the Green New Deal, and AOC’s socialist agenda.
At this point, a centrist candidate to save the left hasn’t emerged, as far as I can tell.
It could be any number of the 2020 candidates in this list:
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, former Rep. Beto O’Rourke, former Gov. John Hickenlooper, Gov. Jay Inslee, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Sen. Cory Booker, Sen. Kamala Harris, ex-San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, former Rep. John Delaney, Miramar, Fla., Mayor Wayne Messam, author Marianne Williamson and former tech executive Andrew Yang. (source)
I theorize that the first step in the AOC political sacrifice has already occurred.
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Last week, AOC was “destroyed” during the Senate hearings, even being mocked by Senator Mike Lee, who used a poster of former President Ronald Reagan riding a raptor with a machine gun in one hand and a rocket launcher strapped to his back, during his counter-arguments.
Not a single Senator voted for her bill. She had a bit of a meltdownn during the hearing, playing perfectly into the “AOC is just a young kid who doesn’t know how the world works” narrative needed for the sacrifice.
Final Thoughts
The Deep State and the dark groups that support them are masters of manipulating consciousness.
Their methods seem to be centered around a lack of critical thinking. The more swayed you are by social influences—needing to fit it—and lack proper thinking skills, the more likely you are to be influenced by the Deep State’s social engineering operations.
By taking the time to understand how they manipulate your thinking, you can guard against it.
The animal part of us seeks social acceptance and avoids information that would force us to change our position. Social fear, if left unchecked, distorts the mind and causes you to invest yourself in positions that are ultimately in alignment with the Deep State.
As I revealed in the below-related article, only by learning how to think for yourself can you protect your mind from these nefarious agendas.
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Whether or not AOC is used in the way outlined above isn’t clear. I make no absolute claims. I merely offer my thoughts for your consideration.
Regardless, one thing is quite certain. The battle for freedom in this world is waged on the field of ideas. If you can learn how to master your own consciousness, then no other person can take advantage of you, whether they are the Deep State or another person.
In this sense, we’re all being offered an opportunity to gain wisdom. And with enough people trained in the skills of discernment, the Deep State’s grip on power will slowly crumble.
– Justin
The preceding is a Stillness in the Storm original creation. Please share freely.
About The Author
Justin Deschamps has been a truth seeker all his life. He studies physics, psychology, law, philosophy, and spirituality, working to weave these seemingly separate bodies of information into a holistic tapestry of ever-expanding knowledge. Justin is a student of all and a teacher to some. He humbly seeks those who are willing to take responsibility for making themselves and the world a better place. The goal of his work is to help himself and others become better truth-seekers, and in doing so, form a community of holistically minded individuals capable of creating world healing projects for the benefit of all life—what has been called The Great Work. Check out his project Stillness in the Storm to find some of his work. Follow on Twitter @sitsshow, Facebook Stillness in the Storm, and
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This article appeared first on Stillness in the Storm.
This article (Is the Deep State About to Sacrifice AOC and the Green New Deal to Win Back the Left for the 2020 Election?) originally appeared on and is free and open source. You have permission to share or republish this article in full so long as attribution to the author and
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The preceding information discusses how politics is used as a tool of manipulation. Politics, as a principle, is supposed to be the forum within which a sovereign people discuss issues that matter to them, where new discoveries can be revealed and policies related to how to manage mutually agreed upon values can be made. But today, politics has devolved into a distraction, mass manipulation tool, and the venue through which the unthinking masses append ideological opinions to themselves through identity politics. Properly comprehending this manipulation is important so as to avoid making choices that seem like your own but are in fact a manipulated opinion due to Deep State agendas.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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April 2nd, 2019: Minor grammar corrections were made to this article.
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The Deep State is simply “throwing AOC under the bus”
because they can see that the radical left liberals are
embarrassing the Democratic Party. They are giving
Pres. Trump an easy path to re-election in 2020.
There was a term that I would hear often on TV back
in the 70’s that you NEVER hear anymore.
“Bleeding Heart Liberal”.
This is what people like AOC are. These are the young
people who have been Mind Controlled and Brainwashed
by the Liberal Mainstream Media into thinking that they
can solve ALL of the World’s Problems thru a Socialist Agenda.
They are too much in denial to even see that Pres. Trump has
done MANY positive things to improve the USA.
In The Netherlands an upcoming and rising politician (Pim Fortuyn) got murdered some years a go. A lot of “conspiracy” rumours about that story to find. (elite,royals)
Most of our country would have voted for him………history changed then.
More likely she is being thrown under the bus because she is an idiot , and under the bus is the best place for her to be.