(Lance Schuttler) Indigenous humans have traditionally used pine needles to support their immune health, respiratory health and cardiovascular health for hundreds of years and likely even longer. (1)
Compelling Evidence Suggests Plants Feel, Think & Could Even Be Telepathic
(Arjun Walia) Grover Cleveland Backster Jr., was an interrogation specialist for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). He became well known for his experiments with plants using a lie-detector machine. Through his research, he believed that plants feel pain and have extrasensory perception (ESP).
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‘Smart Device’ Covid Test Sends Data Directly To CDC & Other Federal or State Agencies
(Kelen McBreen) Tech being rolled out to get people used to medical surveillance and government-corporation collusion
Study Reveals 126 Species of Fish Contaminated With “Cocktail of Pharmaceuticals”
(B.N. Frank) While Americans have much to be concerned about in regard to Genetically Engineered (GE) Salmon (aka “Frankenfish”) (see 1, 2), it was also reported in 2020 that America’s water supply included unhealthy levels of chemicals, pesticides, and pharmaceuticals that were significantly affecting fish. A more recent study confirms the same.
Astragalus: The Super Herb that Prevents Cancer
(Ty Bollinger) You’ve probably heard of natural cold remedies like echinacea, garlic, and goldenseal. But here is a remedy that may be even better! It’s an ancient Chinese herb called huang qi, which means “yellow leader,” but you probably know it by its more common name… astragalus.
Beetroot Is Packed With Disease-Fighting Antioxidants, Phytonutrients and Essential Nutrients
(Dr Leonard Coldwell) Beet and beetroot refer to the same species of vegetable, Beta vulgaris. Most varieties are purple or bright red in color, some are yellow, white or pink.
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U.S. Will Require Manufacturers to Sell Energy-Efficient Light Bulbs Despite Their Biological and Environmental Risks
(B.N. Frank) Research has already determined that “energy-efficient” LED light bulbs are biologically and environmentally harmful (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). Nevertheless, proponents – including the Biden Administration – continue to promote them as “green” and want them installed EVERYWHERE. In fact, earlier this month, the Department of Energy (DOE) announced it would provide funding for their installation in low-income homes. More recently, the Biden Administration took steps to end the production of safer bulbs.
31,000 Scientists Say “No Convincing Evidence” On Climate Change
(Dr Leonard Coldwell) 31,000 scientists reject global warming and say “no convincing evidence” that humans can or will cause global warming? But polls show that of scientists working in the field of climate science, and publishing papers on the topic: 97% of the climate scientists surveyed believe “global average temperatures have increased” during the past century; and 97% think human activity is a significant contributing factor in changing mean global temperatures. What is the significance of these statistics?
Science Claims That Physical Exercise Helps Generate New Neurons
(Exploring Your Mind) There’s increasing evidence that physical exercise is one of the axes of good physical, mental, and cognitive health. Furthermore, a recent study provides interesting data on the effect it has on the generation of new neurons.
Recalled Experiences Surrounding Death: More Than Hallucinations?
(Neuroscience News) Scientific advances in the 20th and 21st centuries have led to a major evolution in the understanding of death. At the same time, for decades, people who have survived an encounter with death have recalled unexplained lucid episodes involving heightened consciousness and awareness. These have been reported using the popular—yet scientifically ill-defined—term “near-death experiences”.
The “No Virus” Theory Is Based on HIV
(Julie Beal) When Stefan Lanka came up with the no-virus theory, it seems he based it all on HIV and AIDS. It’s like he tried to generalize from one virus to all viruses, using other people’s theories. Tom Cowan and Andrew Kaufman have popularized Lanka’s ideas and have recently suggested that criticisms about the isolation of HIV can be applied to all viruses, including SARS-CoV-2. This is highly misleading, because if anyone decides to look up some of these criticisms, they’ll sound like the stuff the no-virus theorists say, as if it’s some kind of validation, or proof that viruses don’t exist at all. But the scientists who criticised the discovery of HIV were making very specific points about one virus only – they didn’t suggest it applied to other viruses, and none of them said viruses aren’t real. Only Stefan Lanka said that. The whole thing started in 1998 when he revealed his idea:
Those Who Chose Shaming Over Science
(Gabrielle Bauer) For the first 62 years of my life, I don’t recall anyone calling me a selfish idiot, much less a sociopath or a mouth-breathing Trumptard. All that changed when Covid rolled in and I expressed, ever so gingerly, a few concerns about the lockdown policies. Here’s a sampling of what the keyboard warriors threw back at me:
Largest Ever Psychedelics Study Maps Changes of Conscious Awareness to Neurotransmitter Systems
(Neuroscience News) Psychedelics are now a rapidly growing area of neuroscience and clinical research, one that may produce much-needed new therapies for disorders such as depression and schizophrenia. Yet there is still a lot to know about how these drug agents alter states of consciousness.
DHA, Light, Algae Oil & The Quantum Brain
(Lance Schuttler) What would be your reaction if you heard someone state that DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is more important than DNA itself?
Activist Max Igan: COVID Jab Is About Genetically Modifying Humans and Getting Nanotech Inside the Human Body
(Kevin Hughes) The Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) jab is not just about genetically modifying human beings, it is also about getting nanotechnology inside your body. Australian activist Max Igan made this claim during a recent interview with World Alternative Media CEO and reporter Josh Sigurdson.