Thanks to Scott over at the site for putting together an inspiring piece.
Definitely worth the read!
The Rebirth of the Republic & the Rise of the Meek
What should we expect to see next? One of the most important final steps most anticipated is some kind of acknowledgment that the United States has returned to the gold standard. Whether it comes in the form of a formal announcement remains to be see. It has been nearly 41 years since President Richard M. Nixon removed the US from the gold standard, setting the stage for hyper-inflation of the dollar and the manufactured global financial crisis of 2007.
Nonetheless, the lingering question remains, why has the Global Currency Reset not happened as of yet, despite many sensing it is so very, very close? And the simple answer to that question is one word, and one word only –– security.
Many may also be wondering why would all of these global institutions be co-operating now to allow a new asset-backed economic system to be installed after benefiting so richly from the old corrupt debt-based system?
It only takes a very small percentage of dedicated, passionate people to a have a great effect upon the world. Remember, during the Revolutionary War in the American colonies in the late 1700′s only 3% of the population actually entered into the conflict and only 10% actively support the 3%. Yet the outcome effected every single person in America and untold future generations of people still to be born. And it became a global phenomenon blazing in the hearts of those who longed for the ideals of freedom.
Make no mistake about it, the proverbial genie is out of the bottle. And all the kings horses and all the kings men will never be able to put him back in again.
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