(Jordan Conradson) On Tuesday, TGP’s Jordan Conradson caught up with Arizona Audit Director Ken Bennett and former Arizona GOP Chair Randy Pullen.
Related Pennsylvania Republican Legislators Travel to Arizona to Observe Election Audit
by Jordan Conradson, June 1st, 2021
This comes just days after the audit team reached the halfway mark in counting and analyzing the 2.1 MILLION ballots counted as we reported on Monday.
Ken Bennett also noted that the 3rd shift would start tonight at 8 PM and end at 1 AM.
Now that they have a night shift, the pace should continue to soar.
Conradson: We reached the halfway mark just recently. Has there been any more big updates or do you have any updates on the total?
Bennett: We reached the halfway point last Saturday. We actually had a surprisingly large number of counters here on Memorial Day and I was told by the auditors that they did the largest single day of counting so far in the audit on Memorial Day.
Conradson: How many ballots was that?
Bennett: We aren’t releasing the specific amounts but we’re told that it’s the largest single-day amount so far so things are progressing well. I would say we’re now well beyond the halfway point.
Conradson: Do you have an idea of how many ballots are being completed per day?
Bennett: I can’t tell you that either, but one thing, in the untouched corrals over in the back. When we came back from the graduations a little over a week ago there were 28 pallets of untouched ballots we’re now down to 15.
Pullen: We almost cut it in half in 10 days!
Conradson: How many tables are up and running right now?
Pullen: 25 today, 33 in the morning, and 28 in the afternoon yesterday.
Conradson: How many did we start with?
Bennett: On day one, we had 20 counting tables and eight paper valuation tables. Now we’re up to 44 possible counting tables and 32 paper evaluation tables. Not all are full but we are getting closer.
Conradson: Are you guys finding anything that indicates fraud?
Bennett: There are no findings that will be released while we’re doing it. Everything will be part of the final report.
Conradson: How will you check to see that voters were alive and citizens of The United States?
Bennett: There are folks that have been and will be looking at those kinds of voter registration anomalies as part of the audit
Conradson: You guys aren’t going to do a canvass?
Bennett: The Senate President announced that the canvassing idea going forward was on indefinite hold, so there may have been enough work done beforehand.
Conradson: Do you have a safeguard in place in case someone like the DOJ comes in and just shuts this down?
Pullen: Were not anticipating the DOJ is coming in to do anything
Conradson: Are you expecting other states and other counties to start following Arizona’s lead?
As we reported Earlier today, Christina Bobb broke this news on One America News that Pennsylvania sent a delegation out to Arizona on Tuesday. They expressed interest in the Arizona audit and will get an on-the-scene tour of the audit facility on Wednesday. If they like what they see, they may choose to replicate it in Pennsylvania!
Conradson: Are you guys still looking for volunteers? Where can they sign up?
Bennett: Yes. They can go to fundtheaudit.com/volunteer/
“Everything will be part of the final report”.
It sounds like they are going to drop a bomb on us later this month or next month when all the data is collected and they have a final result. The truth is steadily making its way to light and nothing can stop it at this point.
Thank you to the patriots who are standing for our elections and volunteering their time and efforts to correct THE BIG LIE!
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– Justin
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