(Joe Hoft) A new report by investigative journalist Deroy Murdock shows that per an inventory of known vote and election fraud issues in the 2020 election, President Trump won the election.
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by Joe Hoft, January 9th, 2021
Deroy Murdock is a political commentator and a contributing editor at National Review Online. He’s provided a comprehensive inventory of election and voter fraud issues in the six swing states in the 2020 election at TrumpTrainNews.com. We are told Deroy worked on this report for weeks.
Here are his numbers:
In every state (Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin) there are more fraudulent ballots identified than there are votes Biden reportedly led Trump by.
As the nearby chart details, once a variety of categories of allegedly improper or illegal votes have been subtracted from Biden’s margins of victories, his wins become losses in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. If those states shift into President Donald J. Trump’s column, he comfortably would win four more years in the White House.
Some of the more worrisome data include these allegations: 19,997 ballots in Arizona cast by those under age 18. In Georgia, 20,312 out-of-state voters seemingly voted in-state. In Michigan, 27,825 ballots apparently were “requested” by voters who made no such request. Nevada saw 42,284 suspected in-state double voters. Absentee ballots officially recorded as returned on or before the day they were mailed out total 58,221 in Pennsylvania. In Wisconsin, 96,437 able-bodied voters evidently skirted the Badger State’s voter ID law by claiming to be “indefinitely confined.”
Beyond this chart, senators and House members of both parties should be chilled to their marrow by a December 22 letter signed by 19 members of Pennsylvania’s State Senate. In that document, and a December 28 news release by 17 of these legislators, they calculate that 202,377 more ballots were cast for president than there were voters who voted. This is called “stuffing the ballot box” and is the most basic and profound species of vote fraud.
We shared with Deroy that an additional 460,000 ballots in Georgia (and no doubt many more in many states), some which might overlap with some of his numbers above, have also been identified as illegitimate.
Everyone knows the results of the 2020 election are invalid. Even the corrupt politicians who ignored the fraud.
We need all the ballots in every state ran through a forensic audit to identify any and all fraudulent ballots and determine the winner of the 2020 Presidential election based on legitimate votes.
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[…] Deroy Murdock, ein bekannter politischer Kommentator, hat eine Zusammenstellung von rund 20 verschiedenen Arten von Unregelmässigkeiten veröffentlicht, die in den Wahlen vorkamen und mittels offizieller Daten nachgeprüft werden können (mit ‘Swingstates’ oder Wechselstaaten werden jene US-Staaten bezeichnet, die manchmal demokratisch und manchmal republikanisch wählen). Deroy Murdock hat sie einzeln aufgeführt nach Art (zum Beispiel: “ausserhalb des Staates wohnhaft“ oder “brieflich abgegebener Stimmzettel ohne Absendedatum“) und aufgegliedert nach den verschiedenen Staaten. Die Anzahl der entsprechenden ungültigen Stimmen übersteigt in allen diesen Staaten den offiziell bekanntgegebenen Vorsprung von Biden gegenüber Trump um ein Vielfaches. Details hier. […]