Permaculture – The Way Forward
Permaculture – The Way Forward
The development of natural Perennial Food Forests are key to the overall success of permaculture. Once established they provide abundance in food, shelter, soil protection, water retention, micro-climates, and diverse habitats for life beyond man’s common needs. Along with food production, food forests create forage for beneficial insects, pollinators, chickens and song birds. They require minimal inputs and energy resources, are more resilient to adverse climatic conditions, they repair damaged ecologies, and positively impact economic prosperity and community health and well-being. One of the best examples of how permaculture principles can help rehabilitate devastated landscapes such as Africa and other parts of the Middle East, is in the film ‘Green Gold,’ an inspiring documentary by John D. Liu.
The concept of permaculture is multidimensional: there are unique perspectives and options to suit all situations and people involved. The process is creative and integrative, incorporating holistic design thinking, implementation and management. It’s all about empowerment, understanding and following nature’s laws and rhythms, the cycles and seasons, the ebbs and flows of life and renewal. As any permaculture practitioner will tell you, there are no problems, only solutions to problems. Said Ben Grose, “Here at Levity Foundation we see our existence and integration of that existence to be the key roll in helping re-instate the planet’s health and abundance.”
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