(Svali) Some systems will have internal CIA programming. Some of the methods mentioned in earlier chapters, such as brain wave programming and color coding were developed in part through funding by the CIA in the 1950’s and 1960’s. Military intelligence officers working in Langley, Virginia, used these government funds to conduct research on human subjects. They reported what they were learning to trainers throughout the U.S. and Europe.
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by Svali, September 29th, 2018
CIA programming can include having alters in a system trained in different techniques of both finding a target, and studying the target without being detected. The end result of tagging the victim can include having a sexual assignation with the target, or may involve having people inside trained to assassinate a target.
These are complex programming sequences, and are put in over years of training, with periodic reinforcement. Alters may be trained to become hyper aware of their environment, and able to overhear conversations that are whispered. Internal recorders are taught to download these conversations, as well as other info. Photographic recall is emphasized, as the person will be hypnotized or put into a delta state for “downloading” information to the trainer or CIA operative.
The survivor with CIA programming will have been taught extensively how to “drop a tag” (detect anyone following them, and ditch them). This training will be begun in early childhood and built upon as the child grows older. They will often be taken into a neutral colored training room. They may be drugged, or hypnotized, usually a combination of both.
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They will be shown training films of how a CIA operative works. They will be told that they are “special”, “chosen”, “one in a thousand” who is the only one who can do this special work. They are told that they get to be a secret agent for the CIA. The young child, having no idea who the CIA is, focuses on the fact that they have been chosen because they are special, needed, and will be eager to please. The child will be taken to a dinner party, or a drama set up by the trainer. There will be a group, anywhere from ten to sixteen people at the “party”. Afterwards, the child will be questioned by the trainer extensively. Who was sitting where? What were they wearing? What color were their eyes? Their hair? Who gave the speech? What did they say? The child will be praised for correct answers, but punished, shocked if unable to recall details. This is to reinforce natural photographic memory, and assist the child with recording details. The next few times, the child’s abilities will improve, as it wants to avoid punishment.
In the next level of training the child will be asked to observe, and figure out: who is the most important person in the room? Why? They will be taught body movements, and mannerisms, that give nonverbal clues away. The child may be taught to approach important adults, or an assigned target, first in role play, later in real life, and engage them in innocuous conversation while looking for information they have been clued to get. They may be taught to be innocently seductive, and will be dressed for the part. They will frequently be taught to lure the target into having intercourse with them.
An older youth, or adult, will also be taught not only how to lure a target into bed, but later how to kill them, if they are an assassination target, while they are asleep or relaxing after sexual relations. They will be taught to go through the target’s belongings for any information needed by the trainer or cult leader. Often, before an assignment for an assassination, the cult member will be indoctrinated with reasons why killing the victim is a service to humanity. They will be lied to and told that they are the head of a porno ring, a pedophile, or a brutal villain. This will engage the assassin’s natural anger towards the person, and will motivate them, while helping to overcome their natural moral reluctance and guilt at killing a human being.
They will be taught how to disguise themselves, with change of clothing, sex (masquerading as the opposite sex), makeup, contact lenses, and get out of the situation safely. They will be taught how to overcome interrogation techniques with extensive training and hypnosis, in case they are ever caught. They will be taught to self suicide with a pill or dagger, if they are ever apprehended, in most cases.
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CIA programming will involve the use of sophisticated technology to reinforce its effectiveness, and can be difficult to break. It may involve the person being traumatized in isolation tanks (this will also be done with brain wave programming). It may involve sensory deprivation, sensory overload, isolation, sleep deprivation. It may involve hours of listening to repetitive tapes on headphones. The subject is shocked, or severely punished, if they try to remove the headphones. They will be hypnotized, tortured; subjected to different drug combinations; they will be exposed to harmonic tones, often in one ear or the other. They will be exposed to flashing strobe lights, which may induce a seizure, and alters will be programmed to cause seizures if the subject tries to break programming. They will be shown high speed films with different tracks, one for the left eye and one for the right eye, to increase brain splitting or dichotomous thinking.
The survivor and therapist need to work slowly to undo the effects of this trauma. The person will need to come to terms, slowly, and carefully, with how the programming was done. They may need to learn their own access codes (this will also be true of brain wave, and other sophisticated programming techniques). They will need to communicate with the traumatized alters and fragments inside, let them know they were used. They will need to help the young alters, who were split to create the system, and often underwent the worst traumas. Grieving for the abuse, the trauma, the methodical calculation used and scientific methods used to put in this programming, will take time. Venting feelings, including rage, safely will be important. The survivor may be afraid of strong feelings and will fear especially anger and rage, since they will associate those feelings with having to kill, hurt, or assassinate others. Allowing the feelings to be expressed slowly and carefully, being aware that homicidal and suicidal feelings will probably come up, is important.
If there is a concern about the ability to control acting out, the client may need to go inpatient in a safe facility that understands mind control and cult programming. They will fear being labeled “psychotic” since the programmers told them that they would be called this, and locked up forever. The WORST thing a therapist or hospital can do in a situation like this, is play into those fears, or label the person psychotic. Constant grounding in reality, using grounding exercises; slow, careful venting of rage and betrayal feelings; reinforcing over and over that the survivor can remember, and NOT go psychotic, or die, BELIEVING and VALIDATING the survivor, are all important. The survivor may have unstable behavior at points, but this is not psychosis, but rather, the natural reaction to extreme trauma. The survivor needs to realize this, and that they can overcome its effects, with time and good therapy. They will need hope, and a good support system.
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Governmental Programming:
Governmental programming will involve the person being trained to take leadership positions or administrative positions in the government. They may be trained to network with others in governments, both local , national, and international. The Illuminati’s stated goal is to infiltrate, and eventually cause the downfall of, all major governments in the world. Government operatives are taught to do this by: infiltrating local political parties running for leadership both locally and nationally working for top leaders, as administrators, financial advisors funding governmental races and backing the person sympathetic to the Illuminati, or putting their person in to win, creating political chaos and unrest with operatives trained in dissension. The people selected for governmental programming are usually highly intelligent with native charm, or charisma. They are also skilled people manipulators. These abilities may be enhanced through programming, encouraging the person to project a “persona” that will draw people to them.
They are also taught finances extensively. This programming is done by: hypnotizing the person, whether child, youth, or adult (it is usually initiated in late childhood in suitable candidates), and inducing deep trance with drugs. The person is shocked, then told the trainer’s and cult agenda for the person. They are told that they are very special to the Illuminati, and will be one of the people who helps change world history. They are told they will be rewarded with wealth, popularity and power for achieving the cult’s agenda. They are told, and shown, what the punishment for disobedience is. They are shown training films about government, how it works, national and international affairs. They will meet with special teachers, who coach them on the inner political workings of the group they want to infiltrate, including the power structure and strengths and weaknesses of key players.
They will learn any languages necessary for the position. They will go to University, or get any training and education needed for credibility. They will receive special scholarships to finance this, if needed. They are given opportunities to practice their skills at infiltration, information gathering, people manipulation, and politics in set ups, and later in real situations. If they need to learn to control the media, they will learn methods to do this. They will have extensive back up and coaching during their entire career.
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Governmental programming is quite complex, since it ties in with the person’s natural abilities. They may not be able to separate themselves easily from the role that they perform and often will only feel that they are acceptable when they do their job. They may find it difficult to believe that their career, friendships, marriage and contacts have been secretly guided by the cult for most of their life. These parts may feel offended, betrayed, or furious when this realization hits. They will also find it difficult not to use the manipulation skills that come so naturally, both on their therapist, and themselves, to dull the pain that the truth may bring. The person and the alters that have undergone this type of programming have a lot to lose if they give up their roles and persona, and need to count the cost of getting out and acknowledge the difficulty of doing so. They will need to grieve over being used, and for the false interpretation of reality they have believed all their lives. Listening to other parts inside and acknowledging the reality of the cult abuse will be important steps in breaking free. Success in a new career in the person’s daily life will also help restore a broken self image.
Scholarship training:
The Illuminati revere scholarship, especially oral tradition. Children with good memories and native intelligence may undergo specific training in the area of scholarship. This will include learning under trauma, with praise for accomplishment. It will also mean punishment or being shocked for poor performance. Some of the major areas of scholarship include, but are not limited to:
Oral tradition: history of the Illuminati, especially the child’s particular branch, memorizing genealogies. Learning and becoming fluent in multiple languages, both modern and ancient, including but not limited to: English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Arabic, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Egyptian hieroglyphics; ancient Babylonian, ancient Chaldean and cuneiform writings. Some revered ancient texts are written in very ancient languages, and certain ceremonies may include rituals which utilize them. Learning ancient and modern history and becoming adept at planning role plays and dramatizations. Learning to teach others the above skills. The child who becomes adept at scholarship will also be expected to become a skilled teacher, and in turn, pass their knowledge down to others. They will practice teaching in both classroom and individual sessions.
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Scholarship programming will involve alters who are intensely loyal to the cult, since they believe they are related to a long, unbroken line of people since earliest history. They will often be immersed in cult philosophy, having read and memorized numerous esoteric volumes related to it. Appealing to logic, intellect, having an open mind and discussing the pros and cons of leaving the cult with them will often be received the best. They despise open conflict, and prefer addressing issues intellectually. They will be skilled debaters, and quite verbal. Asking them to read books that address becoming free from the cult, and asking them to sit in and listen to accounts from traumatized alters both in their system and others inside, will often help them make the decision to switch loyalties. Although they will have been immersed in false ideologies and doctrines, they are frequently willing to attempt to be intellectually honest. They will read and debate both sides of an issue, and may become some of the first to make the decision to leave the cult once convinced that it is abusive.
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