(News Editors) BEWARE: There are many so-called ‘conservative’ sites, like the one shown below, that are popping up all over the place, as they have since Donald Trump’s 2016 election. All of these ridiculously fake news websites, in the aggregate, have served to profoundly undermine the credibility and integrity of the Patriot Movement and much larger Truth Movement.
by News Editors, May 13th, 2021
Even a cursory perusal of the numerous articles posted at Real Raw News indicates that this fake news site is funded and staffed by agents of the CIA’s Mockingbird Media. And, all anyone has to do is read one article such as this post to understand how utterly ludicrous the content really is: Military Revokes Podesta Plea Deal: “Let Him Hang!”. However, in spite of so much obvious falsehood, it is still believed by millions of truth-seeking Patriots.
The real problem with this widespread and patently false content is that it’s regularly read by the much of the Q Anon movement. While that movement has done an awesome job of disseminating radioactive truth ABOUT EVERYTHING, it’s also very susceptible to infiltration whereby Hope Porn Artists who look to hook any potential Hopium Addict in sight.
Flat Earth = Hope Porn
Bear in mind that millions of Patriots and Conservatives hang on every word of these nonsensical pieces of Hope Porn propaganda and prevarication. The vast majority of articles do concern “draining the swamp”, the “capture and prosecution of the child traffickers” and “restoration of Donald Trump to the U.S presidency”, all of which are necessary and noble endeavors. But, all of these CIA-directed websites are literally making up stories out of thin air so folks on the Right will incorrectly believe the American Republic is being saved under the radar when, in fact, it’s undergoing a free-fall collapse under the highly destructive and ever-treasonous Biden-Harris administration.
The CIA’s Mockingbird Media has been around much longer than most people are aware of . In point of fact, the entire Mainstream Media was completely taken over post World War II when the Central Intelligence Agency, also known as The Company in global intelligence circles, was created on July 26, 1947. It’s precursor was the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), a wartime intelligence agency of the United States during World War II whose primary missions were to gather intel by any means possible and deceive the enemy by all means necessary.
In the conduct of those dubiously carried out missions, which were always treacherously justified in the interest of protecting “national security”, the C.I.A. became known for an agency-wide MO that was executed with absolute impunity. In other words, CIA agents did whatever they wanted anywhere, anytime, anyhow to conduct their often devastating missions, regardless of the collateral damage and death inflicted on innocent parties. And, irrespective of the truth of the matter or injustices involved. As a matter of historical fact, outright deception and deceitfulness became the two central pillars of the CIA’s institutional behavior, particularly where it concerned their many black ops and psyops run against the American people.
Now fast forward to the Internet Age of the 21st century: For those who are not familiar with the CIA’s “Flat Earth” psyop specifically designed to destroy the Truth Movement worldwide, please consider the following scathing exposés on virtually every major aspect of this ongoing psychological operation.
With the essential knowledge provided by these incriminating exposés, it ought to be much easier to understand just how well funded and staffed, highly organized and pervasive, and insidious these CIA black ops truly are.
Now consider the much bigger psyop in progress often know as the HOPE PORN PYSOP. The sheer amount of hope porn being fabricated across the Internet today is staggering. And why wouldn’t it be, it’s designed to take down every single patriot and nationalist movement in the world, not just here in the USA.
In short, Hope Porn is quite deliberately concocted by paid hope porn artists whose primary job is to deceive Patriots everywhere, so it’s created specifically for the cultural milieu of each respective national audience. In this way, Patriots around the globe can be mercilessly ridiculed for buying into such transparent and preposterous hopium.
Wherever there’s a successful hope porn artist on the Internet, there’s always a massive den of hopium addicts who cannot live even a single day without their fix, if not many fixes. Then these addicts are stealthily used to hook many other hopeless creatures who will believe anything, especially if it relieves them of taking responsibility for the current state of the nation.
The following discussion well explains this raging “Hope Porn Psyop” in glaring detail.
The tremendous success of the CIA’s “Hope Porn Psyop” stands as a humiliating testament to just how far the U.S. citizenry has fallen into despair and hopelessness, ignorance and gullibility. It also speaks to the degree to which the American people have totally lost their common sense, ability to apply human reason, and critical thinking skills.
The New World Order globalist cabal that seeks the complete and final destruction of the American Republic knows that every large empire falls from within. The American Empire is no different, which is why these NWO enemies are working overtime to paralyze and incapacitate every individual they can with such foolish hopium. They know that an addict, even a fully armed and ammoed up addict, will be of little or no use in this last battle of the final war between the forces of light and the forces of darkness. How could they possibly assist during this unprecedented national crisis when they’re all looking for someone else to come and save the day?!
Bottom Line: There is no greater illustration of a fallen nation than one from which the capacity to exercise the God-given gift of human reason has fled; and one in which common sense is quite rare. Hence, it’s never been so imperative to enlighten our brethren about these matters of such great import. Should we fail in this regard, this once great Republic will soon be no more. Therefore, please send out and post this WARNING anywhere and everywhere it can edify We the People at this defining moment of American history.
Final Point: This global Hope Porn Psyop was purposefully launched just prior to the commencement of THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC. In this manner, once the many influential hope porn artists are irredeemably discredited, all of their justifiable rants against the Plandemic, and especially the Covid vaccine genocide, can be more easily dismissed as the rantings of serial liars and shameless con men. Once each of them has been shown to be a menace to society, the entire Right will be vilified for their collective madness.
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Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The news is important to all people because it is where we come to know new things about the world, which leads to the development of more life goals that lead to life wisdom. The news also serves as a social connection tool, as we tend to relate to those who know about and believe the things we do. With the power of an open truth-seeking mind in hand, the individual can grow wise and the collective can prosper.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammatical mistake? Send an email to corrections@stillnessinthestorm.com, with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. Do you think this article needs an update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at sitsshow@gmail.com. Thank you for reading.
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We are being led to slaughter, not water. The day Trump said the pause placed on the Johnson and Johnson vaccines was “insanity” because the adverse reactions were insignificant in numbers, I realized my folly. We are being murdered, folks. Stop listening to mainstream media. It only reports lies. Thousands of scientists and MDs are telling the truth in the alternative sources (Bitchute, Rumble, Rumormills.com, etc.). Learn from the mistakes of others who are now maimed or dead. If you do not know the NWO, here is a crash course: New World Order from educateyourself.org. When you google the website a warning shows up telling you the website is NOT SAFE. They do not want you to know the truth.